Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 811: : Treatment of gray hair

It is generally believed that because doctors have a better understanding of disease, medical theory, and pharmacology, they can objectively conduct syndrome differentiation and treatment based on the condition of the disease, and prescription drugs are based on the disease, and there is often no scruples, so they often have obvious effects.

However, when treating oneself or family members, there are often more associations and worries, worrying that a certain medicine is hot, a certain medicine is cold, a certain medicine is harmful, or a certain medicine is toxic.

After prescribing the prescription, he carefully changed the taste of the medicine, adjusted the medicine again. The final prescription, the taste of the medicine is contrary to the rule of compatibility of the monarch and the minister, and the strength of the medicine is drastically reduced; the amount of the medicine does not match the four characteristics of cold, heat and temperature, and the purpose is not clear. .

Most people think that "medicine does not heal by oneself" is determined by the human nature of "cherishing oneself" and the mentality of "worrying". In fact, this is not the only reason.

TCM diagnosis and inspection of diseases requires four-diagnosis and consultation. This principle is implemented by the doctor for the patient. If it is applied to the patient, it will be inconvenient to look at the color, smell, and cut the pulse. Although there are mirrors that can be used, accurate information is rare. ; In pain, judgment and rationality are relatively reduced, which will have a direct impact on the thinking of diagnosis and treatment, which is probably one of the reasons.

Therefore, no matter how it is said that doctors do not treat themselves, under normal circumstances, it is difficult for doctors to deal with this situation.

Since Ye Chen studied medicine with his grandfather, he has understood the truth about self-medicine. However, he didn't seem to believe it, nor did he follow this unwritten rule.

Therefore, even if the villagers in the village were sick, whether it was him or the grandfather who treated them, they were cured 100%.

On the contrary, if even the villagers of your own village cannot be cured, let alone other people who do not believe in your medical skills, I am afraid that even you will doubt your medical skills.

Now Ye Chen knew that he had a way to cure Liao's white hair.

When he was about to show Mr. Liao, Liao Bingxue said, “Let’s watch after dinner first.”

Ye Chen could only go to the kitchen to help take out the dishes and chopsticks. When Liao Bingxue prepared four dishes and one soup, the three of them sat at the table for dinner.

Ye Chen usually equals the appetite of three or four people by himself, and Liao Bingxue has long known this. Therefore, when she cooks Ye Chen, she also cooks more rice. Now Ye Chen finished eating first and was already full. It was even more comfortable to sit back at the coffee table and drink a cup of tea.

When it was Lao Liao's turn to finish eating, he sat on the sofa, and Ye Chen let him rest for a while, and then showed him the condition of the gray hair.

Generally speaking, there are few white heads. This is because a person may have a lot of white hairs at birth. This situation is mainly due to congenital heredity. There are other reasons, such as malnutrition or lack of body. Certain elements.

In addition, gray hair has senile gray hair. When people grow old, their hair turns white. This is naturally a normal law, which is the same as the life law of birth, old age, sickness and death.

It's just like Mr. Liao, that's different. Although he is also over sixty, he belongs to the elderly. However, in his original hair, there were only very sparse white hair, and the others were black hair. The reason for this was the reason he was worried about his granddaughter in Xiaowang Village.

Therefore, there is no doubt that Liao's gray hair overnight is completely different from normal gray hair. In such a situation, through prescription treatment, there is naturally a way.

According to the theory of Chinese medicine, the hair is closely related to the liver and kidney. The kidney stores the essence of the liver and governs the blood. Its blooms are in the hair. If the liver and kidney are weak, the essence and blood are insufficient, and the hair follicles cannot get sufficient nutrition. One situation is that the ability to synthesize melanin is weakened and whiteness appears. Hair, then there is another situation that the hair follicles shrink or die, causing hair loss. On the contrary, if the liver and kidney are strong, the hair is thick and jet-black.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "hair is the rest of blood", and the growth of hair comes from the nourishment of qi and blood. If the blood is strong, the hair will grow normally. If the blood is weak, you can't go to the head and cause your hair to turn white.

The cause of the disease is nothing more than three major aspects: excessive blood heat, liver depression and spleen dampness, and weak essence and blood.

The blood heat is too high and the patient is emotionally agitated, causing the water to not contain the wood, the liver is vigorous and blood dry, the blood heat is too high, the hair roots are dysfunctional, and the hair is early white.

The white-haired person with high blood heat, hot constitution, easy to sweat, red lips, easy to thirst, and dry stool. In this case, it may be that the blood is more hot, which means that most of the young people are of this type.

Liver stagnation and spleen dampness, liver qi stagnation, damage to the heart and spleen, spleen injury, dereliction of duty, qi and blood biochemistry passive, so gray hair.

For the gray-haired people with liver depression and spleen dampness, this type of people work overtime for a long time, stay up late, and engage in mental work. Due to long-term work pressure, liver qi stagnation, damage to the heart and spleen, and spleen injury will lead to abnormal transport and chemical functions. Hysteresis is formed, so the source of qi and blood is insufficient, so the nutrition of the hair is not good, and it is easy to cause gray hair.

Insufficiency of essence and blood, insufficient kidney essence, inability to metabolize yin and blood, yin and blood deficiency, causing the hair to lose its nourishment and gray. The typical symptoms of white-haired people with deficiency of blood and heat are symptoms such as weakness in the waist and knees, coldness, poor sleep quality, and fatigue.

In Liao's condition, the gray hair overnight was obviously a transition of worry, panic, and fright. It caused a high concentration and tension of nerves and consumed more blood, which affected the blood supply to the head and caused gray hair.

Of course, Lao Liao himself is an old man in his 60s and 70s. Even if he is good at health and conditioning, compared with young people, he is already weak in essence and blood. During his time, because of the situation in the plague zone, Staying up late, long-term pressure, will also cause liver depression and spleen dampness, plus other conditions, because at that time Liao Bingxue was infected with the plague. In severe cases, he was even more emotional and worried, which caused the blood and heat to become more intense. .

When all the three causes of gray hair exist, it is normal for Liao to cause gray hair overnight. Of course, if we treat Liao Lao's situation unilaterally, it will be difficult to cure.

So, now Ye Chen waited until Lao Liao had a few cups of tea, and after talking to him about the situation, he checked the tongue and pulse, combined with Liao's other conditions.

For example, whether there will be easy sweating, easy thirst, etc. For these, although Ye Chen saw that Mr. Liao was in good spirits, if he really wanted to ask questions, Mr. Liao also knew that he was usually not as good as before when he went to the plague area.

Soon, Ye Chen finished the inspection and passed the dialectic. After determining the situation of Liao Lao, he referred to Li Shizhen’s drug records in the Compendium of Materia Medica, and the ancient Chinese medicine prescriptions for the treatment of gray hair. Zhang uses Polygonum multiflorum and black sesame seeds as the main prescription.

Because Ye Chen wrote prescriptions for Lao Liao, he didn't need to be as rigorous as writing other medical records, but just wrote out the dialectics of Chinese medicine, the methods of Chinese medicine, and the prescriptions.

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