Monster Paradise

Chapter 1015

At this time, it was just in the early summer season. It was less than six o’clock in the morning, and the sky of Dongfang in Wanbao City appeared white.

Lin Huang and Little Mo saw the sky shining brighter and found that time was already morning.

“Let’s go out and have a breakfast.” After watching the time is less than six o’clock, the two are not too sleepy. Lin Huang suggested, “There is a couple shop selling breakfast here, the main fried bag and fried. Dumplings. The taste is quite good, the business is very hot, and everyone starts to line up at 7:00 every morning. The Owner opens the booth at six o’clock, we are now washing it, and it just happened to catch up.”

Little Mo naturally has no opinion, he usually has few opportunities to view the scenery. As a member of Purple Crow, he usually rarely goes out when there is no task. When there is a task, his energy is also placed on the task. There is no such time to watch the scenery. Nowadays, identity conversion, plus the first time to come to Wanbao City, naturally feels fresh and looking forward to.

After the two men simply washed, Lin Huang took the nightmare, and the nine-tailed Tmall and Bloody went out.

In Wanbao City, there are many practitioners who come out with pet beast. Most of them are not Imperial Envoy, but pet beast that has been domesticated by spending money. Lin Huang took two gods, War Soul, and it didn’t cause any onlookers. It was just a strange form of nightmare. Occasionally, someone couldn’t help but look at it.

The breakfast shop that Lin Huang said was less than one kilometer from the hotel where he lived. The two walked and chatted, and arrived in a few minutes.

The Owner and Proprietress shops have just opened, and even the pots are just on the shelf. The couple have a bag of buns, one person has dumplings, and the division of labor is clear.

Lin Huang chose an open-air table outside the store and he and Little Mo were the first guests.

鈥淟ittle brother is coming so early today?鈥?Proprietress smiled and said hello, obviously Lin Huang is already a regular customer here.

“Yeah, get up early today.” Lin Huang smiled and nodded.

“I brought a friend over.” Proprietress glanced at Little Mo and found that he was also a handsome guy, laughing even happier.

“Yeah, I just told him that your fried bread and fried dumplings are delicious, and I will take him to try.”

“Little brother, you are coming early today, you may have to wait a little longer.” Owner is a little embarrassed.

“It doesn’t matter, don’t worry, we don’t hurry.”

Lin Huang finished the meal, whispered a few words with the Owner and the Proprietress, and the two were busy.

Little Mo asked some incomprehensible voices. “The Owner and Proprietress of this store are ordinary people. Do you usually communicate with them?”

“Almost, they usually have a lot of guests, and they rarely talk so much, but they will be simple and cold.” Lin Huang nodded. “Any questions?”

Little Mo was silent for a moment, and then he said, “We basically don’t communicate with ordinary people.”

Lin Huang remembered this before. I did teach at the Purple Crow New Members Training Camp. I try to keep distance from ordinary people and reduce communication.

“Purple Crow does not allow members to have too many outside tasks with the outside world, mainly because they are afraid of members being influenced by the outside world and creating conceptual changes. What you need most now is the change of concept. Don’t use Purple Crow again. That set of things binds you.”

鈥淏ut communicating with them, most of them are useless information.鈥?Little Mo still habitually classifies and judges the conversational information in the same way as Purple Crow’s standards.

鈥淚f 100% of people communicate with each other is useful information, if there is nothing extra, it would be boring.鈥?Lin Huang smiled. 鈥淚t鈥檚 the useless information that will make the communication temperature and color. The relationship between people has become rich and interesting.”

Little Mo knows a little about Lin Huang’s words. “Interesting…”

“In the future, you have to live and work with other people, don’t refuse to communicate. If you don’t know what to say, listen to them and say that being a listener is not bad. Slowly you will find the fun of communication.” Lin Huang patted Little Mo.

The two of them were chatting about the sky. Proprietress smiled and held three dishes of fried dumplings on the table, and then gave them two bowls of porridge.

The amount of fried and fried dumplings is not large, and one is ten.

The fried dumplings are crispy and the saut茅ed soup is rich. Lin Huang, Nightmare and Bloody prefer the omelet, but Little Mo and the Nine Tmall prefer the crispy dumplings.

Lin Huang only ate most of the omelet, and the rest was reserved for Little Mo, Bloody and two gods, War Soul.

Light Little Mo, one person, ate four fried dumplings. After eating, Little Mo was a little embarrassed.

Seeing his embarrassment, Proprietress smiled and said, “Young people grow up and eat more normal, don’t be embarrassed.”

鈥淧roprietress is right.鈥?Lin Huang smiled and nodded.

After having breakfast and paying, Lin Huang took Little Mo to the nearby park.

At this time it was almost sixty to forty. Some grandfathers and aunts in the park started to practice.

Lin Huang walked the Little Mo on the park’s path.

Looking at the weird morning exercises of the aunts and aunts, Little Mo feels very fresh.

Lin Huang saw his curious look of insight and nodded with satisfaction.

With Little Mo in the park, the number of parks began to increase, and Little Mo began to feel a little uneasy. He was still not used to being in a crowded place.

The two almost walked to the hotel at 7:30.

Back in the hotel room, Lin Huang asked Little Mo, “When you walked around, what did you feel?”

“Some are not used to it, especially in places with lots of people. But some things are still very interesting.” Little Mo gave this answer.

For this answer, Lin Huang is basically satisfied. He had some fears that Little Mo was completely uninterested in the life of being integrated into normal people. Now it seems that his rejection has not reached that level, and Lin Huang is relieved.

“From today I will start retreating. Maybe this retreat will last for more than a month. In this one month, I have two tasks for you, I hope you can complete Perfection.”

“The first task, I will give you a brand new exercise, I hope that you can use this exercise to build a new practice system in the body. This set of exercise can make you break through from Purple-Gold Emperor Palace. False God realm. My request for you is that, for a month, I will practice as much as possible to the Sacred Fire realm with this new exercise system.”

Hearing this task, Little Mo was a little nervous. He felt very difficult because he broke through the Black-Iron realm to the White Flame realm and spent three years.

Lin Huang also saw his worries and quickly added, “You have an extremely strong foundation for cultivation now. It should be very quick to rebuild with the new system. Don’t worry too much about the progress. If you don’t understand, you can ask Bloody, I will. Leave Bloody to stay with you.”

Lin Huang said, with his left hand shaking, Bloody pulled out of his cuff.

Little Mo didn’t know until this time that Lin Huang had always had a summoned beast in his cuff.

After a brief introduction to Bloody, Lin Huang continued.

“The second task, go to the park where I just took you every day, at least an hour. And at least communicate with three people, even if you only say one sentence. You can go between 7 am and 9 pm. Any time has passed, but it must be an hour. If any day is not completed, then the next day will double and the number of people must be doubled. During this time, Bloody will monitor your progress. This is your future. I hope you can take it seriously when you are working with other peers on basic courses.”

Hearing this second task, Little Mo was even more bitter, and he felt that this task was harder than the first one.


[Some things go out, only one more, make up tomorrow. 銆?

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