The next day.

Xiao Heng woke up to the harsh ring tone of his landline phone.

Looking at Chen Weiwei and Li Yuxin, who were still sleeping soundly with tired faces on their faces, they shook their heads.

I put on some clothes, got up and went to the living room to answer the phone.

"Hello~~where?"Xiao Heng answered the phone and said

"Hello, Mr. Xiao, I am the VIP lobby supervisor of Lisboa Casino. My name is Xie Feng."The person on the other end of the phone introduced himself.

"Xie Feng?"Xiao Heng suddenly remembered that Xie Feng was the casino manager who dealt cards to him and the middle-aged man last night and acted as the dealer.

"What's the matter with you calling me?"Xiao Heng asked curiously.

He had expected to thank the summit for causing him trouble.

No, as soon as he finished asking, Xie Feng on the other end of the phone said:"Mr. Xiao, Mr. Zhou who bet with you last night. , jumped to his death this morning"

"He jumped to his death, what does it matter to me?"Xiao Heng asked warily.

The middle-aged man lost more than 700 million Hong Kong dollars last night. He lost everything and his mental quality is poor. It is normal for him to choose to commit suicide.

Of course, he has nothing to sympathize with for the middle-aged man to commit suicide. After all, The middle-aged man was responsible for all of this.

So what he wanted to know most now was why did Xie Feng tell him the news?

Did the middle-aged man really jump off the building by himself? He also lost 200 million in the casino last night. Many Hong Kong dollars

"Mr. Xiao, can we meet and chat?"

As soon as Xie Feng said this, Xiao Heng had a bad premonition in his heart.

He had a premonition that if he did not agree to Xie Feng's request, he, Chen Weiwei, and Li Yuxin would be in danger.

So if he wanted to refuse, he changed his mind. Said:"Okay, where are you now?"

He doesn't like this feeling.

He has already felt the danger signal twice.

One was last night when the middle-aged man was going to have his final bet with him, and the other is now.

The source of both danger signals came from Xie Feng.

This made him very unhappy, but no matter how unhappy he was, there was nothing he could do.

Who told him that he was alone and had no power of his own? Who told him that he still had two hot weapons? Who calls him


Anyway, he felt super unhappy, but he had to agree to meet Xie Feng.

Of course, this incident also reminded him.

As he develops and explores his ability to predict, his money will become more and more. If he does not start to form his own force after today, then he will be no different from the legendary fat sheep. He will be slaughtered

"I'm in the cafe on the 4th floor of your hotel."Xie Feng said with a smile.

In fact, he didn't want to call Xiao Heng. After all, it would not be good for him or the casino if word spread about contacting the casino customers afterwards.

And based on his observation of Xiao Heng's behavior last night , Xiao Heng's identity is not simple, especially the muscles that Xiao Heng accidentally showed. As an insider, he can be sure that Xiao Heng is a person who practices ancient martial arts, and he is a successful practitioner. Otherwise, Xiao Heng's muscles It was impossible to return to his original nature, so he was unwilling to provoke Xiao Heng.

But last night, the casino lost more than 200 million Hong Kong dollars because of Xiao Heng's gambling with the middle-aged man.

Afterwards, the actual manager of the casino ordered him to find a way to get the casino back as soon as possible. Loss.

So he first talked to the middle-aged man overnight, but the middle-aged man did not resist....Ahem~ I chose to jump into a hug and died.

Now he only has the company shares that the middle-aged man mortgaged to the casino before jumping off the building.

The 'Sands Media' company founded by a middle-aged man, although it is a domestic listed company, is also one of the best in the industry in Shanghai.

However, the share price of Sands Media is not high, and the company's total market value is only 2 billion yuan.

The 51% stake that the middle-aged man mortgaged to the casino is worth more than 1 billion yuan.

But because Sands Media Company has no core competitiveness in the market, its shares are not popular.

Plus a middle-aged man jumping off a building.

So he found many people, but no one was willing to take over the shares of Sands Media.

Even if he sold shares with a total value of more than 1 billion yuan at a discount of half to 500 million yuan, no one would buy it.

There was no other way, so he came to Xiao Heng.

He wanted Xiao Heng to buy the shares.

Of course, if Xiao Heng didn't agree to meet him and didn't want to buy the shares of Sands Media, he would have no choice but to risk everything and ignore the morality of the world in order to complete the tasks assigned by his superiors.......

"Well, I understand. I'll come find you after I wash up."

"Okay, Mr. Xiao, I'll wait for you."

After Xiao Heng hung up Xie Feng's call, he went back to the bedroom and woke up Chen Weiwei and Li Yuxin.

"Weiwei, Yuxin, wake up."

Li Yuxin opened her eyes, glanced at Xiao Heng, and said coquettishly and sleepily:"Brother Heng~~ I'm so sleepy, can you let me sleep for a while?"

"Brother Heng~~"Chen Weiwei opened her eyes, glanced at Xiao Heng, said nothing, closed her eyes again and continued to sleep.

They are really sleepy now.

Because Xiao Heng won money last night, the three of them went back to the hotel and went crazy until after five o'clock this morning.

"Don't sleep anymore, get up and pack your luggage quickly, we are going back to Xiangjiang."Seeing the two women's reactions, Xiao Heng shook them again and said angrily.

"Brother Heng, did something happen?"After listening to Xiao Heng's words, Li Yuxin sat up and asked Xiao Heng with a worried look.

She won too much money because of Xiao Heng last night, and she had been worried that something bad would happen.

"Brother Heng, can something really happen?"After Chen Weiwei woke up, she looked at Xiao Heng's expression and saw that there was no bad expression on her face. She asked calmly.

She knew Xiao Heng's strength, so she thought that Xiao Heng did not show any bad expression. Everything is under Xiao Heng's control (blindly worshiping Xiao Heng)

"Nothing has happened yet, but I'm afraid something will happen."Xiao Heng said with a smile.

You can probably guess the reason why Xie Feng asked him to meet.

So he needs to be prepared in advance to talk to Xie Feng.

"In this case, Brother Heng, what should we do now?"Chen Weiwei and Li Yuxin asked

"Weiwei, Yuxin, I will go to the coffee shop on the fourth floor of the hotel later to meet the croupier who dealt the cards to us last night, who is also the casino supervisor."

"You two, wait for me to go and then get up and pack your bags."

"After packing your luggage, don't go anywhere, just stay in the room and wait for news from me."Xiao Heng thought for a while and said.

In fact, what he wants to do most right now is to let Chen Weiwei and Li Yuxin leave Austria immediately.

If Chen Weiwei and Li Yuxin are not in Austria, even if he and Xie Feng break up, with his early cultivation of An Jin Because, he didn't say how many enemies he killed, but he could do it if he wanted to return them all.

But he knew that with the strength and power of Xie Feng and the Lisboa Casino in Austria, he wanted Chen Weiwei and Li Yuxin to leave Austria now. Before sending Chen Weiwei and Li Yuxin to Xie Feng

"Okay, Brother Heng, we listen to you"

"Well, you have to remember that after I leave the room, unless I come back, if anyone knocks on the door, don't open the door."

"Brother Heng, we remember"


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