Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 845: : Different prescriptions

The girl just saw that the boy in her class needed acupuncture treatment. Now when she saw Ye Chen standing there, she seemed to be embarrassed, thinking she was going to take off her gown for acupuncture.

"You don't need acupuncture and moxibustion. After drinking the medicinal soup, it should be fine in the afternoon," Ye Chen said.

The girl was relieved.

However, the parents of the students felt that what Ye Chen said was still too confident.

Now after seeing one man and one woman in the ward, there is another man and a woman. The conditions of the two cannot be delayed.

Ye Chen came to the third hospital bed and saw this boy. He was naturally about the same age as the two just now. It was also because he was uncomfortable after eating barbecued food at a picnic that day.

However, now Ye Chen looked at the other party's tongue and pulse condition after looking at the other party for the first time. As for the others, from the medical records that the other party saw before, you can see his situation.

"Do you feel a pain in your abdomen now?" Ye Chen asked.

There is no doubt that this kind of pain is the most uncomfortable. Even, especially at night when you are resting, if this happens, you will be awakened by pain.

Moreover, this situation is accompanied by possible diarrhea. After the boy nodded, Ye Chen confirmed that there were no other problems, and naturally prescribed a new prescription for him.

"Lin, male, 18 years old. Abdominal pain and diarrhea for 4 days."

"First visit: Four days ago, due to attending a school picnic and eating unclean food, it caused abdominal pain, bowel irritation, loose stools, watery stools, nausea and appetite, poor limbs, low temperature of hands and feet, short urine. Sleep is fair. Check: Tongue: pale red tongue, thin tongue coating. Pulse: slow and weak pulse."

"Traditional Chinese medicine dialectics: This symptom belongs to the pathogen of cold and dampness invading the intestines and stomach, the spleen loses health and movement, the ups and downs are disordered, the turbidity is not distinguished, the diet is not changed, and the conduction is lost. Dispelling cold, fragrant and turbid."

"Prescription: 15 grams of Agastache leaves, 15 grams of perilla leaves, 15 grams of tuckahoe, 15 grams of atractylodes, 15 grams of tangerine peel, 15 grams of pot belly peel, 15 grams of Qingxia, 15 grams of **** magnolia, 15 grams of Alisma, 15 grams of Zhicao 3 grams. 4 doses, decocted in water, 1 dose a day."

After Ye Chen finished writing, he gave it to Yu Shaohua who was on the side to read it, and Yu Shaohua gave it to the female nurse after reading it.

Now Ye Chen has watched this boy in a short time, and the last girl is left. There is no doubt that the other's expression is also very bad, listless, and other symptoms are very similar.

However, the first three boys and girls were all at the same time, because they also ate unclean food, resulting in diarrhea symptoms.

Ye Chen prescribed different prescriptions for the three of them, naturally because the specific symptoms of the three were different. Under the dialectics of Chinese medicine, the prescriptions prescribed by the three were naturally different.

Now, in order not to waste time, Ye Chen came to the fourth hospital bed and began to ask this girl. The specific symptoms now are similar to what Ye Chen recorded in the other party's medical record just now. It's just that the other party has a different symptom, fever.

Ye Chen still looked at the other's tongue, and then looked at the other's pulse. He already knew the other's situation.

He took the last new medical record and wrote on it: "Huang, female, 18 years old, had fever, abdominal pain, and diarrhea for four days."

"First visit: Four days ago, the patient participated in a picnic barbecue organized by the school. After eating unclean food, he developed fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, no vomiting, chills, general fatigue, no cough, sputum, no urgency Many students who ate at the same time with the patient had similar symptoms. However, other students gradually recovered and discharged after treatment."

"The patient has symptoms, clearness, mental fatigue, fever, sweating, aversion to cold, dry mouth, general fatigue, abdominal pain, diarrhea, yellow urine, and anorexia. Examination: tongue: red tongue, yellow and greasy coating. Pulse: pulse Slide number. Chinese medicine dialectic: This is because the patient’s diet is unclean, and the afternoon weather is hot, the heat is both high and the humidity is heavy, the heat is forced down, the ground is steaming up, and the heat and humidity are combined to form a heat and humidity pathogen. , Aversion to cold, red tongue, yellow greasy moss, damp-heat, a syndrome of the same disease of Wei-Qi. Diagnosis of heat and dampness, internal resistance of damp-heat, and the same disease of Wei-Qi. Treatment: aromatic Xin San, Xuanhua exterior and interior Wet evil."

After Ye Chen finished writing these times, he asked: "Where did you play that day? Did you play in the violent sun?"

In fact, as in the current situation, it has entered the Mid-Autumn Festival, even in late autumn. During the day, the sun is still very fierce, and the average temperature may be more than 30 degrees Celsius. At night, there was a noticeable coolness, and the temperature difference between day and night was still great.

As for this girl’s situation, Ye Chen can tell that apart from eating unclean foods, such as those that have not been cooked, she developed gastrointestinal discomfort. Then she and other students played with water in the sun and appeared naturally. The situation that Ye Chen just dialed in.

"I remember I was playing in the water on the beach on Chongming Island. At that time, I felt a little dizzy by the sun," said the girl.

"If that's the case, that's not bad." Ye Chen said.

He went on to write on the medical record: "Prescription: 20 grams of Pueraria lobata, 10 grams of Coptis, 6 grams of licorice, 10 grams of Agastache, 10 grams of woody, 10 grams of almonds, 20 grams of fly talc, 10 grams of Baikouren, bamboo leaves 10 grams, 10 grams of magnolia officinalis, 20 grams of raw cockles, 10 grams of pinellia. 5 doses, decocted in water, 1 dose a day."

After Ye Chen finished writing, he gave it to Yu Shaohua on the side.

As for the medical records obtained by other doctors of these four students, Yu Shaohua has already read it, and now looking at the medical records prescribed by Ye Chen in a short time, I feel that there is a gap between other Chinese doctors and Ye Chen in this respect.

Others would also find it very strange. It was obvious that these four students, on the same day, at the same place, and at the same thing, had stomach upsets.

But why did Ye Chen prescribe different prescriptions for these four people?

This is naturally different from the physique of the four people, and the specific symptoms of the four people after diarrhea are different, so the prescriptions are different.

If it is in Western medicine, it is classified as food poisoning in response to this situation, and the prescribed Western medicines are the same.

As for the effect, it is obvious that some of the other students have recovered, and the remaining four are the most serious. They have not recovered for four days.

Therefore, sometimes, in traditional Chinese medicine, no matter what the situation is, as long as it is truly dialectical in traditional Chinese medicine, then the patient's disease can be cured.

Now the female nurse hurriedly took out the medical records of the four people, went to the four people to take medicine, and then delivered them separately.

Now Ye Chen and Annie came to visit these students and took care of them by the way. As for the effect, Ye Chen knew that if these four people took the medicine today, they will be better tonight or tomorrow.

"In two days, I will come back to you for a follow-up visit and see how it works." Ye Chen said.

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