Chapter 202

“Damn it! They really dare to take out anti-material sniper rifles for anti-personnel targets!”

Inside the large truck, a member of the HYDRA team slapped the seat of the truck angrily and said.

Just now, they encountered another ambush attack. The other party set up a sniper at a distance of 4000 meters away from them. Without the aid of additional equipment, this distance has greatly exceeded the search range of artificial white eyes.

The reason why the enemy was able to complete the ambush deployment at such a distance was because they used anti-material rifles.

The anti-material rifle is a sniper rifle designed for destroying military equipment and materials, and its destructive effect is higher than that of ordinary sniper rifles. Anti-material rifles generally use large-caliber and high-destructive bullets. Because the purpose of anti-material rifles is anti-equipment, they use special bullets, such as armor-piercing bullets, explosive bullets, high-explosive bullets, and long-range sniper bullets.

The special seed ammunition is similar in appearance to the ordinary sniper rifle, but it has a much larger caliber and can easily penetrate bulletproof glass and bulletproof vests. Once such a powerful fire hits the human body, most of the limbs will be separated.

Because this picture is too bloody and cruel, it will have a certain impact on the mental health of the sniper, so unless it is a mission of a special nature, such as eliminating pirates, combating terrorists, or large-scale war conflicts, snipers are generally not allowed. Manually use anti-material rifles to complete anti-personnel tasks.

But just now, a 12.7mm armor-piercing projectile, with a shot, directly penetrated the bulletproof glass of the truck and hit the member of the team driving the truck.

Although he got a timely response from the magic suit, because the power of this special seed bomb has exceeded its protective limit, the bullet still penetrated the entire suit and shot into the member’s body.

The only good news may be that because the magic suit has weakened most of the bullet’s energy, the death of this member is not ugly, and the body is very intact.

“What should we do next?” a team member looked at the team leader Grant Ward of the operation and asked.

As the team member driving the truck was shot and killed, the truck lost control and rushed directly out of the highway. Originally, the tonnage was not bad, plus the parts carrying the “four satellites” in the car, the sudden loss of control caused the two driving wheels of the car to puncture directly.

At the moment, their squad can be said to be completely in desperation. There are snipers holding anti-material sniper rifles in the distance. Once they get out of the car and replace their tires, the opponent will definitely launch an attack and kill them.

But if you stay in the car all the time, the enemies who have been prepared can calmly complete the encirclement of them. In the end, there will be only a dead end, and the mission will fail!

Although the current situation is very unfavorable to his side, Ward still showed confidence on his face. He ordered the team members: “We have only one chance to get rid of the predicament, so after I post the task, Everyone must act quickly.”

“Understood, sir!” The team members looked serious and nodded and said yes.

Ward glanced at them, and then took out a silver-gray cylindrical object from the tactical belt around his waist. “This thing is called an energy shielding field. I specially applied for this task. It is a special supply army of the Mark Research Center. Fang’s products.

Once the device is activated, an energy field will be formed within the set range, and before its energy is exhausted, it can resist any physical attack of the same energy.

Headquarters has been researching for a long time, but still has not been able to crack the key technology, so we have only one chance. Once the energy is exhausted, our mission will fail, and our lives will be accounted for here.

Now I want to assign your respective tasks. After turning on the device for a while, you and I will get out of the car on the 1st and take care of the alert. We must first kill the opponent’s snipers; on the 2nd and 3rd, you will move simultaneously to complete the tire replacement.

On the fifth, you put the remains of the fourth in the back of the car, and then put the sensor bomb in the car. To ensure that if all of us lose our vital signs, all the space-based weapon parts will not fall into the hands of other forces. After completing this task, you will help them to change tires together.

The whole process must act quickly, and the success or failure of life and death depends on this time! ”

Click—The truck door was quickly opened, and Ward jumped out quickly. The next moment an armor-piercing projectile arrived as expected and shot out from 4000 meters away from his head.

Dang~ It’s just this attack that didn’t have the same effect as before. When the bullet was nearly 1 meter away from Ward’s head, it was blocked by the energy shielding field. The kinetic energy used was completely absorbed by the armor-piercing projectile, which was helpless. Fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

And this shot also made Ward once again determine the position of the opponent, without any hesitation, immediately began to assemble and erect the sniper rifle in his hand.

The sniper rifle prepared by Ward was an anti-personnel rifle, which was the only sniper rifle in their hands. Its limit range is 2000 meters, and the caliber of ammunition is only 7.62 mm. But with the help of the self-control aiming function of the magic suit, he is confident that he can create miracles, hitting an enemy 4000 meters away with one shot, and destroying the opponent’s anti-material rifle.

Behind him, the remaining four team members have begun to take action, performing their respective tasks. Ward was lying on the ground, and devoted himself to the sniping of this life (Zhao Zhao’s) death line.

Ward will relax completely and activate the automatic aiming function of the magic suit. With the help of this function, he can directly obtain all the required environmental parameters. The carbon fiber bones inside the magic suit will also assist in correcting his aiming direction resistance.

At the same time, in his field of vision, artificial white eyes will provide an aperture to assist aiming, simplifying all the loading process to the extreme, all he has to do is to seize the opportunity and pull the trigger.

While Ward adjusted the muzzle to aim, the enemy’s bullets were constantly shooting at them, causing layers of ripples on the energy shielding field, which also made the brightness of the shielding field constantly drop.

But Ward has completely shielded these interferences and cleared all his thoughts. At this moment, there is only one thought in his mind, which is to pull the trigger and kill the enemy-bang! .

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