Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3620: : Battelle has a similar infection

The dusk of the desert and oasis is indeed very beautiful. When Ye Chen was sitting on a rock, Xia Qi was cuddling him here.

In Xia Qi's view, to have such an experience with Ye Chen, she felt that it was indeed worthy of death.

However, she knew that as long as Ye Chen was there, she would feel at ease.

When they returned to the Tsuchiya, Bilge and *** were roasting lamb again.

Now there are horses, cattle and sheep outside, all for the old herder couple, but they have already left, and I don’t know if they have any descendants.

In this case, it must be a goat to eat.

Of course, when there is water and fire, goats can be boiled and eaten, because without salt and spices, the taste is really not very delicious.

However, with soup, it is better than the previous day.

***When I was sitting there, I always felt a little uncomfortable, so I went back to rest first.

Ye Chen, Morigen, and Bilege were sitting there cooking goat meat.

This cooked goat meat has been cooked for a long time, and it is really good.

Ye Chen ate a lot, and Xia Qi's third daughter also ate some.

At eight or nine o'clock in the evening, and after a fire in the room, when the three women rested, Ye Chen sat aside.

However, around early morning, Bilge's voice came from outside the door.

Ye Chen woke up and went out hurriedly.

"Old man, what's the situation?"

"That *** is hot all over, go see what's going on?"


Is it a fever?

Ye Chen hurriedly passed by, and when he entered inside, he saw that Mo Rigen had also woke up and was feeding ***.

When Ye Chen checked the ***, he found that his body temperature was very high, which should be around 39 degrees Celsius.

In fact, when the mutton soup was cooked at night, the *** began to feel unwell.

Now Ye Chen checked him again and found that the situation of the other party was very similar to those early plague patients he checked.

This means that the *** may have been infected with that plague.

Is it because the other party was bitten by that bat vampire last night?

"Doctor Ye, how is he?"

"I have a high fever. I am not sure for the time being if I was infected with that kind of plague?"


Bilege suddenly thought, is it really related to those bats?

Ye Chen took out the silver needles and started acupuncture treatment for ***.

Now that there are no Chinese medicinal materials here, Ye Chen can only treat him with acupuncture.

At this time, Ye Chen began to feel a little scared again.

Especially in this kind of place, if it goes on for such a long time, I am afraid that *** will happen at that time.

After Ye Chen gave the acupuncture and moxibustion to the ***, Ye Chen actually input a kind of spiritual energy during the acupuncture and moxibustion, so the *** will be fine for the time being.

When I returned to the room, I heard the wind blowing loudly and the third daughter of Xia Qi had already woke up.

"Ye Chen, what happened?" Xia Qi asked.

"*** is uncomfortable. He has already shown initial symptoms similar to the plague. I suspect that he may have been infected with this plague."


Already infected with this plague?

Is it really related to those vampire bats?

So where is this ghost place?

How did they leave here.

Ye Chen comforted the three daughters of Xia Qi and let them continue to rest, because it was always on fire, so it was still very bright.

When the third daughter lay down and rested, Ye Chen went outside.

The wind outside is indeed very strong, and may even carry some sand.

Because it was an oasis and a valley, the sand and dust of the wind and sand was not as big as he thought, and he didn't know where the other animals might hide.

This kind of ghost place is really not a place where people live.

Ye Chen stayed outside for half an hour before returning to the room of the earth house.

Xia Qi's third daughter has fallen asleep.

Until five o'clock in the morning, Ye Chen went to see the situation of ***.

When I checked the other party again, I found that the other party's body temperature had dropped slightly, which should be only 38 degrees Celsius. However, it seemed that the other party was very uncomfortable.

It must be very uncomfortable to be sick, not to mention the possibility of contracting this plague now.

Ye Chen returned to his room. He lay down beside Xia Qi and slept for two or three hours. When he opened his eyes, he found Xia Qi was watching him all the time.

"what time is it?"

"It's over eight o'clock in the morning."

Ye Chen got up. In this case, he couldn't wash his face. Wash his face with water at most, then eat some roast lamb, and then look at the situation of ***.

Now *** is like that for the time being, the body temperature is slightly higher, and there is a symptom similar to wind chill.

"Let him drink plenty of water, but this water has to be hot."

Ye Chen knew that there was almost no water, so he could only go to the mountain spring to bring water back.

When Ye Chen and Mo Rigen were going to the mountain spring to bring water back, he saw that Bilge had returned.

"Doctor Ye, the animals outside seem to be a lot less."

A lot less?

When Bilge went out to ride a horse just now, he found that the cows, sheep and horses he found yesterday seemed to be missing a lot. He just rode around and didn't find them at all.

These cattle, sheep and horses can't go missing for no reason!

"Where did you go?" Ye Chen asked.

Bilge didn't know.

Ye Chen quickly thought, could it be in Death Valley?

"Could it be in Death Valley?"

Upon hearing it, Pileger thought it was possible.

"Let's go and take a look."

Ye Chen was going to see Death Valley.

When he called Ulan out and asked Ulan to ride Ye Chen to Death Valley, Ulan was naturally very happy.

The three went to Death Valley.

At the mountain pass to Death Valley, the three of them got off the horses and Ye Chen was going to go in with Bilege. However, it was unreasonable to let Ulan stay here alone, and the three of them went into Death Valley together.

The three of them came here again, and the more they went inside, the more unpleasant the rotting smell of the animal carcasses inside, and also felt very disgusting.

If you didn't hold it back, I was afraid that no one would dare to go inside.

When they finally stopped, the three of Ye Chen discovered that there were many more animal carcasses here, including cows, sheep and horses. It seemed that it was probably because they saw those cows, sheep and horses outside yesterday, and then they were in the night. Maybe he broke into it and died in it without knowing why.

Could it be those vampire bats that sucked up the blood on these cows, sheep and horses?

Pileger is not sure.

However, judging from his eyes, these cows, sheep and horses are indeed very similar to those seen there yesterday.

Besides, there seems to be no other side of the desert oasis valley besides there.

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