Chen Ming 杩滆翻镄勭湅镌€杩欎袱涓狦reat Principle Golden Immortal inhuman 鍦板皢涓€链垫浜戞墦鏁浜戞墦鏁纴鐒跺悗锛孋纴鐒跺悗锛孋 Ming Ming 浼 箮鏄彂鐜 箮鏄彂鐜Chain 変粈涔堜笉瀵 殑鍦 锛孧 锛孧 锛孧 锛孧 锛孧 锛孧 锛孧 锛孧 锛孧 锛孧 锛孧 锛孧 锛孧 ster ster ster ster ster ster ster

浣嗘槸鍢涳纴镐 湁闾 箞浜涗 箞浜涗 Mon Mon Mon Monster Race 锛屽洜涓 缁熺殑铡熷洜锛屾 缁熺殑铡熷洜锛屾 塩 塩 塩 塩 塩 塩 塩 塩 塩 塩 塩 塩 塩 塩 Transformation

杩椤浜嶤hen Ming 鏉ヨ鍙笉鏄竴涓ソ娑堟伅銆

瑕佷笉锛熷吇涓︻尓锛熷晩锛屼笉鏄笉鏄纴鍏讳 榫欙纻

浠诲姟宸茬粡鏉ヤ 锛屾兂瑕佸畲鎴愯 锛屾兂瑕佸畲鎴愯 锛屾兂瑕佸畲鎴愯 锛屾兂瑕佸畲鎴愯 锷 纴镊︻劧鏄鎯 纴镊︻劧鏄鎯 纴镊︻劧鏄鎯 纴镊︻劧鏄鎯 纴镊︻劧鏄鎯 纴镊︻劧鏄鎯 纴镊︻劧鏄鎯

怐 镄勩 镄勩 怐 Race Race Race 涓 挓銆 挓銆 簬 簬 Dragon Race 镄勫 鍒 鍒 洿澶 晩銆 晩銆

浜庢槸涔庯纴Chen Ming 鐪嬩简锻ㄥ洿涓ㄥ洿涓鐪硷纴灏鐪硷纴灏鐪硷纴灏大湁鍑犱 Golden Immortal 锛屽帇镙硅涓崭笂镊涓崭笂镊繁銆

Chen Ming 浠庡ぇ娌 箣涓鍑 箣涓鍑 纴鍖栦綔涓 链 链 链 链 链 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 ぇ灞 ぇ灞 ぇ灞 ぇ灞 ぇ灞 €

杩欎袱涓狦reat Principle Golden Immortal 帴渚挎槸看岃缮鍧愬缑浣忥纴鐩存帴渚挎槸moved towards Chen Ming 鍙桦寲镄勬寲镄勬浜戣幓锛屼袱浜 笉杩囧垰鍒 笉杩囧垰鍒 笉杩囧垰鍒 嚭 嚭 d d d dragon claw 杩樻 钀 埌 埌 Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming嗗嚭鏉ャ€

鈥滀綘浠眳鐒 鍑 鍑 鍑 熺寮 熺寮 熺寮 熺寮 熺寮

Chen Ming 镄勮瀛愰噷锛屽钖屾槸涓嶅皬蹇冧竴鑸惤涓嬩竴 chain粡鏂囷纴鈥淎iya 锛屽嚭浜唌ajor event 浜嗭纴浣犱滑绔熺劧灏嗘垜镄凞ragon Transformation Technique 镓 Transformation Transformation Transformation Transformation

Chen Ming 浣滃娍瑕佸幓鎹★纴鐒跺悗濡效悓鏄彂鐜 浼楀 浼楀 浼楀 Great Principle Golden Immortal 钖埚洿杩囨潵锛屸€漀ot good 锛屾鍦版晫浜哄お澶 お澶 お澶 锛屽摷锛屽 锛屽摷锛屽 锛屽摷锛屽 锛屽摷锛屽 锛屽摷锛屽 锛屽摷锛屽 锛佽 锛佽 锛佽

鍏ㄥ姏灞曞紑鍗娄骸涔嬮 镄勯 熷 锛孋 锛孋 锛孋 锛孋 锛孋 锛孋 锛孋 锛孋 Ming 镄凣 镄凣 镄凣 镄凣 镄凣 Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden笂涓ょ溂锛屾嬁Chen Ming 镙规湰娌°C湁浠€涔埚涔埚涔埚

浼楀Great Principle Golden Immortal 钀 涓€涓€奃奃ragon Transformation Technique 銆嬶紒

deep sea.

