Mercenaries and Adventurers

Vol 3 Chapter 74: , ending, skinning, returning to village and healing

The reddish moonlight gradually seeps from the distant hills.

Zhao Ji stuck several spears upside down on the ground, and waited for the approaching wolves with his hands on his hips.

Soon, the exhausted wolves returned to this messy battlefield through the night. Sad rage began to pass among the Steppenwolves when they discovered that it was not their leader but a human being standing in the field.

The heir of the head wolf raised his head and let out a long, mournful howl, and the other wild wolves followed suit. Their wolf howls brought a touch of emotion other than **** cruelty to this brutally fought battlefield.

Zhao Ji frowned. He pulled out a bone gun in his hand, and while the wolves were howling, he aimed the spear in his hand and threw it out.

He aimed specifically at the leading wild wolf, but the bone spear thrown was still spotted by a mature wolf with rich combat experience. It jumped twice, and before the bone spear hit the wolf heir, it used its own body to catch the bone spear.


From a distance, Zhao Ji could hear the sound of the bone spear piercing the wolf's body. The thick fur did not block Zhao Ji's carefully thrown blow, and the wild wolf fell to the ground after being hit, and wailed uncontrollably from its mouth.

The scion of the alpha wolf saw that his partner had suffered a sneak attack from humans in order to save himself. It let out a deep roar from its throat, and its two spirited wolf eyes cast fierce gazes on the humans in the distance.

Zhao Ji looked at the other party without fear. He shouted, pulled out a bone gun again, and threw it directly after aiming.

The heir of the wolf wolf moved his four feet aside vigorously, and the human's blow hit nothing.

The heir of the first wolf roared softly, calling for the remaining two wild wolves to attack with him, but the other two did not respond to his call. Instead, they approached the injured companion, one of them dragged the companion towards the distance, and the other tried to bite out the bone gun stuck into the companion's body with its mouth.

Seeing that the other companions were unwilling to attack together, the wolf cub roared ferociously at the humans in the distance, then dodged the eyes of the humans, and came to its mother, sniffed his mother for the last time, and at the same time Mother smelled the human on her fangs.

It will remember this taste, and will take revenge, but not tonight. The alpha wolf died in the battle with the goblins for territory, and it shouldered the heavy responsibility of the entire wolf pack.

Zhao Ji kept staring at the wolves until the reddish moon rose from under the hills, and the boundless wilderness became clear again. The wolves finally retreated. They bit off the bone spear head on the wounded companion, arched the wounded companion together and gradually left the battlefield, and behind them was the roar of the human finally announcing victory.


Zhao Ji roared for a while, and didn't stop until his lungs were starved of oxygen. The battle tonight exceeded his expectations. He thought he had found a group of goblins and wanted to clean them up, but unexpectedly, these goblins came to fight the wild wolves.

Zhao Ji reckoned that without his intrusion, the result of this battle might be that the goblin side would win. Once the goblins obtained the right to rule the wilderness to the southwest of the village, the village would probably be harassed by more goblins. Then the situation deteriorated again, until Kendall City sent a large number of militia and soldiers, led by the knights, to destroy them.

Zhao Ji reckoned that it might not be so easy when the time comes. The goblins already knew how to form a battle formation, capable of both long-range and short-range strikes. If we really want to fight, it is estimated that the loss will not be too small.

Zhao Ji continued to stay alert on the battlefield for a while, and after confirming that the wolves would not return, Zhao Ji relaxed. He drew out his dagger, cut off the heads of every goblin he could find on the battlefield, gathered the corpses of the dead goblins together, dug a shallow pit with a shovel, and cut off the headless goblins one by one. Throw the goblin corpses into it, and then cover them with a thin layer of soil.

The treatment of wild wolves was very troublesome. Although the furs of all the wolves who died in battle were greatly damaged, Zhao Ji was greedy for those thick wild wolf furs. With great effort, he carried the wild wolves one by one into the stone camp until after dawn the next day. He also brought back all the heads of the goblins, and some weapons used by the goblins. Zhao Ji took all the weapons he valued back to the Stonetop camp and put them away.

There was always a strong wind outside the Stone Top Camp, so Zhao Ji tied the goblin's head with a rope and hung it on the stone to dry. As for the corpses of the Steppenwolves, Zhao Ji carefully began to skin them beside the fire in the camp.

The coats of these wild wolves were in good condition, not the poor coat of the old wolf he had killed outside Kendal. Apart from some wounds, these furs are shiny and have thick winter coats.

Zhao Ji first practiced with a wild wolf covered in wounds. He carefully opened the wolf's stomach with a dagger, piled the internal organs of the wolf into the wooden barrel of the goblin, and then started from the stomach, and separated the wolf's skin from the body bit by bit along the subcutaneous fat layer .

