Chapter 206

The upgrade of the nanorobot is proceeding smoothly. Whether it is the application of the Rune Magic Talisman or the installation of new modules, it is already Mark’s well-known job. Although it is the first time that Dark Rune has been applied in his own equipment, he has accumulated experience in studying Luen’s technology, and Mark is also very comfortable with this.

The test results of the new function also prove that Mark’s good feeling is not an illusion.

[Energy Absorption] The magic talisman is operating normally. When the Ark reactor consumes only 360,000 joules of energy per hour, the dark energy it collects from the outside world is enough to support all the function modules of the entire nanorobot. .

The efficiency of this kind of energy acquisition is really amazing. You must know that the power consumption of 360,000 joules per hour sounds like a huge amount, but in fact this little energy is only the energy required for an LED bulb to illuminate for one hour.

With such a small energy supply, the energy output is beyond imagination, which shows that Luen Technology has a huge advantage in energy use.

The other groups of newly added runes performed very well during the test.

[Strengthening] The magic talisman is made of carbyne materials, and the nano-robots, which already have very high strength, have improved several grades in overall performance.

A test result in the experiment is sufficient to show the strength of the [Strengthening] magic talisman. Covered by only a layer of nano-robots, the defense of the Nano-Battle Armor can still easily resist 9mm bullets fired by a standard police pistol.

And the [purification] magic talisman and the [life release] talisman “seven seven three”, which are supplied with sufficient energy, perfectly replace the original high-speed Self-healing module, allowing Mark to act as a physical shield on the battlefield, but also An almighty existence that can act as an auxiliary and complete an assault.

As for the final Pim particle module, Mark only tested its Sumeru mustard function and its body-shrinking function. Although the obscenity of turning into Ultraman was very sensational, it was still full of blushing shame for Mark to actually operate, and in the end there was no attempt to try it.

However, in the design of Pim particles, Mark has learned the lessons of the Wasp. In order to avoid becoming too small to get lost in the quantum realm, Mark has imposed strict limits on his zoom factor. In non-emergency situations, this restriction cannot be lifted.

As for what is an emergency situation-if joining his presence at that time still can’t stop Thanos from making the snap of his fingers, then he can only enter the quantum realm to avoid this catastrophe. Mark would rather believe that he can get out of the quantum realm on his own than bet on his 50% chance of survival by snapping his fingers.

After completing the upgrade of the nano robot, Mark’s own comprehensive strength has also been greatly improved. Especially after adding the Pim particle module, Mark is basically invincible.

After all, I have watched so many TV series and cartoons derived from “Journey to the West” in my previous life, but Sun Dasheng’s killer trick of Bailing Bailing has left a deep impression on Mark.

Once you can’t beat the opponent, you will shrink yourself and enter the opponent’s stomach to make a fuss. Under this trick, no monster can continue to be hard-hearted. They are all rectified and submissive, surrendering defeat and begging for mercy.

Mark intends to follow the example at that time, first shrinking it, and then suddenly getting bigger after entering the interior-tusk tusk, bloody, too bloody!

However, Mark did not indulge in this joy for too long, and soon recovered from his brain replenishment and proceeded to the next research topic.

But his first choice was not an old project that had been studied before, but was left behind because of a bottleneck. Instead, the blood sample of Frigga, the Queen of God, obtained in Asgard was used as the next research target.

The main reason definitely is that the activity of the blood sample will gradually decrease over time. Once it drags on for a long time, the research value of this hard-earned sample will be greatly reduced, and the difficulty of research will be greatly increased.

And because he had obtained Thor’s blood sample before, Mark knew that with the cloning technology on Earth, it is currently impossible to replicate this magical blood.

Therefore, this research material can be said to be very precious. Use a little less, and there will be almost no chance to get it again in the future.

For Friga’s blood sample research, Mark mainly focused on comparing it with the data provided by Thor before. Because although the two are mother and child, the difference between them is huge.

First of all, although Frigga lives in Asgard, she is from Warnerheim, one of the nine nations, just like Hogan in the Asgard Three Warriors.

This can be seen from her hair color. Asgard’s royal lineage usually has flowing blonde hair, and Thor has inherited this characteristic.

And Frigga’s hair color is brown, which shows that she was not originally an Asgard nobleman. And her love for Loki and teaching him magic may also be affected by this.

Because in this Asgard, because of their own uniqueness, they have all been treated unfairly. This makes Friga unconsciously devote more maternal love when dealing with Loki, the adopted son.

There is another point, although both Frigga and Thor can drive dark energy and use magical Ability. But Thor is not as balanced and versatile as Odin. It is more like a full-time melee magician; Friega is at the other extreme. Although she also has strong melee strength, her spellcasting process is more like a traditional magician. In the long-range attack, she can better reflect her own advantages.

Such differences in huge amounts of made Mark a great research interest. Know that what a magician is best at is to mobilize and control magic, which is what Mark is currently unable to do due to his own knowledge system and genetic limits.

But once Mark makes a breakthrough in the research, he can use this blood sample to induce Extremis. Finally, using the new virus that induced mutations, to carry out a new round of transformation on himself, perhaps he can gain the ability to master the dark energy in the universe like the Asgard and the Warnerheim people, and get rid of the energy of the Ark reactor by his own technology. rely.

To sharpen the knife and not to chop wood by mistake, if you want to better complete the genetic research of Friega, first of all, you must definitely upgrade the research equipment in the laboratory.

