Mirror of the Sky

Chapter 241: Buddha's Trick

In the jungle, Zhang Huansheng wrapped the barbarian girl in the wind and flew fast, and finally returned to the dragon cavalry camp.

Along the way, the wind and dust were rolling, and the girl's face showed horror from time to time, her eyes kept rolling, but she never spoke.

After the two landed, Zhang Huansheng instructed a dragon rider in the remaining army to look for Moda and others, and ordered them to return to the camp. , asked straight to the point: "What's the name of your country?"

"Reporting to the master, we have not established a state or a country, we are all Maitreya Buddhist people." The girl immediately replied respectfully with her five bodies on the ground, and she saw Zhang Huansheng was silent for a long time, and added, "That is your pious son. civil."

Hearing this, Zhang Huansheng became more and more suspicious and puzzled, but with a calm smile on his face, he asked after deliberation, "Then how many of these Maitreya Buddhists are you waiting for?"

"Our Buddhist people have built 81 large cities and hundreds of small cities, totaling more than 70 million people." The barbarian replied respectfully.

Zhang Huansheng never imagined that there were such a large number of natives hidden in the island, his eyes widened, his brows furrowed and he confirmed in shock: "There are so many 70 million people!

You, how do you live? "

"The small town covers an area of ​​ten li, and it can open more than 800,000 mu of fertile land," the girl replied succinctly: "The big city covers an area of ​​100 li, and it can open more than 3.5 million mu of fertile land.

We have been waiting for the Buddhist people to move to the island for thousands of years, and we have expanded nearly 200,000 miles of land. In the wilderness, there are still wild beasts to hunt and wild fruits to pick, enough to survive. "

A territory of 200,000 miles sounds very vast, but in reality it is only three or four hundred miles across.

If a nomadic, fishing and hunting nation lived, it would be able to feed millions of people, but for a farming nation, as long as the land was fertile and the temperature was suitable, hundreds of millions of people could survive.

Moreover, the farming people are the most fond of the soil. The general public often spend their whole lives in the fields. Ten miles away is a strange world. Tens of millions of people are hidden in the wild forests, and they are not known to the people of Zhangguo who are hundreds of miles away. Not surprisingly.

Zhang Huansheng wanted to understand this, and he no longer pursued the barbarian woman's words with suspicion. He pondered for a moment and asked the question he most wanted to know, "You Buddhist people and I have never lived together, why do you worship me when you see me? , do you think that I am the living Buddha you admire?"

The girl answered without hesitation: "Half of the ancestors of our Buddhist people are the remnants of various countries when the Great Qin destroyed Zhou and the Great Chaos of Yan and Huang more than 800 years ago;

Half of them died seven hundred years ago in the Qin Dynasty, and they were Yan Huang Shuli, who was displaced by the war in the Chu Dynasty.

He was rescued to this island by an eminent monk who mastered unparalleled supernatural powers. Originally, it was said that there were only two or three million people, but the number of people has multiplied more than 20 times.

And the reason why we can live so peacefully on the island is all because of the support of the great monk, and the Buddhist people, such as us, regard the monk as the 'Dharma King' and worship him for hundreds of years..."

"Wait, you mean, seven or eight hundred years ago, your ancestors escaped the troubled world with the help of a monk who possessed great power, and settled on this island," Zhang Huansheng felt that the more the girl talked, the more confused she became. , interrupted her words with a frown, and said in a snarky voice, "Then I will be the master of that monk and ruled by him until now, right?"

The barbarian girl shook her head and said, "His Majesty the Dharma King said thirty years ago that in the past, the Buddha Lord lit a lamp and practiced in the 18th century of the ancient Buddhist calendar, and achieved the supreme righteous fruit;

Now the Buddha Lord Shakyamuni Buddha penetrates the road of birth and death under the withered quince tree, and achieves the first fruit position of all Buddhas;

Now it is the turn of the future Buddha Maitreya to awaken to the supreme fruit, but he chose to reincarnate and reincarnate, the method of breaking the world.

And the Great Venerable was reincarnated as a human being, as a disciple under his seat, he should have gone to protect the Dharma to support him, so he left the island..."

Feeling more and more confused, Zhang Huansheng frowned and blurted out, "What does these things have to do with me?"

The barbarian replied: "Ten years ago, the Dharma King once returned to the island and left behind a verse, 'Rebirth to the master, Maitreya to reincarnate, to save the world and help the people, to achieve great fruit, heaven and earth, only it is the only one', after the prophecy Maitreya's reincarnated person has the word 'survival' in his name, and he may also set foot on this overseas island to rebuild the Buddhist kingdom on earth..."

Hearing this, Zhang Huansheng only felt his head 'buzzing...'. He knew that it was impossible for this savage girl to make up such a bizarre lie, but he couldn't believe what she said was true, and he thought in confusion: "Seventy million Buddhists, Maitreya's reincarnation, and a mysterious and unpredictable monk of great virtue, what the hell!

I, I, is the reincarnation of Maitreya, this is too absurd, the dignified future Buddha, the human race has mastered the power of supernatural powers in the ancient times, and reincarnated, it is simply nonsense..."

Just at this moment, the tent was suddenly opened, and Moda and other generals of the dragon cavalry stepped in.

Seeing that the king was looking at a girl dressed as a barbarian under his feet with a gloomy expression on his face, Moda stepped forward and saluted as if nothing had happened: "Your Majesty, have you gained anything from fighting those savages?"

"The amount of harvest is unbelievable." Zhang Huansheng came back to his senses, opened his mouth to answer casually, and then pondered for a long time, shook his head vigorously, and muttered to himself: "Such absurd things can only rely on fantasy. No matter what, I can't figure it out, I should eat the fat in my mouth first, and then talk about other things, so as not to have a lot of dreams at night."

Mo Da, who was on the side, couldn't help guessing the deep meaning of Wang Shang's words in his heart when he heard the words, and he heard Zhang Huansheng's order: "Mr. Mo Jun quickly ordered all the dragoon troops and five-element warriors who are patrolling and stationed in the country to stop immediately. After other military affairs, we will gather in this camp within twelve hours to prepare for the battle against the barbarians."

In such a word, only the king who is in charge of the universe can do it.

Mo Da was taken aback at first~www.wuxiamtl.com~ seemed to want to say something, but seeing Zhang Huansheng's resolute expression, he finally swallowed the words in his mouth and replied respectfully, "At the end, Follow the king's will." He turned and strode away.

A day later, the seven thousand broken-hearted flying dragon cavalry and five thousand five-line warriors had gathered from their lives to the border of the land occupied by Zhang Huansheng's primordial spirit, and then under the leadership of Zhang Huansheng, they headed for the boundless valley in the distance.

Originally, no matter how powerful the arms were, conquering a country of 70 million people with 12,000 soldiers was undoubtedly a dream, but with the power of faith, everything became possible.

A person who has no faith in his heart cannot imagine how powerful the power of faith is. When Zhang Huansheng turned into Maitreya and appeared in front of the Fomin City, he could usher in endless worship with little effort.

Even if some high-ranking Buddhists hold different views, they have to submit obediently because of the strength of the Dragoons and the Five Elements Warriors, and they cannot compete with the general trend of conversion.

In just over 60 days, Zhang Guo added 70 million Buddhist people, and the number of Shuli surpassed the one-hundred-million-person mark in one fell swoop.

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