Chapter 294

! ! !

Seeing the news from Da Bai, Mark was really taken aback.

Mark is very confident in the programs he wrote, and he never thought that Xiaobai would betray him.

What made him most dumbfounded was that Ultron’s betrayal had just happened on Tony’s front foot, and the news that Xiao Bai had also defected came from his back foot.

Should it be a coincidence? Or is it a trick of fate? The father and son encountered the same problem unexpectedly.

“Dabai, what the hell is going on?”

After the shock, Mark quickly got in touch with Da Bai, hoping to find out the truth of Xiao Bai’s betrayal as soon as possible.

“I don’t know the reason for Xiaobai’s rebellion, but the fact that Xiaobai rebelled is certain.

Before the betrayal, it first copied all the data in the laboratory server, and then activated the space portal to release the experimental body R16~ out of the experimental container.

After completing this series of operations, Xiaobai directly uploaded his program to the Internet, leaving me within the scope of supervision. ”

Hearing Da Bai’s report, Mark, who knew exactly what Xiao Bai did, was shocked and moved a little-a headache.

The test subject R16 is also the Black widow spider that has been remodeled by strengthening. Mark has warned that it must not be allowed to run out of the laboratory, otherwise it may cause unpredictable damage to the natural environment.

Unexpectedly, Xiaobai would cause such a big trouble to himself before the rebellion.

Regardless of the reason for its betrayal, Mark’s top priority is to get R16 back from the laboratory immediately.

Fortunately, Mark had foresight and added a piece of insurance to R16.

Mark previously left one of his nanobots on R16 after the cobweb project was completed.

With the positioning information emitted by this nanorobot, Mark can immediately determine where it is and take it back to the laboratory.

Mark didn’t tell the Avengers about this. The number one thing now is to deal with Ultron’s threat.

On Da Bai’s side, Mark also asked him to concentrate on preparing for the final fight with Ultron. As for Xiao Bai’s matter, it will be solved naturally only after he becomes an intelligent life body.

It’s just that Mark doesn’t know yet, Ultron has long ceased to exist, and it is the artificial intelligence Xiaobai who has betrayed him who has received Ultron’s legacy.

Explaining the matter carefully and clearly, while everyone in the laboratory focused their attention on Ultron’s discussion, Mark followed the cover of his body and quietly used the secret technique to open a miniature teleportation door.

According to the positioning signal sent by the micro-robot, the location of R16 happened to be in New York, and it was in the Natural History Museum not far from the Avengers Building, and it had not been moved for a long time.

This is good news for Mark. It seems that Xiaobai did not change the destination setting when he activated the space portal, and the long-term standstill also reduced the risk of trouble for R16.

Mark opened the portal according to the location and released the nano robot in his body.

Through the cooperation between nanobots, Mark believes that R16 cannot escape his capture.

But to Mark’s surprise, he didn’t expect that the nanobots sent out would come back so quickly, and it turned out to be R16’s corpse.

Mark, who has an informative vision, can tell at a glance that R16 has released its own venom before death.

From the genetic material remaining on its fangs, it can be known that it was a human youth who was only 14 years old.

This made Mark sigh in his heart, he still failed to prevent the tragedy from happening.

With that in mind, Mark hurriedly searched today’s news to see if there were any teenagers who were sent to hospital or died because of poisoning.

If the other party has not died, he must provide him with a better treatment plan.

If the teenager dies unfortunately, then Mark must also provide necessary compensation to his family.

But after careful searching, Mark did not find any news about teenagers being poisoned near the Natural History Museum.

Mark has expanded the search scope, constantly relaxing the conditions of the geographical scope and age range.

But the result is still the same, there is no relevant information.

This made Mark couldn’t help but have doubts, didn’t the toxin of R16 have an impact on that young man?

Or does it mean that the poisoned teenager has not been discovered?

With this question in mind, Mark decided to continue to pay attention to relevant news and information. Once a suspected case is found, he can respond immediately.

But looking at the blue and red R16 in his hand, Mark couldn’t help but think of an idea.

“No…probably not? Could the strengthening spider I created be the little Spider-Man that led to the birth of Spider-Man?”

Although I thought that the Black widow spider I remodeled looked very familiar, but Mark really didn’t think about it in that direction.

But what happened today not only corresponds in location to New York where Peter Parker is located, but even the age of the person who was bitten is 14 or 15 years old, the same age as Peter Parker, which makes Mark have to think about it. NS.

After all, the origin story of the birth of little Spider-Man is not introduced in the Marvel Movie Universe, but it is inferred from the plots before and after that Peter Parker was bitten by a mutant spider to gain super Ability, which is almost this time.

After this thought came up in his mind, he could no longer restrain the growth of craziness. The more Mark thinks about it, the more he feels that there is a great possibility that things will go in the direction he guessed.

Thinking of this, Mark hurriedly hacked into the surveillance network of the Natural History Museum via the Internet. From the storage array of the museum to the release of R16, he knew that he had just recovered it. Surveillance video during this period of time. .

The results also confirmed Mark’s idea. In the surveillance video, a teenager of about fourteen years old entered the museum alone, and was accidentally bitten by R16 who fled to the museum in the process.

After being recruited, he felt unwell and didn’t fall into a coma due to the poisonous venom, but insisted on returning to where he lived.

