Yanshan Zihua Pavilion.

In the darkness, the rain dripped down the eaves of the pavilion and then gathered on the ground into muddy water with mud.

Chen Ming stretched his foot on the muddy water, leaving each and everyone footprints on the muddy water. He looked up and there was a man wearing a black robe covering the face.

Chen Ming walked beside the black robed man and stood beside him, then said, “You are back.”

Black robed man slightly nodded, then said: “Yes, you sent me away, I personally came back.”

Chen Ming said: “Are you coming to me, is there anything?”

Black robed man Open his own black robe, revealing his white hair, and the oil on his face, he said with a smile: “I caught your discipline, you killed me once, it was flat.”

Chen Ming took a bottle of wine from his arms and handed it to Bai Fagui. Then he said, “I have done it, we are two, don’t say that no one believes in this. Everyone is acting well, don’t play.” Let’s talk about trading directly.”

Bai Fagui hehe smiled and took a drink from Chen Ming’s drink, then said: “It really is Chen Ming, I am familiar with it. To be honest, I really want to kill you. After all, I am good enough. I can’t tolerate people who are as good as me.”

Chen Ming said: “Are you a compliment to me?”

Bai Fagui said: “Okay.”

Bai Fagui reached out and rain fell from his fingers. His hand was white. It was a pathological white, full of death white, just like the white hand of the dead.

However, the blood flowing in it and the muscles that are knotted between the joints all indicate that he is strong.

“I am now the emptiness of the Emperor of the Emperor, I am learning the Cutting Void. I spent time watching it. Of course, in order to convince the Emperor of the imaginary, I deliberately delayed a month, but even then, It is enough for me to get the reuse of the Emperor.”

Chen Ming asked: “What strength is Taixu?”

Bai Fagui handed the jug in his hand to Chen Ming, and then said: “The 50,000 Great Principle Golden Immortal, the Prince of the Hundreds, the Emperor of the Emperor, is the cultivation base of the Emperor.”

Chen Ming said: “Too virtual is so powerful?”

Bai Fagui said: “Dao Seed, too virtual, is called magic. Every time they break through, they may bring an untitled item in the world. So, there will always be some weird things, let’s say me. Plus too virtual in this world, there has been no damage all the time, it is normal to have such strength.”

Chen Ming picked up the jug, raised his neck and took a sip, then asked: “So, come to me, what is it for?”

Bai Fagui said: “100,000 years ago, attacking your World is my Ghost World, Ghost World is not the same as your World, Ghost World is a big one, and soon, Ghost World will organize the next time. The battle against your World, with the strength of your world today, can’t resist it.”

Chen Ming asked: “What do you want to say?”

Bai Fagui sat down against the pavilion and said, “I will tell you a story. In Ghost World, living people are just tools for making evil spirits. Ghosts will use various methods to torture people and let their souls. After death, it turned into a evil spirit. That day, it coincides with Yin year, Yin month, Yin day, Yin hour, when it is Extreme Yin, if a pregnant woman died at that time, then the child Will become the most powerful evil spirit of innate talent.”

“On that day, the ghost door opened, all the evil spirits went out, searched for pregnant women in the world, and tried to get their baby to die, the baby died without birth, and the great resentment qi would make them Be a ghost baby.”

“At Ghost World, all women know that the babies born that day will die, but there are still young women who want to find a way to get pregnant before this time, because the ghosts will give them a lot of money.”

“However, there is a woman named Wang Cuihua, and she is pregnant. She is not for money. When she was born, she was a fool. God deprived her of her wisdom, but she gave her beauty. She is just a small mountain village. The ordinary peasant woman, her pregnancy, was also deceived by a rogue in the village.”

“On that day, a ghost was repaired in front of Wang Cuihua, and then she was thrown a large sum of money for her to drink a bowl of abortion.”

“She said nothing to drink, just said, ‘This is my child.’ She is stupid, does not say anything else, just repeats this sentence. Ghost repair nature can not be so easy to let her go, this The child of the day is very rare.”

“Ghost repair tempted her with all sorts of benefits, but she was unmoved.”

“Ghost repair can’t help it anymore. Ghost repairs are always cruel, and they don’t care about killing a baby. The ghost repair moves towards her, but she just protects her belly.”

“At last she died, and died in a snowy night. She was covered in bruises and finally fell into a cold blood pool. The blood was frozen. There was no scar on her stomach. The baby eventually died and lost. Mother’s warmth, a baby has not yet been born, and only one death.”

“But, this baby, only one after another died behind the mother, the whole Ghost World has only this one.”

“This ghost repair finally took away the evil spirit of the baby, and brought it to the ghosts.”

“Wan Geng Ding is a nourishing place. They put all the ghosts and babies found on this day into them, and then let them kill each other until the only remaining ghost baby is the Ghost Baby.”

“The new Ghost Baby King was brought to the front of the ghost emperor, became the disciple of the ghost emperor, and is the next ghost emperor.”

“But what they don’t know is that the woman named Wang Cuihua, the child in her stomach, is a Reincarnation Immortal. He saw his own mother was tortured to death, and finally the soul disappeared.”

Bai Fagui moved towards Chen Ming, stretched out his hand and said: “My name is Wang Jiujiu, Wang Cuihua’s king, September 9th, mother has no wisdom. I once said that when I was born, it was the number of that day. As the name.”

“Nice to meet you!”

Chen Ming reached out and Bai Fagui’s hand slammed into the air and made a loud bang. “Under Chen Ming, Chen Ming’s Chen, Chen Ming’s Ming!”

Bai Fagui swept Chen Ming, what is Chen Ming’s Chen, Chen Ming’s Ming?

Chen Ming was too lazy to manage this and asked: “So, you want revenge?”

Bai Fagui slightly nodded, then said: “Revenge such a thing, if the enemy is old, then it is not called revenge. The so-called revenge, must step on the face of the enemy, tell him why he will die, what he did wrong And then cut his head, this is called revenge!”

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