Missy, She Always Doesn't Seek to Make Progress.

Chapter 1020: I’ll die for this evil person

Taoist priest Yiyang walked to the east corner gate of the Princess's Mansion when he suddenly heard a thunder above his head. He stopped in his tracks. It was rare to see a muffled thunder in winter.

He stretched out his fingers to calculate, and when the hexagram appeared, he frowned deeply.

Bad hexagram.

It's just unclear whether this hexagram should be here or elsewhere.

Taoist Master Yiyang hesitated a little, looked back at the courtyard of the mansion, bit his finger with pain, and the oozing blood streaked across his forehead and double eyelids, murmured something in his mouth, and then opened it again.

His eyes gradually adapted to the light. He took a closer look and saw that there was a layer of black energy shrouding the main courtyard of the mansion. The only person who lived in the main courtyard was Princess Siyi. The yin energy entered the house. Just now he saw that she was full of bad luck. This person will soon It will be bad luck.

He can't continue here, otherwise he will definitely be implicated by that domineering fool and suffer. Looking at the outside, there is still a glimmer of hope.

Without any further thought, Taoist Yiyang walked out of the east corner gate and got on the carriage parked there.

As the carriage left Princess Siyi's mansion, Qin Liuxi raised his eyebrows because the ghost baby had moved, and the evil way had left the princess's mansion.

That's good, it saves her going in and causing trouble.

Qin Liuxi left with Teng Zhao and the others. He also went to the horse and carriage shop to find a carriage and got on it. He followed Gui Ying's instructions and left the city.

"Is this guy trying to run away?" Xiao Ginseng felt a little strange.

Qin Liuxi closed his eyes and rested his mind. No matter what it was, he couldn't escape.

Sitting in the carriage, Taoist Master Yiyang felt more and more uneasy. Combined with the hexagrams obtained before, could it be that today is going to be bad?

He lifted the curtain, looked up at the slightly dark sky, looked back, and glanced back inadvertently. Was that carriage following him?

With his heart pounding, Taoist Yiyang threw down the curtain and told the coachman to go to the east city gate. Then he found a magic talisman and cast a blinking-eye spell on himself. He got out of the car quietly and walked quickly to Go to the west gate.

Qin Liuxi opened his eyes and laughed.

The game of cat and mouse was her favorite.

Taoist priest Yiyang walked out of the west city gate and walked for half an hour until he came to the camphor forest on the outskirts of the city. Only then did he reveal his figure, holding on to a big tree and breathing heavily.

A few years ago, the spell on the child of the uncle's family was broken, and he was already suffering from the backlash. He fought with others one after another, and later even risked his life to divine a fortune for himself. When he left the city, he used his spiritual power to support the Eye-blinking Technique. Now that his spiritual power is almost exhausted, he is already at the end of his strength.

A gust of wind blew, and the treetops swished.

Taoist priest Yiyang's breath was slightly suffocated, and he looked behind him sharply: "Who is it?"


It's the sound of shoes treading on the snow.

Soon, Qin Liuxi and the others came into the sight of Taoist Yiyang.

"Who are you? Have you been following me?" Taoist Master Yiyang looked at the few people warily.

Qin Liuxi folded his arms, leaned against a big tree, and said to Teng Zhao, "You will avenge yourself."

Taoist Master Yiyang's pupils shrank and he said in a deep voice: "Are you the ones who ruined my formation?"

Teng Zhao didn't say anything. He pointed his toes, bent his knees and pushed towards Taoist Yiyang.

"Bastard!" Taoist Master Yiyang stepped back, took out two coffin nails and fired at Teng Zhao.

Teng Zhao spun around to avoid it.

Tuk Tuk.

Nails driven into wood.

Qin Liuxi looked over and saw that the two coffin nails were completely black and covered with a rich layer of sinister aura.

"Xiao Zhaozhao, come on, he's going to hit you with Yinsha's coffin nails. If you're a sinner, don't hold back, just beat him to death." Xiao Ginseng clenched her fists and yelled.

Teng Zhao's face was gloomy, and he didn't do anything fancy. He took out a Five Thunder Talisman and blasted it at Taoist Yiyang.

The two servants were injured by the lightning and thunder talisman buried in the small tomb formation, and one of them died. It is only fair that he repays him with the five thunder talisman now.

The Five Thunder Talisman is extremely powerful and difficult to draw. Even Taoist Master Yiyang himself found it difficult to draw. He has been practicing Taoism for so long and has only successfully drawn two of them. They were also used in life-saving and ordinary battles with others. , How dare you use this talisman?

Even that formation used only second-class lightning and thunder talismans.

But now, this little kid sacrificed the Five Thunder Talisman to himself.

Taoist Master Yiyang dodged quickly and was not completely hit, but was also affected to the edge, staggered, and fell to the snow.

His spiritual power was exhausted and he was at the end of his strength, but there were still three people on the other side that he couldn't defeat.

If you can't beat him, you can only run away.

Taoist Yiyang was about to use up his last bit of spiritual power to escape, but there was a bang.

His head was empty, his whole body ached and he felt no consciousness, his fingertips were numb, as if there were wisps of lightning flashing on them.

Who is he, where is he, what crime did he suffer just now? Didn't he already escape the Five Thunder Talisman? Why is there another one?

What kind of wealth is this? The Five Thunder Talismans are free of charge. You sacrificed one and got another just to kill him!

What an honor!

Qin Liuxi looked at the dying Taoist Yiyang who was blown up in the pit and was smoking. He slowly stepped forward, squatted by the pit, and asked, "Four years ago, you not only used the dead baby from Uncle Zhongqin's house, but Who is the person behind the ghost-trapping talisman and soul-locking soul who gave you the instructions? As for being so cruel to a dead baby!"

Taoist Master Yiyang coughed twice and said coldly: "So you are here to seek justice for that child? Don't you and I, fellow Taoists, not know that in our sect, we only use people's money to eliminate disasters for others? Since I took the customer's money, so naturally I want the customer to go smoothly, it's just a business."

Qin Liuxi said solemnly: "You are not afraid of retribution if you trap the child's soul and prevent him from being reincarnated?"

Taoist Master Yiyang laughed, vomiting blood while laughing, and said: "If I'm afraid, I won't do it. It's a poor Taoist who is not as skilled as others. I fell into your hands. I want to kill or behead him. It's up to you."

"What kind of underworld does Princess Siyi want you to do?" Qin Liuxi asked: "She has a poisonous person next to her, so why did she find you again?"

Taoist Master Yiyang's pupils trembled slightly and he said, "It was you who harmed my disciple."

Qin Liuxi was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "The one who played tricks is your disciple, and he is indeed the same raccoon dog. But looking at your expression, the one who played tricks must have lost his temper. Tell me, what does Princess Siyi want?" "

"I told you, will you let me go?"

Qin Liuxi nodded.

Taoist Master Yiyang thought for a while and said, "She wants to plant a yin fetus and give birth to a son."

"Absurd!" Qin Liuxi scolded: "If you want to have a precious son, why would you plant a vagina? She was not afraid of retribution for such a sin, and she even harmed Qing Qing's life."

Taoist Master Yiyang chuckled: "A noble son born from the five elements of heaven and earth has endless luck. To be so noble, how can he be born casually? He must have gathered the blood of a boy with all five elements of the zodiac, supplemented by spiritual talismans. Next, have sex at an auspicious time, wait for the vaginal fetus to be born, and when it grows to three months, the five elements will be strong. Then cut open the fetus and draw blood to drink it. The son born by the woman will become a noble son. And that noble child is equal to the son of destiny. "(End of chapter)

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