“Ding, you have achieved an achievement [empty hand, no sleep]. Because of your pressure, you have killed a sleepless person, you have received 3000wprestige, you have received 3w billion spiritual sense.”

“Ding, since your prestige has reached 2 billion, you have triggered an identity challenge mission.

1, [Crownless Supreme] (unique)

Requirements: Become Crownless Supreme and be able to be bound.

Identity with halo: [Jiangshan half wall].

Current progress: 40%.

2, [Disputed World]

Requirements: Under the heavens, it is not the emperor, the land of the soil, the imperial minister.

Identity with halo: [dictation].

Current progress: 15%. ”

By the time Chen Ming is now, there are only two identities to choose from.

His next stop is the Lord of the World.

“I choose [Don’t be the world]!”

“Ding, the mission has been accepted……..”

Chen Ming asked: “I have no plot task yet?”

“Ding, since you are already Overlord, your every move is the story, so you don’t have a plot task. What you can trigger now is achievement.”

Chen Ming slightly nodded, this is also true, he is the plot, how to do the plot mission?

Chen Ming took a sip from the tea in front of the table and said, “I want to seal the purple pole to a sleepless person. I am not so easy to let you do it.”

A month later.

High Council.

On the table of the Supreme Council, the head of the Forbidden is placed, next to the Supreme Council, Li Suyi, Luo Muye, and Ziji stand aside.

Before the long table, seven sleepless people were present.

Crownless Supreme didn’t come, he was not ready to manage the matter here.

Today’s Chen Ming is enough to make a living.

Chen Ming, at the head of the long table, looks at Ling Hao at the end of the long table.

The two looked at each other for a long time and wanted to see each other’s thoughts.

Gai Jiugui tried to say: “This forbidden is dead, how to deal with it, there must be a result. Bright sleepless, Ling Hao sleepless, do not know, what do you think.”

Ling Hao crossed his hands and said: “Direct disciple Li Suyi, Wencheng Wude, strategizing, and winning, this victory is a victory over a sleepless person. In my opinion, Li Suyi is enough. Seal a sleepless person!”

Chen Ming’s brow wrinkled slightly, and came up with a retreat?

Li Suyi is a person who has no sleep, and it seems that there are many benefits. This is to retreat, first give Chen Ming some benefits, and then talk about the fact that the purple seal is extremely sleepless.

Chen Ming reached out and knocked on the table, and said: “The clothes have not yet come out of the mountain. It is not appropriate. If it must be sealed, is it necessary to divide the galaxies of the Forbidden Privilege to him?”

Chen Ming is not stupid. Li Suyi has no sleepers, no territory, no strength, how to become a sleepless person?

Ling Hao said: “The rebels under the Prohibition have been rehabilitated. I think they can let go.”

The main event came, and now Chen Ming and Ling Hao are most concerned about this 8,000 army.

Chen Ming said: “This is a rebel. After the rebellion, can you admit your mistakes? If so, can I slap you and say sorry?”

Ling Hao asked: “So what do you do in the light of sleeplessness?”

Chen Ming said: “At least in the Kingdom of Yan, hold the millennium! Day by day, pay their sins!”

Ling Hao angered: “They have killed the thief of the thief! The thief is dead, they are not guilty.”

Chen Ming said: “The millennium is the Great Principle Golden Immortal. What can’t bear it? After the millennium, I will regain their freedom.”

The two men struggled, and Ling Hao wanted to save the army that was finally purple, but how could Chen Ming let go of these army, isn’t it a killer?

Scribbled, be sure to remove the roots!

Huang Laoduo said: “The light sleepless, this is still too ruthless. I have always heard that Kingdom of Yan hobby peace, now it seems that the name is not true.”

Chen Ming’s eyes glimpsed and suddenly saw Luo Guangye’s head shining brightly.

Well, it seems that you can have another operation.

This is a shock to the tiger!

Probably the effect is that Luo Muye’s tiger body is shocked, and the Eight Thousand Army is all acknowledge allegiance!

It may be worthwhile to let Luo Muye go to influence.

Luo Muye conquered the charisma of the people, Chen Ming has seen, many return to Yanshan’s lord, or direct disciple, more or less bring back some Golden Immortal, but at most dozens.

Luo Muye, at the time of Golden Immortal, brought back tens of thousands of Golden Immortal!

What is this concept?

Probably the legendary charm of the leader, people can’t help but want to achieve allegiance.

Chen Ming said with a smile : “Since they are not guilty of this, then there must always be some methods to prevent them from rebelling again. I think that I can let my direct disciple Luo Muye become the position of the purple micro-stars.”

Many sleepless people are look toward towards Chen Ming, and then look at Luo Muye, this little bastard as a sleepless person?

What does it mean to be bright and sleepless?

This guy’s reputation in Kingdom of Yan is not very good. It is said that it is under the Chen Ming door, direct disciple, and even among all the disciples, the most mischievous one!

Bright and sleepless, is this crazy?

Let Luo Muye be the sleepless person of the purple micro-star system, is this not a nonsense?

Luo Muye has put his chest up quite, so that those who are sleepless can see his face more easily.

Chen Ming face full of black lines, this little bastard, it really looks like this!

Ling Hao was somewhat unbelievably looking towards Chen Ming and then asked, “Are you true?”

Chen Ming nodded, then said: “What’s wrong, is there any problem?”

Ling Hao said with a smile : “There is no problem, just like this, I think the arrangement of light and sleepless is very reasonable.”

Other sleepless people also said: “Yes, Luo Muye Tian genius, but it can be qualified for the position of no sleeper.”

Wufu looked toward towards Chen Ming and asked, “Do you play really?”

Chen Ming said: “That’s it, let’s go.”

The crowd went out to the High Council, Li Suyi and Luo Muye followed Chen Ming, and Wu Fu also followed.

Ling Hao moved towards Purple pole stretched out, Ziji quickly came to Ling Hao’s side, Ling Hao whispered: “Luo Muye went to the purple micro-stars to be a sleepless person, Kingdom of Yan in order to save their strength, success Ascend to the position of Crownless Supreme, you must not dare to bring too many Raven Irons to ride in the past, and these eight thousand army are all loyal to you, let Luo Muye, become a shellless sleeper, should not be difficult?”

Purple pole vault: “many thanks uncle, this move is better than the position of I am no sleeper. If I must be on the position of a sleepless person, the light sleepless will certainly not let go of the eight thousand army, by then, I also have the title of a sleepless person, but now, I really have the power of a sleepless person!”

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