Mohist Tang

Chapter 524

“Injuries are not terrifying. The key is to stop the bleeding. As long as the bleeding is stopped, there is no life worry.” As night fell, in the Right Guard Camp, a Medical School of Thought white clothed coat Mo Wu explained to a group of soldiers.

“Really?” a young recruit asked in surprise.

“Little baby, don’t talk nonsense, how old you are, and have only been practicing medicine for a few years, what kind of disease can you cure.” A veteran said sarcastically.

“You dont know this. This is Mo Wu, the famous doctor of Mohist Hospital. He has the true biography of Divine Doctor, Sun Simiao Divine Doctor Sun. A medical skill is not a Rivers and Lakes doctor. It can be compared.” Qin Huaiyu’s voice sounded among the soldiers.

“They turned out to be the children of famous doctors!” The expressions of the soldiers looked towards Mo Wu suddenly became less contemptuous, and more solemn.

“Could it be Mo Wu who beat Chang’an City in front of Mohist Hospital by one person last year, the famous Xiansi pulse diagnosis.” A child of Guanzhong suddenly realized.

At the time when the hanging silk diagnosis vein successor challenged Mohist Hospital, Mo Wu faced it alone and easily defeated it. At that time, it was also rumored to be a good talk, and many people in Guanzhong also heard about it.

“Mo Wu!”

More people are looking thoughtful. Mo Wu is obviously a member of the Mohist Family. Mo Wu is probably a collaboration between Mohist Family and Medical School of Thought Bonded.

With Qin Huaiyus help, the soldiers slowly calmed down. Loudly said: “How can the bleeding be stopped? First, if you have suffered an arrow injury, please dont pull it out immediately. Bows and arrows all have barbs. Once the bleeding is not stopped, Daoist Immortal is difficult to heal.”

Many veterans suddenly have lingering fears, suddenly nodded, and the formidable power of bows and arrows. They naturally know that once they are hit, there will be barbs. The bow and arrow, it would be painful.

“What should I do if I don’t pull it out?” Chumo curiously asked, he also just joined the army, he didn’t know this knowledge, and a group of recruits also looked curiously.

A bearded Hundred-men Commander said: “First, break the feather arrow, leaving the arrow in the flesh. After the war, you can use pinellia and white wormwood to sift it. On the day, the arrow comes out.”

Hundred-men Commander finished speaking, and lifted his shirt, revealing a sudden finger-length wound to everyone: “This is four years ago when I hit Turkic north and was killed by Turkic. If Lao Tzus armor was not strong enough for the sneak attack of the archer, Im afraid I would really not be able to return.”

Mo Wu looked at the scar on the beard Hundred-men Commander, frowned involuntarily: ” Its a big fate for you to be alive. Healing your arrow wounds is just a mess.”

He went to Mohist Hospital as soon as he studied medicine. He was used to the sophisticated medical methods of Mohist Hospital and saw it so rough. The treatment method, can not help but frown.


The soldiers couldn’t help but looked at Mo Wu in confusion, even beard Hundred-men Commander looked angry.

Mo Wu faintly explained: “If you follow the previous treatment method, ten of them can survive and three or two are lucky, so you are said to be dead! You are the one who survived. “

Beard Hundred-men Commander suddenly turned pale, and said sadly: “There were indeed many brothers who died.”

Suddenly, many soldiers from the right back suddenly went for a while. The commotion, the face changed wildly, and a fear of death could not help permeating everyone.

“But if youngster is allowed to cure, youngster is 100% sure to let Er et al. recover. Not to mention that the arrow falls off after ten days. After ten days, Er et al has recovered completely.” Mo Wu confidently said .

“Really?” A group of soldiers immediately eyes shined and said, if on the battlefield, after being injured, it can be completely cured, wouldn’t it be an extra life.

“Yes, as long as you pull out the arrow below, stop the bleeding, clean the wound with strong alcohol, and then suture the wound. Within ten days, the wound can naturally recover completely.” The more casually Mo Wu, the more stable the hearts of the soldiers.

“Wound suture method, I know this. Mo Dun used this method at the beginning. He bought 500 horses and healed them all at once, but he made a lot of money.” Yuchi Baolin said with a grin. with a smile.

“Yes, that’s the way.” Mo Wu nodded and said.

For the Legendary story of Mo Dun buying a wounded horse, even in the barracks, it has been well known for a long time, and in the barracks, all the horses are equipped with horseshoes, and the damage of the horses is greatly reduced. Everyone has naturally heard of this, hearing this suddenly nodded.

“Second, if it is a knife or sword injury, if it is a leg injury, and blood cannot be allowed to flow, you must immediately tie a cloth strip over the wound to minimize bleeding from the wound.” Mo Wu explained. While demonstrating, he picked up a cloth strip and tied it hard on his leg.

“Must tie in this way. It must be tied tightly to prevent continued bleeding. However, if it cannot be treated in time, it will take a quarter of an hour to loosen the cloth strip once, otherwise it will cause muscle necrosis. If it is tied for more than a day, Then it can only be cut.” Mo Wu gestured with one by one hand up and down.

“Doesn’t that become a disability?” Everyone suddenly asked.

“Its okay if youre disabled. If youre disabled, Mohist Hospital can also put on prostheses for you and you can walk. In short, as long as you live in front of the doctors in Mohist Hospital, we can treat you Save it.” Mo Wu said boldly.


The atmosphere of the generals suddenly became very high.

Everyone looked at Mo Wus expression and no longer looked down upon him. Instead, he was very respectful. After all, there is no harm in a marching battle, and no one can offend the doctor if he offends him!

The same scene is very common among the six guards, and for a while, the voices of the six guards camp. Suddenly the doctors at Mohist Hospital became the most popular in the military camp.

“Thanks, Mr. Mo Wu.” Seeing the end of Mo Wu, Li Jing smiled and said.

“This Commoner, see General Li!” Mo Wu wiped his sweat, and saw Li Jing hurriedly salute.

“Free gift, Mr. Mo Wu calmed down the army in one fell swoop. This General is grateful that it is too late. How can I be gifted by Mr. Mo Wu.” Li Jing stepped forward and helped Mo Wu.

Mo Wu looked at the high-spirited barracks, he said, “Extra injuries are easy to treat. If it is internal injuries, I am afraid…”

Under the existing conditions, if it is For internal injuries, I am afraid that there are not many ways at all, but luck.

Li Jing shook his head and said: “This matter has been reported to this General by Chancellor Mo, and Mohist Hospital has done enough.”

He and Cheng Yaojin have the same idea. Compared with the previous 30% cure rate, it is a miracle that Mohist Hospital can reach 90%, and it is enough to stabilize the military.

“In the future, Mr. Mo Wu will follow the right guard to march, and every time he sets up camp, he will focus on explaining the knowledge of first aid to the right guard, and must be taught before arriving in Lanzhou.” Li Jing said.

This time General Mo Wus explanation of first aid knowledge was just a thousand soldiers in attendance. It may take at least ten days to complete the first aid knowledge to the entire right guard.

“As you bid!” Mo Wu solemnly performed a military salute.

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