The quantum field generator, or according to Asgard’s habit, is called the soul forge. In the process of studying Tai particles through it before, Mark also clarified the working principle and technical points.

The only regret is that there is no opportunity to disassemble and observe its internal structure, so Mark is not clear about which Rune charms are used in the Soul Forge, and how their advantages are combined.

However, this does not affect Mark’s manufacturing of the quantum field generator. After obtaining sufficient Ulu metal resources, Mark is confident to use other technologies to replace it and complete his own copycat products.

The key to the alternative technology lies in the Pim particles. As the key to the quantum field, Pim particles are undoubtedly the best choice for quantum field generators. Definitely, with Mark’s research level in the field of quantum physics, he has no better choice.

By Pim particles affecting the microscopic movement of molecules, the effect produced can easily transfer molecular-level energy. Then set up an induction energy field to capture the fluctuations of this energy release, and then display the information obtained from it through holographic projection. A new version of the soul forging furnace of the ship is completed.

With the aid of the quantum field generator, Mark’s research on the blood samples of Frigga’s deputy was carried out very smoothly. Compared with the previous genetic detection and analysis using traditional methods, the quantum field generator can provide Mark with more detailed and secret information.

With this information as the core, Mark can quickly select the information and data he needs from the massive resources collected by informatization vision, focus on conquering key nodes, simplify the entire research process and maximize computing efficiency.

In the end, after a series of complex and rigorous analysis and deduction, Mark finally found the secret of the strength of the individual strength of these advanced civilizations, and at the same time found a new way to make him stronger.

In fact, the method to say that it is becoming stronger may not be very accurate. Mark’s research conclusion is that the real core lies in the promotion of life level, and becoming stronger is only a natural result or addition after the increase in life level.

Whether it is through scientific or magical means, or as Thor said, both are actually the same concept. Different races of intelligent life, generation after generation have devoted themselves to it and continued to study, the ultimate goal is actually to improve The civilization level of the society and its own life level 0…

According to Mark’s existing knowledge and cognition, this kind of life level promotion can be divided into three evolutionary directions.

The first is the research direction that Mark has been exploring before. By continuously improving the development of the brain, he can finally free his own wisdom from the shackles of the body and become a quantum life completely dependent on the world of information.

The advantage of this kind of existence is that the level of life will increase with the improvement of the information network that it has. The greater the amount of information possessed, the stronger the strength it possesses.

It’s like when Dabai is in the company’s internal LAN, he can only rely on the server cluster provided by Mark for analysis and calculation; and once it is connected to the Internet and enters a broader information network, Dabai will be able to use all the equipment connected to the Internet. , Infinitely superimpose its own computing power, this is the self-upgrade obtained with the improvement of the information network.

Definitely, the information network does not only refer to the Internet, such as the magic network built by Kamar-Taj on the earth, the dark energy network that exists between the universes, as long as it can carry information, it can be called an information network.

However, the higher the network level, the different forms of information transmission. If you want to enter a new network, you must resolve new rules and new protocols. Just as the analog network and the optical fiber network need to be connected through signal conversion hardware, let alone how difficult it is to enter the magic network from the Internet.

However, the biggest advantage of quantum life is that as long as the entire information network cannot be completely destroyed, quantum life does not have a life limit. This is a life form that can reach immortality regardless of the level of life. This is the key to Mark’s heart.

The second way to raise the life level is the Asgard and Warnerheim races that have opened their genetic locks. By continuously absorbing the dark energy in the universe, they strengthen themselves and complete the improvement of their life levels over time. Each time of improvement, in addition to gaining more powerful strength, it is also a breakthrough in the limit of life, allowing one’s own life to be prolonged.

If the way of quantum life is to allow the soul to attain immortality, then this way is to enable the physical body to achieve immortality.

Compared with quantum life, it can only become strong if it continuously improves its own life level. This method of strengthening the body can be said to have an immediate effect. Even if the life level has not improved, it can still continue to grow stronger.

And the disadvantage is that if you can’t complete the breakthrough increase by 0.3 before the life limit, then even if you have a strong power, you can’t escape the ravages of the years.

As for the third way, the two roads go hand in hand, using one’s own body as the information network carrier that carries the soul, compatible with the advantages of the two, compensate for each other’s disadvantages, and achieve the most perfect life form.

But if you choose this path, although it does not seem to have any shortcomings on the surface, it is the best choice among the three options.

But it should be known that whether it is the soul or the body, it is not a simple matter to put all the energy in time to achieve achievement on one of the roads, and to complete the upgrade of life level.

What’s more, the two ways of distracting him go hand in hand? The final result is likely to be unable to take care of both sides, the soul is too slow to improve, and the physical body has a limit that is approaching, and can only accept the trial of the years without accomplishing anything.

But for Mark, although he did not choose to take the perfect road of both, but now that there is such an opportunity before him, he seems a bit unwilling not to try it.

After careful consideration, Mark decided that his main direction should be on the path of evolution to quantum life. However, this is a long-term plan. If you want to have enough time to complete this life-level promotion process, you must pass the test of Thanos, the director of the Family Planning Commission.

If you say that you have died under that snapping finger in the future, what about evolution and immortality? Therefore, in the short term, Mark must improve his own strength as much as possible to deal with the future life and death challenges. In this way, the genetic lock is opened, and the road to continuous improvement of the physical body must be included in the plan…

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