Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 822: : Vomiting

The grilled steaks on this luxury cruise ship are not comparable to the grilled steaks of high-end restaurants. The red wine here is also just ordinary red wine. However, with one thousand and five hundred yuan per person, there is something to watch and something to eat. That's it.

Lin Xinting hadn't finished eating the grilled steak, she was very full, and Ye Chen had finished the first one, and ordered two more.

If he knew there was still food available on the cruise ship, Ye Chen would not have to take Lin Xinting to eat at that high-end restaurant just now, and just go to the amusement park to eat.

Now the cruise ship is slowly traveling and has passed several scenic spots. Ye Chen has nothing to do except for taking pictures of Lin Xinting as a memorial.

After more than half an hour, a tour guide on the cruise ship came over and said: "In ten minutes, there will be a wonderful firework show on the Huangpu River."

Generally speaking, those tourists can only watch the night scenes on both sides of the Huangpu River when they are on cruise ships. It is on major festivals, such as New Year’s Day, Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Labor Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, etc. To the firework show.

Today is the 60th National Day. In addition to the large-scale military exercises in the capital, there will also be fireworks displays for about half an hour on the Huangpu River.

There is no doubt that these half-hour fireworks show was watched from a close distance, and these tourists felt it was worth the money spent.

Sure enough, they didn't wait long on the luxury cruise ship. They heard the sound of explosions from hundreds of fireworks about a hundred meters away, and then they rose into the sky and spread out. In the night, it was even more dazzling. .

Lin Xinting almost screamed excitedly, and hurriedly took out her phone to take a photo. She has stayed in Shanghai for many years, but usually during holidays, even when there is a holiday, because there is only one person, she either offered to work overtime or stayed in her dormitory to sleep.

However, this time was different. When someone came here and watched the large-scale fireworks show, they were naturally as excited as a child.

Ye Chen looked over, and the fireworks were very beautiful. However, after watching for a while, he was no longer interested. On the contrary, other tourists, in addition to taking pictures, are still making videos.

Now Ye Chen saw Lin Xinting's interest and didn't disturb her, and stayed with her to sit there watching.

According to the original plan, the time for the fireworks show was 30 minutes, with hundreds of fireworks being fired at the same time each time. After half an hour, it naturally exceeded several hundred thousand rounds.

Now it’s almost forty minutes for the performance to end, and the police are de-guarded, and the cruise ships can sail again. For other ordinary cruise ships, after watching the fireworks show for half an hour, it is natural that it is time to disembark and it is the next group of tourists to board the ordinary cruise ships.

Ye Chen sits on a luxurious amusement ride. Basically, no one will go down, because it spends money and provides overnight service.

Ye Chen and Lin Xinting sat on the deck, blew the river breeze for nearly an hour, watched the main beautiful scenery of the Huangpu River, and watched the firework show. Even after eating and drinking a lot, Ye Chen was naturally going to take Lin Xinting back to the cruise ship. In the private room, naturally there is no need to be blown by those river winds.

At night, it is almost late autumn now, so even if Ye Chen can withstand the wind of the river, I am afraid that Lin Xinting's figure can't bear it. However, Lin Xinting also looked a little shy when Ye Chen was pulling her.

When the two of them just stood up and were about to go back to the cruise ship’s double private room, they suddenly heard chaotic calls not far away.

Ye Chen and Lin Xinting stopped and looked over and found that it was a few meters away. A group of people surrounded them. Ye Chen did not walk over, but he had already heard a sound coming from there.

"The waiter is coming, my mother is uncomfortable." The one who shouted was a young man in a suit.

When this happens, not only the tourists around are watching, but the other waiters hurried over. Now the two waiters came there and saw an old woman in her 50s and 60s who was vomiting constantly, her face also turned ugly.

This time, not only the young man was scared, even the passengers on other cruise ships were scared.

Judging from the look of the old woman, others thought that the old woman had just eaten unclean food, which caused food poisoning.

In many cases, food poisoning is not a single case, or just a few, but a large-scale occurrence. Moreover, most of these tourists on cruise ships are mainly rich people, and they naturally cherish their lives.

Now when they saw that the old woman's expression was not right, they were surrounded there because they were not doctors, and they didn't know what to do.

On luxury cruise ships, there are no full-time doctors, because usually they can go directly ashore and then be sent to the hospital for treatment. As for other waitresses or male waiters, they only learn simple first aid.

Seeing the look of the old woman now, they also don't know what to do?

Now a middle-aged man on the deck looking like a manager on duty hurried over and was also taken aback by seeing the young man hugging the old woman, and then hurriedly said: "Hold inside first."

It is windy outside now, and if the old woman is really caused by food poisoning, then it will not only be the compensation of their cruise company, but it will also affect their cruise ship’s reputation and future business.

Therefore, when this happens, the less people know the better. It was windy outside, and he felt that the old woman should be arranged in a room inside the cruise ship, and then see how the situation is. If it doesn’t work, the ship’s crew can only speed up the ship to the ferry and send the old woman off. Go to the hospital for first aid.

Of course, he is also not sure, is there a problem with those foods? If there is a large-scale poisoning, it goes without saying that it will be bad, and the company will be bad.

Now that the young man hugged his mother, and two waitresses hurriedly followed, he went to a room on the cruise ship.

When other passengers panic, the duty manager asked them not to panic. After all, it is still not clear what the situation is.

Perhaps, in this case, it has nothing to do with the cruise ship. It is only because the old woman herself is ill and may be affected by night winds or other influences on the cruise ship.

However, in any case, the passengers are on the cruise ship. Therefore, the cruise company must be responsible to the end.

The manager on duty now thinks that the best thing is to comfort the other passengers first, so that they don't worry too much, and then he has to figure out what happened to the old woman who just vomited and her face pale?

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