Mercenaries and Adventurers

Vol 3 Chapter 30: , City Gate Square - celebrations, ceremonies, magic

While eating, Zhao Ji came to the outside of the square at the gate of the city.

The entire square has already gathered people who believe in the God of Saturn, and the people are holding a small handful of dried ears of wheat in their hands. Those who really don't have one can get one from several entrances of the square.

In the center of the square, there was a small open space, and some clergymen of the Saturnalia Church were holding long wooden sticks tied with ears of wheat and fruits to attract the attention of the people.

Dang dang dang, dang dang dang.

A clergyman in a green robe rang a rattle in his hand. The crisp and loud bells rang through the noisy city gate square. The excited people fell silent after hearing the bell.

After a while, the whole square became quiet.

An old shepherd stood in the middle of the open space, and beside him stood two rows of young trainee shepherds, all of whom were teenage boys and girls.

The old shepherd held ears of wheat and fruits in both hands, raising them above his head. Singing in an old but loud and clear voice:

The joy of harvest is in my breast.

The young trainee shepherds sang repeatedly in young and thin voices:

The joy of harvest is in our breasts.

The people near the center of the square are all selected pious believers. They are both male and female, and they are of different ages. They sing together with their own voices:

The joy of harvest is on the chest of all.

Other people in the square continued to sing loudly together. As soon as the sound wave came out, the clouds in the sky were also dispersed, and the sound wave of thousands of people was heard in the entire city of Kendall:

The joy of harvest is in the chest of all things in the world.

After this burst of sound, the whole world seemed to be extremely quiet, and the old shepherd continued to sing:

Use my labor to feed my stomach.

The young novices went on to sing:

Use my labor to feed the stomachs of my family.

Devout believers also sang:

With my work, feed the bellies of all people.

Then all the people in the square sang:

Use my work to feed the stomachs of all things in the world.

Zhao Ji, who was also in the square, also sang along. He didn't know what was going on, but when it was time to open his mouth to sing, his mouth seemed to understand, and he didn't need to be taught. Opened his mouth and sang.

At this time, in all parts of Kendall City, everyone stopped their work and looked towards the direction of the city gate. In their field of vision, the square at the gate of the city seemed to be shrouded in a faint blue light. , the simple but powerful singing of people who believe in Saturn resounded in the ears.

The old shepherd went on to sing:

Day after day, year after year, I invite the Harvest again.

The trainee shepherds sang loudly:

Year after year, day after day, we invite the harvest again.

The pious believers sang aloud:

Day after day, year after year, everyone invited the harvest again.

Everyone in the square sang excitedly:

Year after year, day after day, everything in the world invites the harvest again.

On the city wall at the gate of the city, many backbone pastors of the Saturnalia Church stood apart under the leadership of the pastor. All of them spread their arms. They are all connected by the blue light divine power that is as thick as an arm. The pastor was holding a flowerpot in his hand. In the flowerpot, there was a bunch of ordinary yellow flowers with green stems and leaves, and the flowers were full. It seemed that they were usually well taken care of.

The old shepherd finally sang:

The **** of agriculture unites you and me, the four seasons teach skills, and the arrival of a good harvest makes me feel like I was young!

The young novices finally sang aloud:

The God of Agriculture unites us, the four seasons teach skills, and the arrival of a good harvest will make us grow up healthily!

The pious believers finally sang loudly:

The **** of agriculture unites everyone, teaches skills in four seasons, and the arrival of a good harvest makes everyone healthy!

Everyone in the square finally sang excitedly:

The God of Agriculture unites all things in the world, teaches skills in four seasons, and the arrival of a good harvest doubles the power of all things in the world!

The pastor saw that everyone in the square under the city gate had finished singing, and everyone in the square was shrouded in blue light. He turned around and glanced at the shepherds behind him connected by divine power, and whispered to They said: "The ceremony has been completed, please do as in previous years."

The shepherds behind the pastor closed their eyes, and the blue light divine power surging from their bodies was transmitted to the pastor one by one, while the pastor held the flowerpot in his hands high and muttered words. That is, he is praying to the great **** of agriculture for the extremely effective recovery magic.

In the center of the square, the old shepherd saw that everyone had finished singing, so he looked up at the city tower. From his angle, he could just see the pot of yellow flowers that the priest held up. He saw the progress above, and then said loudly: "Please hold your parents, brothers, sisters, relatives, friends, friends and guests around you, and let us share the blessing of the great Saturn in the next ceremony."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his right hand and put it on the head of a young trainee shepherd standing beside him. This eleven-year-old trainee shepherd reached out and held the hands of the two trainee shepherds beside him. They shook hands with each other, while another row of trainee shepherds standing behind them put one hand on the front shoulder, while turning around to hold the palms extended by the devout believers behind them.

