Monster Paradise

Chapter 1040

Wei Family As the 2nd District’s largest aristocratic family, once the attack is attacked, the Alliance Government cannot sit idly by.

Not to mention that the Alliance Government knows that there is a problem with the Wei Family, even if it is known that the Wei Family and the Gods have collusion, as long as there is no definite evidence, the Alliance Government has the obligation to protect the Wei Family.

As long as Lin Huang attacks the Wei Family, the Alliance Government will inevitably intervene.

Moreover, the Alliance Government’s office building is less than thirty kilometers from the Wei Family, and for Half-God, this distance can easily be crossed in a matter of seconds. If it is False God, you can arrive in the blink of an eye.

The ten gods, War Soul, are stronger, and it is impossible to swipe the entire Wei Family in just a few seconds.

After listening to Bloody’s scruples, Lin Huang also fell silent.

Since knowing that there are more than thirty False Gods in the world, he has become more aware of what a great thing the Alliance Government of the world is.

A frontal collision is not a sensible act.

鈥淚f the Alliance Government intervenes, it will be very troublesome.鈥?Lin Huang brows slightly, and then sighs again after a moment of indifference. 鈥淲ei Family can’t just break this clue. Revenge for Little Fatty is just one. Since Wei The mother is a god, she must know where Chan Dou is being held. If Chan Dou is still alive, this is the only clue to find him now.”

鈥淏ut the Alliance Government is too close. Once we are working on the Wei Family, the Alliance Government is inevitable.鈥?Bloody hopes that Lin Huang can choose to be temporarily forbearing. 鈥淎t that time, we will face the coercion of two major forces. Even your god.淇慦ar Soul is comparable in strength to False God, and facing the Wei Family and the Alliance Government, I am afraid this battle will be quite difficult.”

Lin Huang was silent for a moment, and gave a plan, “Declare war directly on Wei Family? It is said that Wei Family sent Wei Shan to stab me. For the imperial dynasty, the act of the Assassin is intolerable and declares Wei Family in the name of Imperial Dynasty. “”

“It’s useless. Wei Shan’s fleshly body is now completely a monster. There is nothing on his body to prove his identity. Wei Family can say that we are framed. And, even if there is a way to prove that he is Wei Shan, Wei Family can also ridicule that this is entirely personal and has nothing to do with Wei Family.”

“If they are smarter, they can also take the opportunity to make a story. It is said that Wei Shan has become a monster because of some kind of accident, which leads to the loss of reason. He has been in a state of detention for many years. His three meals a day are his mother. I personally fed it, and it has not been interrupted for several years. Only Wei Shan suddenly escaped from the Wei Family, and the number of Wei Family was hard to find. No, the Wei son of the dead son came forward with sincerity in the media. Weeping and apologizing to us, saying that we should be optimistic about our son, we should not let my son come out…”

Lin Huang listened directly to speechlessness. “At that time, public opinion will only say that we killed people’s sons, and we still have to find Wei Family.”

“Even if the Wei Family is not so smart, the dead ducks do not admit it, causing the conflicts between the two sides to intensify. The Alliance Government will not sit down and watch the two of us fight, they will definitely come forward to mediate, and at most convince Wei Family to pay us a sum of money to complete “”

“In any case, there is the Alliance Government. This is the result of both. It can’t be played, or we can only do it with the Alliance Government.” Bloody said his final conclusion.

鈥淚s there really no other way?鈥?Lin Huang frowned, and he had already begun to figure out in the dark, and if he counted the strength of the Alliance Government 2nd District headquarters, how much he could win.

“I have no choice.” Bloody shook his head. “The only possibility is that the Alliance Government does not intervene. They don’t know that we attacked the Wei Family from start to finish.”

“It鈥檚 less than thirty kilometers away. I might not know if I started the war…鈥?Lin Huang felt that Bloody鈥檚 sentence was completely nonsense.

“You said this, I have a way to do it.” A voice suddenly came into Lin Huang’s ear.

Lin Huang saw a glimpse of a green mangling from his own eyebrows and turned into a figure.

Seeing the blue-green corpse in front of him, Lin Huang couldn’t help but pick a brow. “Mu Mojie?”

“This new body is not bad, it is better than I expected.” Wu Mo smiled.

鈥淚t鈥檚 easy to use.鈥?Lin Huang smiled and nodded, then asked, 鈥淢u Mojie, you just said that you have a way to do it, what does it mean?鈥?

鈥淵ou don鈥檛 want to play Wei Family, but are you afraid of Alliance Government intervention?鈥?Wu Mo apparently just heard the whole process of Lin Huang鈥檚 dialogue with Bloody.

“Do you have a solution to this problem?”

鈥淚t鈥檚 very simple. I can help you shift the whole family of Wei Family to thousands of kilometers. So, can the Alliance Government not feel the fighting fluctuations?鈥?Wu Mo said it was very easy.

鈥淢oving the entire Wei Family to thousands of kilometers? Can you really do it?鈥?Lin Huang was the first time to hear about this operation.

“Let you learn the witchcraft runes well, you are not good at learning.” Wu Mo akimbo, “I created a set of runes, called stealing the day. The effect of the rune is that a real thing pace shift Let a phantom replace it. At first, this rune can only be used to replace some small objects, I just feel fun. Later, I found that this set of runes is actually very practical, I used it for a few months. By modifying and perfecting, you can slowly remove a mountain and a lake.”

鈥淐an living things also be a pace shift?鈥?Lin Huang is a bit surprised.

“Yes, in fact, this rune effect is the forced pace shift of space. As long as I select the space size of the pace shift and draw the range boundary, I can put the whole space, including the living things, together. Shifted.” After Wu Mo finished, he seemed to be afraid that Lin Huang could not understand, and explained in more general terms, “You can imagine the space that needs the pace shift as a pot. The effect of this rune is to put the pot in the pot. Plants and soil move shift to another pot, and don’t need to ask the plants in the pot to disagree. Then, while the potted plants are being removed, there is still a potted phantom in the original pot.”

“Understood…” Lin Huang nodded, silently. “So, it’s really easy to understand.”

鈥淚f it is a pace shift of the entire Wei Family, how far can it be moved?鈥?Bloody immediately raised a new question.

“Look at the size.”

Bloody quickly calculated the approximate area and volume of the entire Wei Family’s need for a pitch shift, according to Wei Shan’s memory, and reported it to Wu Mo.

“The volume you said, based on Divine Energy, which I can currently use, conservatively estimates that the pace shift is 2,000 km away. It should be a small problem.” Wu Mo quickly gave the answer, “But if you need it, I can Try to help you move further.”

鈥淲here can the phantom of the alternative entity in the city last?鈥?

“This is also related to volume. As you said, the volume should not be a problem for half an hour.”

Bloody nodded and asked Lin Huang to download a map of the 2nd District and its surrounding area. After a close look, pointing to a canyon in the north of Fengtiancheng, asked Wu Mo, “Can you send the Wei Family to the inside of the canyon about 2,300 kilometers north?”

“This distance problem is not big, but I need to go to the field to set the transmission coordinates.” Wu Mo nodded.

“Yes.” Bloody turned to look at Lin Huang. “When are you ready to do it?”

“It鈥檚 better to hit the sun than to choose the day, just today.”

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