The torso is easy to deal with, but it is Zhao Ji's difficulty in dealing with the limbs. He thought hard about how the skinners in Kendall City handled this part. When he wanders around the city occasionally, he likes to watch the artisans in the artisan district treat the furs of wild animals in the old way.

Zhao Ji finally cut them along the back of the wolf's limbs. He remembered that craftsmen would keep the front of the beast's legs and feet intact. The wolf's head is the most difficult, there is not enough fat on the wolf's head, Zhao Ji has to be very careful to separate the wolf's head from the skin of the wolf's head. As for the sharp teeth in the wolf's mouth, Zhao Ji used a dagger to poke down their teeth bit by bit.

Finally, Zhao Ji's painstaking skinning was finally completed. He looked at the finished product with very rough fur edges, so he had no choice but to accept it.

After skinning the wolf's body, Zhao Ji transported the internal organs and skeleton muscles to the pond not far from the Stone Top Camp. There are many kinds of creatures living here, and he sprinkled the last things of the wild wolves here to let them return to nature. When the wolves were alive, they preyed on all creatures in the wilderness. Now that they died, their bodies returned to the bodies of all creatures.

Zhao Ji does not eat wolf meat, they are some brave opponents. Compared with wolf meat, he prefers to throw it with a goblin's small wooden stick to stun the alert rabbits, and eat fatter rabbit meat, although the rabbit meat is actually very dry when roasted.

It took Zhao Ji two days to dispose of all the corpses of the eight wild wolves. The further he got to the back, the more skilled he was at skinning. Thanks to the colder weather every day, the corpses of the dead wolves were not severely corrupted.

Every day when Zhao Ji was handling the wolf carcasses, many small animals had already gathered at the edge of the pond. These free food made these little animals want to stop. It was easier to prostitute the wolf carcasses that humans don't want than the daily busy preparation of fat and food reserves for the winter.

Zhao Ji knew what these little animals were thinking. He was mainly interested in a kind of carrion-eating blue bird. These birds are the same size as crows, but the color of their feathers is azure blue, which looks very beautiful. When Zhao Ji saw it for the first time, he thought that these birds would have some strange abilities, after all the stories said so.

In this regard, Zhao Ji carefully observed for a long time, only to find that these birds are actually very common, and they probably rely on this brightly colored feather belt to deter other animals that prey on them.

Indeed, in the woods by the pond, the other animals kept at a great distance from the birds, as if to avoid them. And these beautiful birds are also very proud of this, and they keep showing off to their cousins ​​- the crows. The crows paid no attention to it, they were all concentrating on pecking at the wolf bones and meat and internal organs that Zhao Ji discarded.

In the end, the crows followed Zhao Ji all the way to the Shiding camp, and they stayed in the windshield of the camp. Once Zhao Ji broke open the belly of a wild wolf and took out the unwanted internal organs, the crows swarmed up , held a feast around the goblin barrel.

Zhao Ji occasionally practiced the sling left by the little goblin leader, and he took those beautiful blue birds as his practice objects. Soon, Zhao Ji mastered how to use this weapon, it is really simple, Zhao Ji thinks so.

One end of the sling is tied to the right wrist and fixed, and the other end is alive, so you can hold it tightly with your right hand when using it. Put small stones of suitable shape into the wide pocket in the middle of the sling, and then turn the sling quickly so that the stones in the pocket of the sling do not fall due to centrifugal force.

Then put the orbit of the rotating sling on the same track as the target to attack, and finally release the sling held by the right hand at the right time. When the time is right, the stone leaves the sling and hits the target exactly along the arc.

After all, Zhao Ji watched the goblins, who were experts at slinging slings, use this thing many times. He imitated the movements of the little goblin leader, and quickly mastered the method of using this weapon.

This time the beautiful bluebirds in the woods suffered a disaster, and Zhao Ji quickly made them pay the price for their lack of vigilance, and their beautiful feathers became Zhao Ji's collection.

Zhao Ji didn't plan to return to the village until all the wild wolf furs were processed and Zhao Ji hung off the fat on the back of all the furs. Zhao Ji hid the dried hard fur in the stone camp, and Zhao Ji hung the dried goblin head on a thin but strong tree trunk according to the method last time.

There is still a whole day's journey away from the village, so Zhao Ji had to take a rest in the open air once in the wild. Without shelter, Zhao Ji survived the night with difficulty. Fortunately, he was wearing a thick coat for this season, and he also had a thin rainproof cloak in his backpack, which could also withstand some of the chill at night.