The palms hold each other tightly, and then the devout believers connect to the people around them. Zhao Ji watched the movements of the people around him, and reached out to hold the palms of the people around him.

After all the people in the square temporarily put down the ears of wheat and other items in their hands, they connected their arms and palms together. The priest at the gate of the city closed his eyes when he saw the situation. He had already finished reciting the familiar divine spell prayers. As soon as he closed his eyes at this time, the divine spell was released through the flowers in his hands.

There was no conspicuous movement after the extremely effective revival magic was activated, but everyone in the square could already feel a strong divine power impacting everyone.

It started with the old shepherd who led the singing, then the young trainee shepherd, then the devout Saturn believers, and finally everyone in the square. Everyone was healed by the magic, and everyone felt more or less refreshed and relaxed. Even the oldest old man straightened up his stooped body.

Everyone's body emitted a faint blue light, and the blue light of all people was connected together, shining on the square as if a sun had risen from the ground.

The blue light on Zhao Ji's body was somehow extraordinarily large, far exceeding the light emitted by the old herdsman who led the singing. Of course, when everyone was shining, the surroundings were full of light, and no one could tell much about the situation.

The priest on the tower opened his eyes a little bit, and seeing a majestic beam of light rising from the ground in front of him, he burst into tears again. Although he often presides over the opening ceremony of the annual Harvest Festival, every time he can see the scene in front of him here, he is very moved.

The ceremony of the Great Saturn connected the lives of people in the square together in a short period of time. In the short time that the ceremony afforded, the people in the square holding hands could be seen as a gigantic creature with thousands of lives. Immediately afterwards, he released an extremely effective recovery spell that was jointly released by more than twenty shepherds and the divine power of his own priest.

The huge creature with thousands of lives in front of him was warmed and healed by the extremely effective recovery magic. And all divine magic with healing ability has one thing in common, that is, the more powerful the target is, the more powerful the effect of divine magic will be.

Although this is just an extremely effective recovery magic performed by a priest of his, it cannot be compared with the eternal strengthening magic performed by the gods themselves, and it is even inferior to the magic performed by many higher-level church leaders who are stronger than him. But to say the least, it is more than enough to last for two years. The more people participate, the greater the impact of the magic will be.

At the same time, he also knows that this method is only effective today. When he went to the Holy Land to study more than ten years ago, he heard from the bishop who gave the lecture that the great Saturnalia is the time when the people are grateful and can perform miracles today. He didn't understand it before, but after returning to Kendall City, he still understood the meaning after so many years.

How vast is the territory of mankind and how large is the population. All people will actively and passively participate in the festival celebrations led by the great **** of Saturn today. How glorious the **** of agriculture will be today, the divine power is boundless, and he can create miracles to shine on the world.


After the divine power enveloping the blue light gradually dissipated, all the people unconsciously let out their own praises. Zhao Ji clenched his fists, feeling that his arms and palms were full of strength, and his body was slightly hot, as if full of vitality, which made him feel like he could run a full circle around the swamp in the south of the city from here.

Many people outside the square gradually left the square after expressing their After all, they have obtained the biggest harvest here, so naturally they want to continue to enjoy the festive atmosphere. After all, after the celebrations of the Saturnalia Church began, the annual Harvest Festival has officially begun.

All kinds of singing and music sounded from everywhere in Kendall City. Zhao Ji looked at the sun, obviously he felt that only a few minutes had passed, but in fact, looking at the rising trajectory of the sun, half of the morning had passed.

Good guy, it turns out that I have lost the perception of time just now.

The clergy of the Saturnalia Church in the central area of ​​the square continued with various festival activities, and devout believers surrounded them tightly. At this time, the shepherds and priests on the city wall also slowly walked down the city wall. The guards walked out of the garrison at the city gate and walked towards the city wall, bowing their heads to the clergy of the church as they walked.

Among the many residents of the square who were not devout followers of Saturn, some were grateful for the gift of Saturn and stayed in the square, and many of them would become followers of Saturn. Zhao Ji's morning arrangement was to participate in the celebration activities of the Saturnalia Church. Although various activities seemed to have started in other places, Zhao Ji knew that they were all small-scale spontaneously organized activities. If you really want to see something, you have to watch the large-scale celebrations organized by various churches.

In the afternoon, the real master of the artisan district - the Church of the God of Artisans will hold a grand festival. Zhao Ji planned to go to have a look in the afternoon, and at noon, he planned to go around the wealthy district very close to here.

Now, Zhao Ji saw a group of members of the Saturnalia Church walking in from the city gate, holding clay pots in their hands, and the crowd at the scene became happy and excited again. It seems that a new activity has started, Zhao Ji straightened the badge on his chest, and walked over excitedly to participate.

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