Mecha Journey

Chapter 99 Three-Stack Tactics

Yang Mu, follow you Sister Mo later, and Sister Mo will take you flying!

As soon as he entered the channel, Ji Mo said loudly to Yang Mu with a somewhat excited tone. After having more contact with Yang Mu in the past few days, this originally quiet girl seemed to suddenly reveal her personality, and she spoke more fiercely than the short-haired girl Yuan Miao.

And in the same channel, that guy Quinn was also howling loudly, constantly clamoring about how he was going to come out on top today.

This is... Teacher Xu? At this moment, Ji Jin said something in surprise.

The voices of everyone in the team channel suddenly stopped, and then everyone exclaimed.

Wow, Teacher Xu, you are so awesome and you want to play with us? Ji Mo asked in disbelief.

Teacher Xu is so handsome. Can you give me an autograph later? Yuan Miao said teasingly.

Ahem, it's disrespectful of you to be like this. There is an old saying that goes well, it's called respecting teachers and respecting morality. If you are like this... Quinn interrupted at this time, criticizing the words of Ji Mo and Yuan Miao.

Please shut up! But it seems that what he got was complete suppression...

Seeing that Ji Jin and the others did not seem to have any objections to Xu Yuanming joining the team, Yang Mu immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He had just pulled Xu Yuanming into the team channel on his own initiative. Now everyone has no differences, so this is the best.

However, Yang Mu still wanted to get more involved in everyone's atmosphere, and was about to speak, but he didn't expect Xu Yuanming to speak first.

Ah hahaha, hello everyone, my name is Xu Yuanming, I am younger than you, you have to protect me.

By the way, Yang Mu and I are old friends.

Xu Yuanming said in the channel, his tone was very brisk, without any airs of a teacher, and this was what Ji Mo and Yuan Miao wanted best. Ji Mo immediately said loudly in the channel.

It doesn't matter. With me, Sister Mo, protecting you, they won't dare to make mistakes!

Eh?! So you and Yang Mu have known each other for a long time?!

Yang Mu, please tell me how you met Teacher Xu?

Seeing Xu Yuanming quickly mingle with everyone, Yang Mu also smiled knowingly, briefly explained how he and Xu Yuanming became friends, and then controlled the mecha to move forward.

At this time, Ji Jin said something in the channel, and everyone gradually stopped talking and joking, and began to take this simulation training seriously.

This simulation mission does not allow the old students from the first phase and the freshmen from the second phase to control the mechas to fight, but requires all students to complete a joint mission set up by the system - to attack the fortress.

This is a fortress castle built in a hilly area under the system settings. The terrain castles on both sides of the fortress have the same firepower settings and the same attack mechanism. Both sides will attack from both sides. Which side will get the top of the fortress first? The flag determines which side wins.

The weapons and equipment of the mechas driven by the students are the same, with two shoulder-mounted machine guns, a kinetic energy rifle in one hand, and six missiles in the weapon rack.

Therefore, there are actually only three variables. One is the type of mecha being driven, the other is the individual's mecha driving level, and the third is the different mecha operating systems in the two teams.

Yang Mu and others slowly gathered together after becoming familiar with the operation of the neural connection. At this time, many students in the field also controlled the mechas to gather together, formed small teams, and began to discuss countermeasures with each other.

On the other side, the first batch of students had a similar scene.

Outside the real field, Long Lie found a chair at this time and sat in the center of the field with his legs crossed. His eyes carefully looked at a large floating screen in front of him, while Xu Shaoqing stood next to him, with eight pieces in front of him. Relevant data and pictures are jumping on the screen from time to time.

There are no staff moving around the entire venue now. All the mechas in the cube frame are moving their entire bodies with the help of the suspension system. The surrounding data collectors are continuously transmitting various data of these mechas. Go to a control room in the distance.

What do you think? Ji Jin asked in the team channel, waiting to hear everyone's suggestions.

Brother, just make sure yourself, I will listen to you anyway. Ji Mo said on the channel at this time, but Ji Jin scolded him sharply, asking Ji Mo to think about it himself.

