Chapter 198

“The footage captured by our military satellite in Greenwich shows that an unintended alien army suddenly descended on the earth, and shortly after they appeared, Mark and Thor suddenly appeared there.

However, the two did not appear through Asgard’s Bifrost, but appeared out of thin air, somewhat similar to the space portal opened by Tesseract during the New York war.

According to Dr. Selvig’s recent research, which we have been following closely, there is indeed a phenomenon of spatial disorder in the local area, which is related to the wonder of the nine-star connection that appears once in thousands of years. On this day, the nine kingdoms in the universe will be arranged. In a straight line, and therefore affect the stability of the mutual space.

Therefore, we guess that both Mark and Thor passed Greenwich where the space anomaly appeared.

And the particle beam ray that caused the ultra-high energy alarm response in our bureau also launched a devastating blow to the unknown alien warship after the two appeared.

According to the data from the satellite, the deep pit left by the rays at the scene is more than 120 meters in diameter and nearly 70 meters in depth, and crystalline material similar to the crater near the crater was found around. Thermodynamic 09 imaging shows that the center of the ray just now The maximum temperature reached a staggering 120,000 degrees Celsius.

The most amazing thing is that the huge amounts of energy are perfectly confined within the entire ray range without escaping outward.

Finally, according to the optical data of this ray, its emission data was obtained after computer analysis and deduction. Combined with the latest real-time satellite orbit map, we found the only satellite that orbited the Earth that met all the conditions at that time. It was the four satellites that Mark launched into space as a private satellite two years ago. one.

After getting this result, we quickly checked the real-time dynamics of the other three satellites. The results show that the other three satellites have changed to varying degrees. We have reason to believe that these three satellites also have the same space-based strike capability. ”

“In other words, the four satellites that Mark launched into the sky are not communication satellites for private communications at all, but space-based weapons that can launch deadly strikes at any time?” Fury asked with a heavy face.

“To be precise, these four satellites do take on the tasks of Mark’s private communications satellites, but at the same time they are indeed huge amounts of space-based weapons carriers.” Hill rigorously returned to Fury’s question.

“Contact Mark and ask him to hand over the control authority of the four satellites. We are willing to make necessary compensation to him. If he refuses, don’t worry about anything, just shoot down all the four satellites. We can’t let such a Huge amounts of threats roam over our heads all the time.

In addition, I informed Alexander Pierce that I agreed with his [Insight Plan]. If you really want to aim the muzzle on everyone’s head, S.H.I.E.L.D should do this. ”

“Yes, Chief!”

The screen returns to Greenwich, just now Thor has returned to Asgard with the Tesseract and Tai particles that he had searched for.

He needs to report the incident to Odin and redistribute the whereabouts of Tai particles, because Asgard’s ancient prophecy has warned that the six Infinite Gems must not be reunited, otherwise it will bring unimaginable disasters.

So although Odin had never thought about collecting six Infinite Gems, and even spreading the gems to hide. For example, Tesseract was hidden on the earth by Odin before, and now Tai particles also need to find a reliable destination.

So after bidding farewell to Mark in a hurry, Thor returned to Asgard with two treasures, and promised that when Mark waited for him to send Jane back to Earth, he would like to thank Mark for what he did to Asgard and the Nine Realms this time. huge contribution.

Mark is also not frustrated that he missed the opportunity to get Tai particles and Tesseract again. Because the experience this time has brought huge amounts of gains, these are enough for Mark to be busy for the next period of time, “It seems that I have to return to the crazy research state before, but fortunately now my The psychological problem has been solved…”

I was considering the next research plan and work plan, and suddenly interrupted Mark’s thoughts.

“Master, there is a phone call, and the other party is Agent Phil Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D.”

“Come in, I have guessed why he called me.”

The purpose of calling him at this time couldn’t be more obvious. It must be for his space-based weapon satellite. You want to know this kind of thing.

But I think so. If Phil Coulson doesn’t bring it up, then Mark won’t take the initiative to mention this matter. It’s been fooled by pretending to be crazy and stupid. It’s been a long time since I saw Phil Coulson. Why would you call me today? ”

“Mark, even if we are not friends, we are still half comrades-in-arms, we opened the skylight and talked. You know the reason why I called.

The director said that as long as you take the initiative to surrender control of the satellite, he will give you the necessary compensation. Otherwise, your four satellites will be hit immediately, and no compensation will be made, then you will lose more than you gain. ”

Regarding Phil Coulson’s kind advice, Mark sneered, but 767 didn’t agree. When he decided to use space-based weapons to attack the warships of the dark elves, he had anticipated the current situation and had already had a countermeasure.

But what he didn’t expect was that the call from S.H.I.E.L.D came back so quickly. I just saved the earth from fire and water, and then S.H.I.E.L.D immediately came to ask for something for himself, which made Mark feel a little uncomfortable.

But Mark didn’t show it, and he knows Fury’s nature, he also knows that it’s not worth it to be uncomfortable for this. The important thing is that he did the right thing and didn’t make himself regret it.

“Phil Coulson, you help me respond to Director Fury like this. I will not hand over the control of space-based weapon satellites. Such weapons are much safer in my hands than in the hands of your [Snake] Shield. .

But since you are not at ease, then I will not force it. Give me a few days, I will dismantle the satellite and ship it back to Earth by means of closing. I think this is always okay, right? ”

“Okay, I see, I will report to the Secretary. In addition, Mark, I believe in your original intention of developing and launching space-based weapons, and I believe you can make the right choice.” After speaking, Phil Coulson hung up. On the phone, I didn’t care about Mark [Snake] Shield’s “Mistakes”…

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