Liang Yaozu was beaten by Luo Qi, his face was bruised and his nose was swollen, and he was in mourning. If Shao Ming hadn't pulled Luo Qi away, he would have beaten him to death.

"You, you are crazy." Liang Yaozu vomited out a mouthful of blood, with a tooth mixed in the blood.

Luo Qi kicked him again and sneered: "It was you who drove you crazy. Liang Yaozu, I am a classmate and a brother to you. I help you in everything. I didn't expect that a white-eyed wolf would come out to help you. Why are you so vicious? What do you do?" To come up with that evil thing?”

Liang Yaozu's eyes flickered: "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Stop pretending, Wu Jiao used your body to reveal everything, including her identity and the fact that your mother works as a hairdresser there, so you will know her." Shao Ming frowned, with disgust in his eyes.

Liang Yaozu's expression changed, thinking that he seemed to have lost control of his body just now. Was he possessed by a ghost?

He looked at the classmates present, and sure enough, everyone had disgust and contempt on their faces, and his body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

"I will tell the principal that if you use the art of aversion to victory and harm your classmates, you will never want to continue studying in the county school." Luo Qileng said.

When Liang Yaozu heard this, his eyes were sinister: "You finally stopped pretending. You just pretended to be a good person and gave me alms to build up your noble reputation. I have seen many rich kids like you, and they always bully us." These poor students are happy. They are kind on the surface, but they don’t know how to make fun of me on the inside.”

Luo Qi was so stimulated by these remarks that he was shaking all over. This damn white-eyed wolf has become a spirit through cultivation. It's so shameless!

The other students also looked shocked. Was this because they were suffering from hysteria?

"You yourself are evil, just think that everyone is evil." Luo Qi snorted and said: "That's all, I won't argue with you. People like you will not be outstanding. When I am blind, I will not argue with you." We became classmates. I heard that if you do such sinister evil things, there will be karma, so don’t even think about it."

Liang Yaozu's face turned pale.

"Get out of here!" Luo Qi pointed outside.

Liang Yaozu opened his mouth and wanted to make a few quibbles, but no one in front of him had kind and gentle eyes. Everyone looked at him like he was trash.

It's useless to say anything!

Liang Yaozu sneered and said: "It's up to you. My talents and learning are no worse than yours. Now you look down on me, then just wait and see. One day the dragon will surpass the phoenix."

He turned and left.

Luo Qi's voice came from behind: "If a wicked person like you can make a dragon wear a phoenix, then he really has no eyes in the sky!"

Liang Yaozu clenched his fists tightly with both hands, gritted his teeth and left.

Manager Zhang noticed the man's cruelty and frowned: "Master, are you going to let him go like this?"

"I've been beaten, how can I still report it to the official? How can I bring such a matter to the official hall? Just tell the mountain chief." Luo Qi smiled bitterly and said: "Besides, I believe in the cycle of cause and effect. If there is no retribution, he won't It will end well."

"But doesn't he know that magic stick? And knowing your date of birth, will he deal with you again?" Shao Ming asked in a low voice. He meant to ask him, but in fact he still asked Qin Liuxi.

Qin Liuxi said: "This is also a kind of evil magic. Since it has been broken, the one who did it will also suffer backlash. If he cherishes his life, he will not do it again. As for the man surnamed Liang, he will indeed do it. Suffering retribution, he was overwhelmed by dark clouds and suffered a bloody disaster, and it was a major disaster."

She was right. After the marriage certificate and other items were burned, the magician from Liangjiacun screamed and spat out a mouthful of blood, showing pain on his face.

Everyone took a breath.

"You deserve it!" Manager Zhang sighed: "This is the consequence of doing evil things."

Everyone was a little embarrassed, but Shao Ming stepped forward and said, "Brother Luo, I'm really sorry. We didn't know the inside story, so we just thought you were wandering around the land of fireworks."

Luo Qi showed bitterness on his face and said: "I look like this, even if I am not overindulging, it is also hard for people to believe. If you are truly sorry, then bear witness for me and expose Liang Yaozu's evil deeds to the mountain chief."

"That's natural."

If such a person with evil intentions really wants to stay in this county to study, who knows if he will secretly deal with someone else. Moreover, his character and temperament are so extreme, who would dare to associate with him?

It is better to stay away from such people.

Luo Qi still needed to take medicine and recuperate. Next, they went to the teacher to expose such ridiculous things, and Luo Qi temporarily took leave and went home.

After leaving the county school, he asked Manager Zhang to buy some paper money and other items according to Qin Liuxi's instructions, set up the altar table, returned to the City God's Temple, made a simple dojo, and sent Wu Jiao away.

Wu Jiao left, and Luo Qi specifically asked Qin Liuxi: "Is he really gone?"

In fact, what this man said before he left, Wu Lang, we will be a real couple again in the next life, really frightened him.

Qin Liuxi said: "Don't worry, he's gone."

Luo Qi breathed a sigh of relief and took the scripture prescription from Qin Liuxi. Then he gave a big salute to Qin Liuxi.

Qin Liuxi smiled and said: "If you want to thank, thank the City God. Without his guidance, you would still have to suffer. As the saying goes, the more gods you worship, the more gods will bless you. If you come to worship the City God more often in the future, they will bless you."

Yes, we understand what you mean!

Luo Qi very generously donated one hundred taels of sesame oil to the merit box, which also included Qin Liuxi's consultation fee and appearance fee.

Seeing that he was sensible, Qin Liuxi generously gave him a peace amulet.

The City God was extremely excited: "It seems like this is the first time I have seen someone donate so much merit and sesame oil. Hey, if you give me a few more, can I also build a golden body and make this temple more divine?"

Qin Liuxi said: "Then it depends on whether you can live up to the expectations, cultivate your soul, nourish and strengthen your godhead. This divine power is abundant and efficacious, and the incense will naturally flow continuously!"

The City God said proudly: "I caught a few ghosts that scare children."

Qin Liuxi rolled his eyes.

Within two days, Shao Ming and others from the county school brought a basket and some incense and candles and came to worship the gods.

Qin Liuxi welcomed them with a smile and introduced Sha Yuanzi to them: "This is the Yuan Temple Zhu, and he will be the temple guardian in the future."

Shao Ming and others burned incense one after another and said: "Master, I heard that after Liang Yaozu returned home, his hut collapsed and he was pinned down. It took half a day before the villagers found him and rescued him. His face was disfigured and his legs were broken. I'm lame, and I've spent all my money trying to treat my leg, but it still can't be cured."

Qin Liuxi raised his eyebrows: "That's quite unlucky!"

"Is this just retribution?"

Qin Liuxi squinted at the group of people: "How come you still believe it when I say nothing about my strange power and chaos?"

Several people:"……"

Stop talking, this face is slapped.

From the possession of a ghost to what she said about the retribution of karma, everything was accurate. And the strength she showed, can you not believe it?

Qin Liuxi warned: "When you are a person, you must not follow evil ways or have evil thoughts. Otherwise, it is not that you will not repay it. The time has not yet come. Please bear this in mind."

Several people were stunned. (End of chapter)

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