Chen Ming 灏嗕竴棰桾rue Dragon 涔嬭纰庣墖鏀跺埌琚栧瓙涓纴鈥滃浠婃垜寰楀埌镄凾rue Dragon 涔嬭纰庣墖搴旇宸笉澶Arg涔嬭纰庣墖搴旇宸笉澶浠ュ皢鍏ㄨ韩椴滆鎹(二)垚True Dragon 涔嬭浜嗐€傗€

Chen Ming 灏嗘渶杩戜袱涓湀鏀堕泦鍒 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 high high high high high high high high high high high high high high high high high high寮犲彛锛屾柦灞旷槠楠ㄩ椁纴灏呜伞浜汿rue Dragon 涔嬭纰庣墖鍏ㄩ儴钖炰笅銆

Chen Ming Dragon chain夌殑 True Dragon 涔嬭纰庣墖锛岀洏鑶濆潗浜嗕笅鏉ワ纴鐒跺悗寮€濮嫔嗳澶噐efining True Dragon 涔嬭纰庣墖Fin死镣夋祦杞纴寮€濮嫔叏锷efining within the body 镄凾rue Dragon 涔嬭纰庣墖銆

True Dragon 涔嬭纰庣墖鍦ㄩ 镣変箣涓瀺鍖栵纴 镣変箣涓瀺鍖栵纴 婊 鐜剏 鐜剏 鐜剏 鐜剏 锛屾祦杩涗粬镄刴 锛屾祦杩涗粬镄刴 锛屾祦杩涗粬镄刴 锛屾祦杩涗粬镄刴 锛屾祦杩涗粬镄刴 锛屾祦杩涗粬镄刴 锛屾祦杩涗粬镄刴 锛屾祦杩涗粬镄刴 锛屾祦杩涗粬镄刴 锛屾祦杩涗粬镄刴 锛屾祦杩涗粬镄刴 锛屾祦杩涗粬镄刴 锛屾祦杩涗粬镄刴 锛屾祦杩涗粬镄刴腑锛岄『镌mermerian 锛 palaceoved towards 浠栫殑蹇冩眹镵氲€屽幓銆

浠栫殑蹇冧笂锛屼竴灞效眰榫椤▉阃愭笎鍙桦缑娴揿帤镞犳瘮锛岃槠鐒 缮鏄 缮鏄 缮鏄 锛屼絾鏄嵈鏄湁浜哖 锛屼絾鏄嵈鏄湁浜哖 锛屼絾鏄嵈鏄湁浜哖 restige Of True Dragon 锛

a path of ripple 浠庝粬镄勮韩镞佹孩鏁e紑鏉ワ纴璁╀粬镄勬祽韬矞琛€鍙桦缑旋村姞寮哄ぇ锛岄矞琛姞寮哄ぇ锛岄矞琛阃氲阃氲meridian 娴佸悜锲涜偄锏鹃锛岃鏁翠韬韬韬閮槸寮槸寮濮嬩濮嬩

浠栬韩涓婄殑Prestige of True Dragon 锛屼篃鏄秺鏉ヨ秺娴揿帤锛屽钖屾槸娉(二)氮涓€鑸炕杞€

ㄥ洿镄勬 ㄥ洿镄勬 rest rest rest rest rest rest rest rest rest rest rest rest rest rest rest rest rest rest rest rest rest rest rest rest rest ility ility ility ility ility篃灏嗘垚涓篊hen Ming 镄刬nnate talent 銆

褰撶劧锛孋hen Ming cultivation 杩囦紬澶歁onster Race 镄刢ultivation technique 锛屽疄闄呬笂涔熸湁镌 杩欎 杩欎 in innate talent 锛屽彧涓嶈 锛岃 锛岃 涓猧 nnate talent 鍦ㄥ彉寮恒€

璇村疄璇濓纴Chen Ming 鐩村埌鐜板湪閮戒笉 夊缑杩欎 夊缑杩欎 in innate talent 変粈涔埚嵉鐢纴娌 簨涓嬩 簨涓嬩 簨涓嬩 ㄥ噳蹇噳蹇纻 ㄥ噳蹇噳蹇纻

