Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 527: : Head plague

In fact, including Liao Wenen and Zhang Jinsong, these members of the Chinese and Western medicine expert team, at the beginning, when they received this task, they only knew that a plague epidemic had occurred in a certain mountain village in China, and they did not know anything about the plague epidemic.

Now everyone is on the Yun-8 transport plane. After breakfast, nearly nine o'clock in the morning, Wu Haiping took out a large stack of materials from a briefcase, looked at everyone, and said: "I think you experts, must be very I want to know the situation in the plague zone."

"Actually, to tell you the truth, as the person in charge, I don't know much. These are the latest information that has just been sent back over there. It has been printed out in paper and ink. Now you can post it. You can take a look." Wu Hai Ping looked at everyone and said.

Ask Liao Wenen and Zhang Jinsong to take those documents and send them to their relevant expert group members. Ye Chen sat there. Because there was not enough paper, he and Liao Bingxue got a copy. Now he lets Liao Bingxue read it first.

Instead, Liao Bingxue asked him to show it first. Ye Chen didn't refuse it anymore. When he brought the materials over, he saw the words printed on the ink-flavored paper, and his expression had changed drastically. Of course, all the members of the expert group after seeing those textual materials have different looks.

About five minutes passed. Basically, after everyone had browsed through it, Wu Haiping looked at everyone and said, "According to the first information, that mountain village is located at the junction of Sichuan, Guizhou, and Yunnan. That mountain village is covered on all sides. It's a big mountain with a tributary of the Yangtze River passing through. Normally, because of difficult and dangerous roads, basically, in that mountain village, except for some young people who go out to work, the old people and children stay in the village."

After Wu Haiping finished speaking, he looked at everyone, naturally wishing everyone to ask questions. When Ye Chen saw no one asked, he raised his hand and asked: "Dean Wu, can I ask a question first?"

"Yes." Wu Haiping said.

"You just said that the old people and children stay in the mountain village, and the young people go out to work. That means that the young people in the mountain village who go out to work have not yet contracted the plague before returning to the village!"

"Young man, you are right. According to the information, there are 583 people in this mountain village, including 383 men and 200 women."

"Among these men and women, if they are to be divided into infants, students, young people, middle-aged people, and old people, the information here is also available. Among them, 53 are children, 75 are students, 125 are young, and 185 are middle-aged, and the rest are elderly. 145 people are infected with the plague now. Except for those young people, more than two-thirds have been infected. According to the information sent back, 45 people have passed away."

"In addition, it was a barefoot doctor in a village who first discovered the accident. Before he contracted the plague, he asked the village chief to go out and notify his superiors. Among them, five doctors and eight female nurses in the town’s health center. There is also the No. 1 People's Hospital in a county-level city. Eight doctors and 13 female nurses entered the village first. Now, basically, they have also fallen ill!"

. . .

When Wu Haiping elaborated on the data, Ye Chen didn't expect it to be so serious over there. Of course, he didn't care about these. He knew that if those had already passed away, Ye Chen knew that he would definitely not be able to save them.

Now those who have developed symptoms and have fallen ill, whether it is the villagers in that mountain village or the doctors and female nurses who went outside for treatment, he hopes to be able to save them.

But now that he says that, someone will definitely laugh. After all, Ye Chen didn't know what the specific situation was.

Now that he understands some basic information there, Ye Chen asked again: "President Wu, why is there no specific introduction of the symptoms in these materials?"

After all, these are what Ye Chen and other expert group members need to understand. No matter what kind of plague, when the plague strikes, it is impossible to die directly.

"Everyone, the specific illness is difficult to describe, because the plague there is still very different from the plague six years ago. According to the locals, this is a head plague!"

When I heard the term head plague, except for the looks of Ye Chen's people, when they were still like that, the looks of others were also somewhat different.

Originally, these experts, whether from the Chinese medicine group or the Western medicine group, have lived for so many years, and naturally they understand all kinds of different diseases.

For example, the current AIDS is also a plague. There are also many people infected all over the world, and there are no effective drugs.

However, they have a clear understanding of the basic transmission route of AIDS and the symptoms, and they will not have that fear.

When ordinary people hear about AIDS, they are also afraid and rejected. However, when it comes to the head plague, basically, it can be summarized as the plague that has occurred in China since ancient times, and it can be described as the head plague.

The symptoms of human head plague may be many, but they are basically spread one by one. For example, in a family, one person is infected first, and then a few people in the family all die.

Even in one village, in several surrounding villages, the whole village may die, but in the end they are lucky to leave a few. This kind of large-scale human head plague appeared in every dynasty in ancient times, especially in the middle or end of the dynasty, when war broke out.

In that case, the imperial court was chaotic, and a large-scale plague suddenly occurred below. The imperial court simply couldn't control it. Whether it was because of the war that caused many deaths and did not have time to landfill or burned, those plagues used the corpses. And thanks to the spread of wild dogs and birds that eat corpses, it spread even more widely, and more people died.

The country is different from the previous imperial courts. Basically, in this situation, you can put out the plagues on the spot and find effective prescriptions when the plagues are just discovered.

In this regard, it is naturally incomparable under the ancient situation. In addition, now that traffic and information are so developed, in general, any special plague that occurs in a region or a village, as long as the government does not deliberately block it, should spread quickly.

Now when other expert group members are thinking, Wu Haiping reluctantly said: “In fact, what happened in that village happened a month ago.”

"However, at the beginning, the doctors in the township hospital and the county-level city didn't pay much attention to it. They just thought it was a normal situation. Besides, some officials wanted to suppress them when they tried not to spread it out in order to keep their black hats." Unexpectedly, when the noise over there got bigger, the county-level city government officials knew that they couldn't suppress it. When they hurriedly notified the Provincial Health Department and the nearby military districts, they learned about it.

In fact, it was the same six years ago. At the beginning, there was such a plague. The average doctor didn't know it, and thought it was just a common flu and cold. Unexpectedly, it became more and more serious. When it couldn't be suppressed, it naturally spread. Koshihikari.

Of course, Ye Chen now also agrees to blockade, in addition to preventing the spread of the disease inside, but also not to cause domestic panic.

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