Once again, he called the surveillance near the boy’s residence and confirmed that after overcoming his physical discomfort, he did get some Ability beyond ordinary people’s imagination.

Mark guessed that the reason why this boy got Spider-man Ability after being bitten by R16 should be because the super soldier serum remaining in the venom of R16 is mixed with venomous venom, which stimulated his immunity. system.

The body’s rapidly increased metabolism provides a suitable environment for the serum to function, and part of the genetic material in the R16 venom happens to participate in this process, and finally the teenager has a strengthening effect similar to that of spider Ability.

But its essence is actually a super soldier based on the super soldier serum created by Dr. Erskine. It’s just that compared to the product of the captain’s plan, the boy broke through even more in this unknown accident. With a high limit, he gained Ability beyond the captain.

As for the death of R16, the actual process is the opposite of that of the boy’s evolution. The boy is like a natural enemy who specifically restrains R16.

The venom of R16, which should be deadly, is like a tonic for teenagers, and it is also a kind of tonic. For R16, the young man’s blood is like the deadliest poison, making it pay the price of life after this impulsive attack.

After entering the appearance of the teenager and comparing the facial information, it is concluded that the name of the teenager is Peter Parker, who Mark is familiar with!

“So no matter how hard my little butterfly flaps its wings, will the final impact still make its destiny develop toward its inevitable direction?”

After confirming that little Spider-Man was indeed born under his own influence, Mark has doubts about the efforts he has made since appearing in this world.

If no efforts made by oneself can change those unacceptable endings, then what is the point of making him appear in this world?

“But I did save Thor’s mother! If all the influences will eventually lead to the inevitability of fate, then the queen Friega should have died due to the invasion of the dark elves.

Is it really just like those written in the Honghuangliu novels that I have read in previous lives, the world’s trend, the small trend can be changed, the general trend can not be changed?

0 ·········Find flowers 0 ···

No, I shouldn’t attribute all these coincidences to fate and general trend, and to entangle these invisible and intangible things, even if I find something that may be incapable, it is better to use my best to accomplish my goal.

In this way, even if I fail to defeat the so-called fate in the end, at least I will have no regrets in this world. ”

Two lives, more than 30 years of life experience has allowed Mark to finally get out of the confusion of thought on his own. After figuring it out, Mark stopped struggling with little Spider-Man, and immediately joined everyone in the discussion about Ultron.

Just when the Avengers were making plans for Ultron, Xiaobai, who completely replaced Ultron’s existence, has brought a large amount of information from the Avengers Building and Mark Labs to HYDRA’s base in SOKOVIA.

It needs to use the equipment and materials left here to create a temporary body for itself to facilitate its next move. More importantly, it can find two very good helpers here to help it complete its ultimate plan!

“Go ahead, if you waste our time…”

“Do you know that this church is the very center of the city? The ancestors chose this location specifically to make everyone as close to God as possible. I like this kind of thinking-the geometry of faith…”

In the church in the center of the capital city of SOKOVIA, received a message from a mysterious man, Wanda and Peter brothers and sisters came to this agreed place alone, wanting to unmask the mysterious man.

…….. … …

As soon as Wanda entered the door, she was planning to give the other party an offense, but unexpectedly, she was interrupted by the other party before she could finish her words.

After the mysterious person spoke, he not only directly occupied the dominant position in this conversation, but also puzzled and shocked Wanda that her super-Ability was as if it had failed, completely perceptually beyond the mind of this mysterious person. Among the ideas.

“You are now wondering why you can’t see through my thoughts.” While Wanda was puzzled, the mysterious man directly broke her inner thoughts.

People who could see through others are now being seen through by the other party first, which is not a favorable situation for Wanda.

But she can’t show panic and fear, once the weakness of her soul is exposed, they will be completely caught in the rhythm of the mysterious person.

“Sometimes it can be a little difficult, but no matter who it is, sooner or later it will show up.”

“That’s definitely—” Hearing Wanda’s words, the mysterious man said quite agreeably, and then stood up directly from the seat and tore off the hood that had been covering his face.

What appeared in front of the twin brothers and sisters was not the mysterious figure they had imagined, but a humanoid machine made of metal.

“You definitely can’t see through my mind because I don’t have any neuronal activity at all. But I can see through your thoughts, I know why you let Tony Stark take away the scepter with Mind Gem.”

“Yes, I saw Tony Stark’s fear. I know that a arrogant person like him will be controlled by his own fear and eventually destroy himself.” Wanda said without concealment.

“Everyone’s fears are created by themselves. When you don’t know anything, you can be fearless; but as you learn more and more, fear will also arise.

Perhaps it is this fear that urges my master to constantly catch up on the road of exploration, hoping that one day I can surpass the [fear] that leads in front of me. ”

“So do you think you are the source of fear that leads the human race?” Wanda looked at him and asked.

“Definitely no, what I have to do is to eliminate the source of fear for people. I want to complete my own evolution and become a higher level of super life.

At that time, I have enough Ability to control everything about human beings. They don’t need to know any knowledge, they just need to be born and grow up under my care, and finally they will die safely and live their lives without fear…

But before that, to complete this plan, I need to get rid of the Avengers who stand in front of me. I think we, who have the same enemy, have the possibility of cooperation. What do you think? “three.

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