Mohist Tang

Chapter 1125

Leaving the happy Princess Changle and Empress Zhangsun mother and daughter, Li Shimin took the eight hundred li to the Imperial Court and went to the Imperial Court twice. I am afraid that numerous officials have already been alarmed, and it is time to announce this news. Otherwise, people in the ruling and opposition parties would have been alarmed.

“What! Five thousand Tibetan cavalry ambush Firearms Squad!”

“Firearms Squad has won.”


When Li Shimin announced the two 800 li expedited on the Imperial Court, Entire Court was in an uproar. They were not only shocked by Tibets boldness, but also shocked by Firearms Squads battle strength. .

“Gunpowder is so terrible!”

numerous officials couldn’t help but slap their tongues, and for the first time in their hearts they attached importance to Firearms Squad. The battle strength alone is probably in the Tang Army It is already among the best, and even has a vague tendency to surpass the Great Tang’s first fierce army Modao team.

Fang Xuanling and the others are also sighed in relief. Firearms Squad proves the formidable power of Gunpowder with less than more. It also keeps the secret of Gunpowder from leaking, otherwise they will hate it for life.

“Tibet is so daring, we must not let them go this time.” A minister said radically.

Now that Great Tang has just breached Gaochang, West Turkic has been frightened for thousands of miles. Regardless of the opposition of these ministers before the war, now that Great Tang has won the battle, all the ministers are naturally honored.

But who would have thought that this is the time of Great Tangs glory, thinking that it is invincible in the whole world, but did not expect that the little Tibet would dare to jump out and stroke the Great Tang tigers whiskers, which made the ministers Can’t help but look embarrassed.

“This is natural, now Mo Dun has led four hundred soldiers and eight hundred horses to pursue the remnants of Tibet.” Li Shimin said loudly.

The ministers couldn’t help being stunned. No one thought that Mohist Family Son would get revenge not overnight. It was just after the end of the war that he turned around to chase the remnant enemy.

“What about the Tibetan soldiers who invaded Tuyuhun? The battle of Gaochang is over. It’s time to solve the Tuyuhun matter.” Zhangsun Wuji said.

Li Ji shook the head and said: “Tuyuhun’s Tibet army should have been in contact with the Fu army outside Yumen Pass. The Tuyuhun tribe has already begun to coerce the rebellion and retreat to Wuhai and other places. There is a strong reaction on the plateau. I Once the soldiers go deep into the battle strength, they will be severely damaged, lest they be ambushed by Tibet, they have to withdraw.”

Fang Xuanling frowns saying: “Isnt Marquis of Mo saying that saffron can alleviate the plateau reaction? How come our soldiers return Battle strength is greatly damaged.”

Li Ji said with a bitter smile: “Saffron can indeed alleviate the plateau reaction, but the effect is not good. The Mohist Family has begun to study the method to completely solve the plateau reaction, I am afraid It was the leak of this secret that brought Tibets revenge.”

According to the confession of Tibets insider they seized, Tibet indeed learned that Mo Dun might solve the plateau reaction.

Li Shimin’s face suddenly became cold. Gunpowder is the nemesis of the city wall. A Gunpowder alone is enough to make Tibet move, not to mention the more deadly secret recipe for Tibet to crack the plateau reaction.

“If you let me find out who colluded with Tibet and leaked state secrets, don’t blame me for being unsympathetic.” Li Shimin coldly shouted, Mo Dun cracked the secret of the plateau reaction, I am afraid only the Imperial Court Only the officials knew, but now it has reached Tibet’s ears. This must be a collusion with Tibet.

Numerous officials bowed their heads, and they were silent. The matter was too involved, and no one dared to make false statements.

However, Mo Dun, the youngster, has always made many enemies, and no one knows who will use Tibet to kill him.

“Your Majesty can rest assured that the Imperial Court will definitely strengthen confidentiality in the future, and will not appear in leaks.” Fang Xuanling, the head of numerous officials, first expressed his opinion.

“This matter is put on hold for the time being, waiting for the return of Mo Dun and the army of the Western Expedition, and then discussing Tibet.” Li Shimin said loudly after beating his ministers.

Mo Dun said that the secret of breaking the Tibet Plateau reaction is well known to everyone, and if it is checked, there is no clue.

“Yes!” Numerous officials are just relaxed.

After the end of the Imperial Court Assembly, the two rushed contents of 800 li gradually spread in Chang’an City and immediately caused an uproar in Chang’an City.

Su Dingfang was wrong. He thought that these two 800 li rushes must be like two big explosions, but he did not expect that because of Li Shimins deliberate pressure, the two big explosions would occur at the same time in Chang’an City. Explode.

“It’s worthy of being Mohist Family Son!”

“Tibet counts thousands of dollars, but it doesn’t count that his opponent is the miraculous Mohist Family Son.”

Everyone can’t help but slap their tongues, Mohist Family Son can still make a comeback in the face of such a disadvantage, they are not surprised, after all, it is a dignified Mohist Family Son!

In the circle of ordinary person, it is just a fun talk, but in the circle of noble ladies in Chang’an City, it is like a Gunpowder explosion.

We must know that when almost all the ladies of the high-ranking officials met Princess Changle and Empress Zhangsun, whether it was a fake or a good intention, they would persuade Mo Dun to come back as soon as possible to accompany Princess Changle. This is the first few The month can be said to be a politically correct thing, but now it has been discovered that this trend has been exploited by those who have intentions and directly become a conspiracy to frame Mohist Family Son, and they are the most direct part of this conspiracy.

“Let Marquis of Mo come back, but Old Concubine didn’t talk about it first, but I listened to other people’s words…” a high-ranking lady cried in front of Empress Zhangsun.

Empress Zhangsun couldn’t help but feel helpless. She didn’t know how many people heard from her on this day. However, it was discovered that almost all high-ranking ladies and ladies had once said that Mo Dun would return first.

As for Princess Changle, she was pregnant and refused to come.

“The princess can rest assured that the slave servants have invited those women back, but most of them have left a lot of gifts, so they don’t want to return them.” Liu E returned to Princess Changle to report.

Princess Changle stroked her belly and said softly: “Then accept it. If you don’t accept it, they will definitely feel uneasy.”

“The princess is kind!” Liu E said, Princess Changle As the hostess of Mohist Residence, there is no shortage of gifts. The reason why they are willing to accept it is that the representative has no longer pursued it, otherwise they will definitely panic.

“As long as Mo Dun is okay, nothing matters.” Princess Changle said with a happy face. When he learned that Mo Dun was in danger, he was panicked, and fortunately the good news came. Let Princess Changle feel how precious this lost and regained feeling is.

When Liu E saw Princess Changles expression, he couldnt help muttering: Prince Consort is also true. I just escaped from danger and ventured to pursue it, which made the princess worry for nothing.

Princess Changle He said frankly: “Who said this Princess is worried? Since Mo Dun went to chase, he must be absolutely sure that the five thousand cavalry can do nothing about him, let alone there are only one thousand remnants.”

Not only Princess Changle is full of confidence in Mo Dun, even the entire Chang’an City is full of confidence in Mo Dun’s pursuit of this time, but they don’t know that Mo Dun is about to face a greater predicament.

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