Monster Factory

Chapter 1257

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Is lance on the road?

Theo General did not understand what it meant for a while.

He knows General Mopu very well, but he does not know the Monster Industrial behind General Mopu. Just like he hasn’t understood why the US side is so aggressive and dragging Anut Area into the war until now.

Ignorant, so fearless.

“Not quite…maybe.” Sello General chuckled. “I think General Mopu should have the guts and the ability to do this.”

“Besides~ who would have thought that we are not hiding in the same military camp as Copper Wall Iron Bastion, but in the underground space of an urban building?”

Military adviser Bronson not at all explained that he merely said with command: “Change a place and improve the confidential level.”


“I will repeat the last time and change the place.”

Theo General has the urge to get rid of these two consultants if he is 2 times more brave.

The consultant’s words have subverted his 3 views.

They are not USA’s top grade battle strength teams. How could there be fear on this planet?

Originally, he was 100 times more confident in the old nest, that is, these two consultants solemn asked to change the hiding place.

Now I have to change…

Controlled by others, Cerro General can only suppress his confusion and execute the other party’s order to change to a safe location.

A safe place is not easy to find, especially when you keep in touch with the command team. Cerro General merely a short-sighted, passing ordinary warlord.

In the Vukavu area where he has been operating for many years, he has only prepared 3 hiding places for himself.

He even felt that these hiding places were a bit superfluous. Wouldn’t it be safer to pat the butt to the foreigner when he needed to hide?

It was when Cerro General was busy changing his hiding place.

The outside world has been debated by General Mopu’s announcement.

Supporting one’s emotions.

Former President Belif has been in power for many years, although the silent President has not done any dazzling results. However, under his years of adjustment, Nigeria, which had been in flames, has ushered in a rare few years of stability.

On that small scale, there are many weapons in groups of three or four.

However, looking at the environment, Nigeria has no such situation where there are hundreds of people and two warlords fighting each other.

The warlords, under the mediation of the former President, each demarcated the site, to live together in harmony. Even the General Mopu, which later expanded its chassis in the west, relied mainly on peace talks. As long as these warlords were willing to surrender, General Mopu still reserved most of their rights.

They all gave President a face and were willing to continue to maintain this status quo.

Well now, President Bellev has been cleaned by American.

This is something that everyone with a clear eye knows, but dare not to speak out.

The United States pushed this matter to General Mopu. Now General Mopu stands up and challenges the “insidious hyenas” like the warriors.

Of course they felt agitated, felt agitated, and wished they could stand on the side of General Mopu and declare war on the “hyena” Cerro General.

It is a pity that the passionate people are merely a small part.

Most people are pessimistic.

Because, behind the Cerro General, there is USA, the most powerful country in Earth.

General Mopu is dead. Even if he is brave, he cannot change the end of his tragedy.

In the General Mopu’s announcement, the act of attaching the location of the horse and the horse, and threatening to pierce the filthy soul of General Silo with lance is a fast path to tragedy.

3 days or 5 days?

After General Mopu is gone, Nigeria is going to be the master of Selo General.

As for Cerro General, I am afraid only Spiritual God is qualified to pierce him with lance.


In the evening, Cerro General responded to General Mopu’s announcement with practical actions.

The power circle of Cerro General is in the Vukavu region, and there are only more than 3000 fighters under his command.

If it was put a few days ago and gave the General Seluo ten guts, he would not dare to scratch General Mopu’s beard. Not only is the opponent several times more powerful than him, but even the economy in General Mopu’s hands can easily compare to the ten Vukavu regions.

Setting off the war means burning money.

It is not popular for international arms dealers to say that they owe money. People who recognize money but not people treat the warlords who have no money as indifferently as street stray dogs.

Cerro General was originally very poor, so poor that even the pickup truck was reluctant to update.

Then ~

American gave away his tens of millions of dollars, and introduced a few high-level arms dealers that he could not reach.

Now the arms dealers in several surrounding countries have been cleared by him. In the past, he could only drool the huge volume of brand new arms in the dream, and he was continuously sending them to the Vukavu area.

With financial backer support, Cerro General certainly has to make practical action.

On the one hand, recruiting troops and buying horses, on the one hand, they handed over the commanding power of their soldiers very cooperatively, and allowed the two military advisers to freely make operational plans.

Anyway, when the dust settles down, no one can look down on his indigenous team, and he should not be able to run away.

The Vukavu area is close to the capital city and is more than 400 kilometers from the Western border Anut Area.

Under the command of two consultants, the first batch of 2 soldiers had already arrived near the Anut Area in the evening, blocked all roads connecting the Anut Area, and refused any vehicles and pedestrians.

Anut Area is not a detached Garden of Eden, it also needs to communicate with foreign objects.

On land, they are an important channel for exchanging residents’ living materials with the outside world.

In addition, at the capital city airport, the 2-hand straight passenger plane belonging to General Mopu Airline Company was also seized and held by Sello General.

Although Cerro General has no command, he knows every action of his soldiers.

Cerro General, who had just moved to another hiding place, is now very strange.

Because the soldiers who had just arrived around the Anut Area and had successfully sealed off the external road, simply did not encounter any resistance.

The soldiers under General Mopu actually shrunk all inside the Anut Area, allowing them to cut off their logistics.


Not in common sense.

Even the two consultants agreed that in their imagination, with the power mastered by General Mopu, it should be easy to eat these 2 people, even the most basic tactical literacy “idiot soldiers.”

Eating this wave of people is equivalent to eliminating the power of Theo General one third.

For any warlord who is determined to resist to the end, he should immediately make the most correct choice.

Of course~

In the eyes of the two consultants, the lives of 2 indigenous soldiers, merely officially marked the fire of the Anut Area.

By the way, in international public opinion, General Mopu was buckled up with a brutal warlord’s hat.

Although the two advisors who commanded the operation were puzzled, they were not confused.

Since General Mopu is unwilling to take the initiative to attack, after the daytime, let these 1000 soldiers take the initiative to enter the Anut Area to attack.

The weak have no choice rights.


Cerro General has consultants.

General Mopu actually has consultants.

From the perspective of the Metal SpeCIA list acting as a consultant, solving the root cause of the problem is actually very simple.

What tactics are not tactics, send all the guys who dare to jump out to meet Spiritual God not was enough?

As long as it is in the Nigerian territory, not to mention the USA guys, even if the aliens come, they will do the right thing.

Then at sunset in the evening, three special versions of the Nighthawk aircraft, specially airlifted from the Dragon Creek Beach Factory, followed this ideological policy and moved towards the Vukavu area.

These three Nighthawk aircrafts are all stealth versions with “Sound-Absorbing Steel”.

As for how to get out of Selo General, Metal SpeCIA list has a special way.

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