Xu Yuanming said that he should just attack directly according to the system's instructions. Others had similar opinions. Ji Jin said to form small teams to attack, but Yang Mu thought about it carefully and then put forward an opinion.

I think we can use the properties of the neural connection system to make some adjustments to our offensive operations.

Adjustment? Adjust what? Xu Yuanming asked at this time, and Ji Jin also expressed that he wanted to hear Yang Mu's thoughts.

Yang Mu organized his words a little and said what he had just thought.

My idea is that although we are now divided into groups, the group attack may not be the best method of action for this operation.

My opinion is to use a three-fold attack strategy.

Three stacks of tactics? What is this? Yuan Miao was a little confused at this time and asked in the channel.

The three-layer attack that Yang Mu said is literal. The mecha troops are divided into three echelons. Each echelon's attack has gaps. This can ensure continuous combat effectiveness, but the firepower should be reduced. Quinn relied on his erudition With his mind, he immediately explained the tactics Yang Mu said.

Yang Mu nodded, but still added something.

Although this method will reduce the firepower, we can use neural connection technology to achieve precise operation of mechas and precise strikes on fortress targets. This will greatly increase the effectiveness of firepower, and at this time, the density of mechas will It will go down, casualties will go down, and the probability of success of the entire mission will be greatly enhanced.”

Ji Jin and others didn't speak, they were all thinking about the method Yang Mu said.

The method that Yang Mu originally thought of was to form different teams of mechas and attack together as a group. However, many years of combat experience made Yang Mu think about it more and finally came up with this strategy.

The changes that neural connection technology has brought to him and others are different. At least Yang Mu feels that with the support of this technology, his strength will be lighter and more accurate than somatosensory operations.

This kind of technology can make up for everyone's lack of driving skills, but everyone's combat awareness is definitely not as sophisticated as the old students, so it is easier to use the human sea tactic.

Okay, just use this. Two voices sounded at the same time. It was Ji Jin and Xu Yuanming who agreed to this method at the same time.

Everyone saw this and agreed.

Okay, I'll go talk to the other teams on the public channel and see what they think.

Ji Jin saw that everyone agreed with this idea, so he switched channels and went to the public channel to discuss.

Yang Mu, how did you come up with such a method?

Xu Yuanming said with great admiration at this time, his tone full of admiration.

This is a method of warfare in the army. I saw it in a book before and just thought of it, Yang Mu explained. Everyone was not too surprised and thought it was the result of Yang Mu's reading. .

Ten minutes later, Ji Jin returned to the team channel and informed everyone that everyone agreed to the plan, and then each team would have someone in each echelon.

There were six people in his group, so Yang Mu did not shirk and volunteered to be the first echelon, while Ji Jin chose to go with Yang Mu.

Ji Mo and Xu Yuanming are in the second echelon, while Yuan Miao and Quinn are in the third echelon.

The various groups also began to separate at this time. Eighty-one people took the initiative to line up in three lines under the hill one kilometer away from the fortress, slowly approaching the direction of the fortress, preparing to launch an attack.

At this time, on Xu Shaoqing's screen, the situation of the first batch of students and the second batch of students were completely different. The freshmen of the second batch formed three rows, while the old students of the first batch formed three or three rows each. The four-person team spread out and relied on their superb driving skills to advance towards the fortress area in an orderly manner.

Xu Shaoqing and Long Lie looked at the two teams with different movements on the screen. Long Lie nodded, but Xu Shaoqing smiled.

At this moment, Yang Mu was controlling the War Dragon mecha to move forward slowly and carefully. The advantage of the hilly area was that there was enough space for the mecha to cover its body, and the low hills could also reduce the energy of the mecha while traveling. consumption.

Yang Mu is now less than 500 meters away from the nearest turret of the fortress. Yang Mu can already see the low-hanging gun barrel of a fort. Occasionally, one or two people report the location and situation on the public channel. Everyone is watching Move forward slowly, looking for the right time to start the battle.

Suddenly, a huge explosion sounded, and fragments of a turret flew in the direction of Yang Mu. The artillery fire on the side of the fortress facing away from Yang Mu and others began to operate, and roaring sounds came and went.

It seems that the old students in the first phase have already begun to attack the fortress.

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