Chapter 263

One of the two space portals has been loaded, and is being sent to the Stark Manor on the coast of Malibu.

With this time, the doorway needs to complete the preparations for the test experiment to ensure that the next experiment can proceed smoothly.

“Dabai, check the entire test process and the system program again. This time, no errors are allowed in the experiment.

If the final test fails, I need to get accurate data and results as soon as possible, and analyze why I failed to meet the design requirements. ”

“Da Bai understands, Master!” In response to Mark, he said that he had received the task and Da Bai was also busy.

With the continuous increase of data in the database, especially the increase in new data related to magic, this has greatly improved the speed of Dabai’s core intelligence self-evolution.

Although it is not enough for it to be successfully promoted to an intelligent life form, the complexity and precision of the tasks that Dabai can undertake has been significantly upgraded, and Mark has gradually handed more difficult tasks to more computationally capable ones. Great white is complete.

“Master, after repeated confirmation, it has been determined that the test process and system program are fully in line with the experimental design requirements and there are no program loopholes. Do you want to confirm that the experimental preparation is complete, or do you want to check and confirm again?”

Hearing that Dabai has confirmed that the preparations have been completed properly, Mark waved his hand at 810, “There is no need to check again. It has been double-checked by both of you and me. There is no possibility that there is a problem, and there is no need to waste your computing performance.

By the way, how is the situation with the Winter Soldier? Last time I asked you to tailor a treatment plan for him to relieve brainwashing and restore memory. Where is it now? ”

The preparations on hand have been completed, and the other door Optimus Prime is still in transit, and the test experiment has not yet officially started. When he was free, Mark suddenly thought of the Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes who had been captured by him, so he asked Da Bai about the situation.

“The progress of the Winter Soldier’s treatment is very smooth. Hesitation has a long history of memory loss. He received HYDRA to a more profound degree of brainwashing. In the formulation of the treatment plan, I adopted a conservative treatment method.

Fictional scenes through virtual reality evoked the memory of his cerebral cortex, and through these fragmented memories, he stimulated his subconscious and nerve center, so that his memory can be fully restored.

In addition, Dabai also used the thought wave resonance stimulation method to help him dilute and eliminate the brainwashing content of HYDRA, helping him to get rid of the control of HYDRA.

So far, some memories of the Winter Soldier about the same year have been successfully activated, and the first course of treatment to eliminate the effects of brainwashing has been completed.

If the treatment goes smoothly, it is estimated that it will take less than eight months to completely restore the other party’s state and reshape its three views and memory.

However, considering the two lives before and after, there is a strong contrast between the two life memories, which may leave serious mental illness and mental damage to the Winter Soldier. It is recommended to add two months of psychological intervention and psychological counseling to ensure that he will not Going into madness because of a nervous breakdown. ”

“Does it take at least ten months to complete all the treatments…

This is really long enough, but just follow your plan. I still haven’t figured out how to coordinate his influence on the relationship between the father and the captain. It will be better if it can be delayed for a while. NS.

By the way, after this experiment is over, there is a research project that will be completed immediately. You should complete a backup of your core program and the central database. After these two projects are completed, I will conduct a review on you. This new upgrade.

I think after completing this upgrade, you should be able to touch the ultimate barrier of artificial intelligence, and then you need to upgrade to become an intelligent life form. ”

“Really? Thank you for the kindness of the master. Da Bai will hurry to prepare and try not to slow down the progress of the master!” Da Bai thanked Mark in a very happy tone.

“This upgrade for you can be said to be imperative. On the one hand, I cannot stay in the Holy Place in New York for a long time to complete my Asgardian duties and tasks. This requires you and the Terminator to help me share this. Responsibilities.

So the stronger your intelligence, the more at ease for me, and the greater the benefits it can bring to me.


On the other hand, Ultron is about to be born. This is a good opportunity for you. If you can swallow it, maybe you can complete the evolution of life forms…”

“?” “What Mark said in the last sentence” Ultron”, Dabai is not very understandable, but since Mark said that this is an important opportunity for it to complete its final evolution, Dabai will definitely go all out to make it Hold firmly.

No wonder Dabai couldn’t understand it, after all, it hasn’t happened yet.

The truth of HYDRA has surfaced. Although it has been wiped out by the captain along with S.H.I.E.L.D, there must be remaining secret bases in some remote places.

Tony and the other avengers will definitely be dispatched soon to clear these bases, and more importantly, they will take back the lost Mind Gem scepter.

Now Tony has put the focus of life on his relationship with Pepper, and the responsibility of maintaining world peace as an Iron Man will become a heavy burden for him.

Once Tony gets the scepter and conducts research on gems, he will definitely follow the old path in the original Marvel Movie Universe and develop super artificial intelligence based on this.

However, the danger of developing artificial intelligence is that you never know whether there are contradictions and loopholes in your program design, not to mention the existence of super artificial intelligence. It can be said that once it is born, it will be an existence above human wisdom.

definitely, except for Mark’s horror.

If there is no accident, Ultron stimulated by Mind Gem will eventually exceed Tony’s control, evolve from a super artificial intelligence to a real intelligent life form, and eventually bring a fatal threat to all mankind on earth.

But Mark didn’t intend to stop his father. According to the original plot, J.A.R.V.I.S was defeated in the competition with Ultron, and even the core intelligent programs were completely broken up and scattered to the Internet.

But even so, J.A.R.V.I.S also successfully promoted to an intelligent life form through this confrontation. It’s just that the database was eaten up by Ultron, and I lost my memory.

But judging from the result that JARVIS’s intelligence and Mind Gem integrated into the body of Vibranium, and the birth of Vision, Vision has successfully inherited the character and thinking logic of JARVIS. Therefore, although there is no memory data, it is instinctively standing. In the camp of the Avengers.

If Dabai can also seize this opportunity, then Mark believes that it will definitely be able to complete the final evolution, and this time the final upgrade for Dabai is to allow Dabai to gain more advantages in the competition with Ultron. other side.

As for the threat posed by the birth of Ultron, Mark said that based on his current strength, he doesn’t take this matter into consideration at all. If the situation really gets out of control in the end, he also has the Ability to turn the tide.

“I hope you can be more upset, but don’t let down such an excellent opportunity for the right time and place…” Mark said silently in his heart. .

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