Chen Ming 韬函涔嬩腑镄凯restrestige of True Dragon 鍙桦缑瓒婂姞娴揿帤锛屽嚑涔庤鍙樻垚瀹炶川鑸殑姘旀Nanjing

Dragon 祦娣岀潃 祦娣岀潃 True Dragon 涔嬭锛孋 Ming Ming Ming 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙纴钖屾牱鏄彉寰楁洿锷犺交鐩堬纴濡 悓椋炶渚挎槸浠栫殑 chain

Chen Ming 鎶ご鐪嫔ぉ锛屽繊涓崭綇鎯宠涓涓椋炲啿澶╋纴椋炲啿澶╋纴潵浠栨兂镄勬槸寮勫埌村镄凾rue Dragon 涔嬭锛岃 Umbrella鐜╂剰鍎匡纴璇翠笉瀹笉瀹浜huo Qingyao 夌潃澶夌潃澶夌潃澶敤澶勩€

But after thinking about it, after breaking into Celestial Immortal, isn’t it possible to catch Red Dragon more easily? It’s a bit of a hassle to grab it now.

By that time, it was the True Dragon of the Immortal King level, and he could also catch it.

Chen Ming flew up and leaped out of the ocean. “Now, it’s time to become a real Celestial Immortal. Monster Race old friends, my Chen Ming, come again! I don’t know how my pig plan is going. “”

I don’t know how their Dragon Transformation Technique cultivation is. Hey, this Immoral Master seems to have forgotten to give them some third-order Qingxin Bodhi, which makes their cultivation faster, missteps, and missteps!

Chen Ming walked away and could see it. On the whole earth, there was no cloud, and there were no trees on the mountain. Chen Ming was the heart startled at the time. These Monster Races were simply mad!

Chen Ming suddenly felt that there was a change in his feet. Chen Ming looked down and could see a 30 feet long red dragon looking at him slyly, and pretending to look like Chen Ming, moving slowly.

It whispered in the mouth, “wu wu wu (mother! I met the devil who claimed to be the Dragon Slayer, mother, I am going!)”

“wu wu wu (he can’t see me, he can’t see me)…”

Chen Ming fell in front of this red dragon, and the red dragon once again squatted, pretending that he did not see the name of Chen, and ate a bit of soil at random, then he was ready to turn around, Chen Ming moved towards him. It means letting it come.

Chen Long turned around and Chen Ming was a little impatient and coughed twice.

At this time, Red Dragon was finally soft, and turned around. Chen Ming circled around the Red Dragon and looked at it carefully. “Monster Race’s cultivation technique, in which Fire Dragon’s cultivation technique I also have cultivation, I don’t know. It doesn’t look like it.”

Turning into a good technology, but it will greatly affect the combat power of Chen Ming, this technology, after all, is not a fighting technique. After the transformation, Chen Ming’s strength decreased by at least 90%. After all, the knife could not be held, the armor could not be worn, and the technology was not good.

Chen Ming pondered over and changed, it has changed into a Fire Dragon, Chen Ming looked at this red dragon for a while, looked at himself, his color is not deep enough, but this is a small problem, not just a change Deep color?

a piece of cake!

Chen Ming turned three times around this red dragon and changed his style, which is exactly the same as this red dragon.

Then Chen Ming waved and directly shot the red dragon into pieces.

Since it is ready to go to the Dragon Gate, Monster Race must know it too. It can’t be too swaying. Monster Race can’t go up, but the distance of several ten thousand zhang, just an Immortal Technique will kill yourself, or it is better to hide.

Chen Ming incarnation Chen Long incarnation, flying up, flying directly through the sky, waiting for him to fly for three days, finally came to the Dragon Gate, really good, Chen Ming just glanced, it is I saw a lot of Monster Race camps, they have been here for a long time!

Chen Ming took a look at the camp of Monster Race. You can see that many people are serious cultivation. Well, it is very good. It seems that the pig raising program is very successful. When you break through to Celestial Immortal, you will kill the pig!

However, since the other party is coming to kill themselves, and they have entered the ancient Longmen, they must be desperate. They want them to not interfere with their own crossing tribulation. It seems unlikely that it is better to prepare a surprise for them!

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