Monster Factory

Chapter 306

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The sky full of stars is like a diamond, sprinkled with pitch-black night sky.

On the Dragon Creek Beach under the night sky, bright and bright lights emerge from the top of the barren hill and the magnificent factory building in an imposing manner.

Inside the Factory, the rhythm and neat immense mechanical movement sound echoed over the Factory for a long time.

In the transportation warehouse outside the factory, even late at night, there are several single arm mechanical limbs, which are constantly loading new products that have just come out of the production line and transporting them to the Blue Sky Building underground Warehouse for exterior decoration installation and Product package.

Beside the transshipment warehouse, there is a new plant construction area where the foundation has been poured.

Due to most recently, the construction period of all monsters was full, and Ye Qing had to temporarily suspend work to support the foundation construction of Industrial Building.

Fourth Stage, Ye Qing has a total of 80 monster recruitment places.

80 naturally were recruited by Ye Qing early, but even if monsters reached one to ten, Monster Heavy Industry still has long-term labor shortage.

For this reason, Ye Qing uses the factory production model to the maximum extent.

However, the scale of Factory is too large, and Monster Industrial Building occupies several monsters.

No way, Ye Qing has temporarily stopped even the expansion of the plant.

In fact, the new factory building is useless early. It is impossible for Ye Qing to recruit ordinary employees from the society to work?

Even in the underground base, the most important processing device metal smelting center of Monster Heavy Industry, all produce alloy metal of various specifications without stopping for 20 hours.

This is also the reason why Ye Qing has no way at all, and has never planned to rely on the melting center to produce various alloy boards and ship them to the metal wholesale market to make money.

The profit of alloy sheet is far less than the profit of processing into mechanical finished products.

For example, the common wholesale price of bearing steel on the market is 7000 to 10000 per ton.

In precious metal, the rough tungsten alloy bar is about 1,6 million per ton.

With the effort to produce that ton of tungsten alloy, what does Ye Qing do badly? Even the production of a ton of titanium alloy crutches can make more money than the sale of rough stock.

Selling alloy material is tossing the watermelon to pick up sesame seeds.

But to sell the finished product, Ye Qing let it be based on the daily net profit. If you want to make up 15 billion and give Monster Factory a level of funding, it will take a full 4 months.

This money, even if Ye Qing went to find a bank loan, the bank approved it quickly.

Approved becomes a liability. In the Statistics of Manufacturing Industry ranking list, these things are not recognized. I am not sure that because of the existence of 15 billion of liabilities, it will also be labeled as a poor management to reduce points.

No loan, you can only earn it on your own.

Then the problem came back in a circle, if Ye Qing didn’t want to wait for 4 months passively, he could recruit more monsters, get higher technology, and use it for manufacturing.

That can only be developed on the basis of Mechanical Engineering Chair, Colossus Type I, Rapid Engraving Machine, these three products are very stable, and can not develop a new product on the basis of rapid income increase.

Subsequently, the Mechanical Engineering Chair and Monsters on the Rapid Metal Engraving Machine production line were temporarily suspended to produce brand new products.

Taking advantage of the rare opportunity of “She Comes From The Aliens” released in the country half a month later, earning a wave completely, and the same quick money as the iPhone 1000 went on sale.

The mechanical ergonomic chair and the engraving machine still have some stocks, and they can hold their teeth for more than ten days, and there will be no stock outs.

In the old factory area surrounded by barren mountains, Ye Qing stood in the small-scale Factory where the Mechanical Engineering Chair was originally produced, and carried out the first real product experiment.

This product is also one of the product schemes that Ye Qing has temporarily conceived and promoted nationwide for future movie releases.

Whether he can achieve results, Ye Qing is not sure in his heart. He has to test first.

Since the assembly line of Mechanical Engineering Chair was completed, the original small Factory workshop was changed into a non-standard product production workshop similar to a laboratory.

When the Monster Industrial Building is completed, the industrial base below will replace it and become a more hidden and advanced presence.

A high-definition video camera that could not be connected to the Internet was placed next to Ye Qing.

If anyone sees Ye Qing at this time, Iron Man will be exclaimed!

Because now Ye Qing is wearing a light steel alloy operation suit similar to the steel War Suit.

This “Steel War Suit” does not have micro-nuclear fusion energy, and the front and back are also merely adopting a light steel bone fitting design, but the two arms need to appear more science fiction.

Fully covered matt gray titanium alloy shell with passive micro hydraulic struts in the joints to slow down and simulate the “kā chā ~kā chā ~” rhythm produced by the mechanical joints during movement.

In the two arms and palm, each joint is equipped with an electrical signal pressure sensor.

This kind of operation technology transplanted directly from the Colossus Type I cockpit can complete the command control of no more than plus or minus one millimeter precision error without external electromagnetic interference.

This alloy operation garment is made of lightweight alloy and weighs 6 kg. The power supply is powered by a 20 mA lithium-ion battery, which can continuously supply pressure sensors and the display at the lower abdomen for one hour.

The battery is designed to be replaced quickly, with the Wireless Electronics signal in the 2400–2483 MHz band, which can effectively control a mechanical device 100 meters away.

This band is within the worldwide range, without the need to obtain a Wireless Electronics license, the industrial field and the medical field can be used at will, short-distance, high-bandwidth Wireless Electronics channels.

Even if high-definition pictures are transmitted, there will be no lag.

Yes, Ye Qing and Master Craftsman have built a remote control robot.

In front of him, there is a mechanical device with 4 electric drive wheels and a standard adult upper body size.

Pure white metal mirror paint, with a full-motion webcam on the top, combined with a pressure sensor, can move synchronously with the human head to capture the picture.

At this time, the arms of the remote control robot completely simulate human hands, and the mechanical arm is insulated and has a slightly elastic engineering plastic as a protective shell.

5 fingers, the same motion joints as humans. The movements that can be done with both hands can also be done,

After solving the most difficult human-like joint motion, this robot, temporarily named by Ye Qing as [First-gen Robot Type I], the rest of the technology content is not high at present, even a photographed unmanned machine is better than it. complex.

However, it is simple and not representative. The technical content is low. If you are not convinced, you can try to imitate its mechanical arm.

“First-gen Robot Type I, the first test experiment started.” Ye Qing started the webcam at the same time, and also remotely turned on the robot’s power.

It is also purchased from a lithium ion battery with very mature technology on the market. However, in the absence of breakthrough energy technology, this robot can only supply power for ten minutes on its own, and then it has to carry the plug everywhere.

Or walk to a room and rely on a long power cord like a vacuum cleaner.

The 2 cold light device indicator lights up, there is no intelligent software to control it, there is no need to start waiting, Ye Qing shakes the index finger and thumb, opens the sensor with the predetermined settings to start the oral command.

“Creak ~creak ~creak ~”

Gently raise the arm and operate the passive hydraulic strut inside the garment, which gives a good sense of mechanical movement to the arm, so that people will not feel the feeling of waving the air.

The robot ten meters away, without any delay, also raised the robot arm.

took a deep breath, Ye Qing raised his hands and slowly moved towards the metal box next to the robot.

On the metal box, there is a set of purple sand teapot used by Ye Qing to decorate the facade, and 2 small glasses.

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