The next day, Zhao Ji didn't return to the village until noon.

The sentinel outside the village was the first to see the dusty, blood-stained appearance. This sentry called the stubborn stone quickly climbed down from the simple wooden sentry tower. When he ran to Zhao Ji, Zhao Ji Finally, I can sit on the ground and take a rest.

In the end, Zhao Ji was carried into the village by the villagers, and his dried goblin heads were carried by the villagers on the village square for all the villagers to watch until dark, and then they were carried by the elders Mu asked the militiamen to take the dried goblin heads into the security team's basement.

After Zhao Ji was carried to the village by the sentries, Nia Mushou and other elders in charge of the village rushed to the village house together. When asking Kiel to pass by, Nia Shepherd also specifically asked if Kiel was injured.

Zhao Ji had no choice but to admit that he suffered some injuries in the battle a few days ago, mainly because his left leg was bitten by a wild wolf head wolf, and his left arm was seriously injured during the use of the shield. Zhao Ji wanted to take care of his injuries these days when he was dealing with wolf skins at the Stone Top Camp, otherwise his injured leg would not be able to walk so far, carrying the heads of dozens of goblins all the way back to the village.

Nia Mushou looked at Kiel worriedly. She asked the villagers to bring a pair of iron scissors from the grocery store, and carefully cut open Zhao Ji's left trousers. When everyone saw the wound on Zhao Ji's calf that was no longer bleeding, they were quite surprised. Zhao Ji's calf was bitten by more than a dozen large and small wounds. The small wounds were only slightly broken, but the main teeth on the wolf's teeth gave Zhao Ji five or six deep blood holes. Each one is big enough to stick a pinky finger in.

It is almost impossible for Kiel to walk all the way back with such a serious wound, and the villagers find it incredible. Zhao Ji also felt incredible. When he treated his wounds, he also felt that these bites were serious, but after his wounds were tightly wrapped with clothes to stop the bleeding, the bleeding soon stopped. Top camp got up to check the wounds, his bitten wounds had formed a thin layer of scabs on the deep muscle tissue.

Although it was very painful when walking, it did not affect his movement. Zhao Ji did not officially confirm that his wounds did not affect his trek all day back to the village until all the wolf skins were disposed of.

"Is this bitten by a wolf?" Old Domo looked at Kiel's wound and asked Kiel in a positive tone.

Zhao Ji nodded: "Yes, it was thrown down and bitten by the leader of a wild wolf pack while fighting. Of course, I stabbed him to death with a dagger in the last fight."

Nia Shepherd didn't care where Kiel got these wounds, she said to Kiel: "No matter how I got hurt, this time, you must accept that I will treat you with the power of the great Saturn."

Seeing the old and kind eyes of Nia Mushou, Zhao Ji scratched his messy hair blown by the wilderness wind with his dirty fingers: "Okay, okay. Listen to you, I haven't seen it yet. How can the power of the gods be used to heal wounds?"

"It's very convenient, just don't move." Nia shepherd asked the villagers to find a water basin and clean linen for and cut all the trouser legs around the wound with iron scissors. After the villagers brought the things, Nia Mushou personally cleaned the dirt around the wound with water, then opened her hands and placed them 20 centimeters above Zhao Ji's wound. She stared closely at Zhao Ji's wound, In his mouth, he whispered a prayer to seek strength from the gods:

"Great and loving Saturn, your servant Nia-Kara is here to ask you for a little power."

"Your warrior, the brave young Joe Keel who fought for the farmer who worked the fields, needs your little strength to watch over."

"Flesh comes from food, and food comes from land and labor, and the land and labor are protected by the battle of flesh and blood."

"The warrior's wound was bitten by a wolf in the wilderness. Please work with your servant to heal this warrior's wound."

As soon as Nia Mushou finished speaking, a slight blue light appeared on her body, and this blue light was transferred to her hand, and then illuminated Zhao Ji's deep wound about to be left by the spike .

Zhao Ji felt itchy and was about to speak. Old Duomu interrupted what Kiel was about to say: "Is it itchy? Don't move, just bear it."

Zhao Ji had no choice but to curl his lips and hold back, but it was really itchy.

By this time, Nya Shepherd had begun to say her prayer for the second time. In order to divert Kiel's attention, Old Domo asked what happened to Kiel when he went out this time. How could he kill so many goblins by himself and be bitten by the Steppenwolves.

Zhao Ji gave a wry smile, and began to tell the curious people in the village house about this hunting trip where the elf ruins had been hidden. Even Nia Shepherd, who was treating Kiel with magical powers, was attracted, so Hao Xuan focused on the treatment.

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