Chapter 182

Coming out of Frigga’s bedroom and returning to the guest room Thor arranged for him, Mark discovered that Magneto, who had been sent to occupy the commanding heights and collect information on the overall situation, had returned to the room from the spire of the central palace in Asgard.

After judging that the enemy had begun to retreat, this little clever ghost decisively gave up the task assigned to it by Mark, then entered the central palace, and began to perform a detailed holographic scan of the dark elf miniature battleship that hit it, and recorded its Parameters and models.

“It seems that the image perception that I developed through Mind Gem is quite effective. You even know how to flatter me now!”

After knowing these actions of Magneto, Mark also shook his head helplessly.

But it is indeed good news for him. Although the various technologies of the Dark Elves were developed thousands of years ago, they should lag behind Asgard’s ever-developing military weapons.

However, the information revealed by this sudden attack today is not the case. The dark elves’ equipment thousands of years ago, when compared with the Asgard army, not only did not fall behind, but it was slightly better in all aspects. One chip. In particular, the stealth function of the spacecraft is much higher than the reflector technology used by S.H.I.E.L.D. The fascinating feature adds more threat to his.

However, Mark is not surprised. After all, the various black technologies of the dark elves are derived from the study of Tai particles. It is with these technologies that the dark elves can set off a bloody storm in the nine realms thousands of years ago, making the nine kingdoms afraid to hear about it. Do not unite and fight together.

And besides that, Magneto seems to have brought himself a small gift. Looking at a grenade-like object tightly clamped by its short limbs, Mark’s face also showed surprise.

If there is no error in estimation, this thing is the most frightening weapon of all the dark elf equipment-the black hole grenade.

Black hole grenade is different from the classic grenade on the earth. It explodes at close range by the grenade next to the target, causing damage.

The powerful power of the black hole grenade comes from the fact that after it detonates, it can form a small black hole that swallows everything around the target. Next to it, everything will be attracted by the super gravitational force of this black hole and cannot escape. Ingest it completely.

Even more dangerous and deadly, it is not the ability of the black hole grenade to attract everything after it is detonated, but the small black hole it forms will slow down the flow of time around it, which makes a target within the attack range of the black hole grenade basically There is no possibility of survival and escape.

Moreover, no harmful substances are produced during the whole process, and there will be no blood and explosion damage after detonation. It can be said that it is very environmentally friendly and the best companion for home travel and killing.

Mark carefully took the grenade from Magneto and prepared to study it. Mark is not only interested in the powerful power of black hole grenade, but also his yearning for the technology to be able to artificially create black holes.

Because black holes are one of the most mysterious stars in the universe, humans have almost no way to conduct research and experiments on them.

Once Mark has mastered the technology of artificial black holes, research on black holes becomes possible.

More importantly, black hole research is of great benefit to Mark’s space portal breakthrough. Maybe this is the breakthrough point of the research.

Definitely, Mark’s research on black hole grenade is impossible to disassemble the research. Once the device is accidentally triggered and a small black hole is created, then even if Mark’s ultimate transformation brings him much resilience, he will be in disaster.

“Magneto, send the scan results to me. Don’t tell me that you haven’t finished this work for so long.”

Sure enough, as soon as Mark’s voice fell, a three-dimensional model picture formed by holographic scanning appeared in the Mark’s vision system.

Then, Mark found the core key of this grenade at a glance, “` ‖Antimatter!?”

That’s right, after carefully identifying the matter in the core of the detonated mine, Mark determined that those were all antimatter.

In other words, if Mark had just taken apart the entire grenade directly, maybe he had already turned into flying ash in the huge energy of antimatter annihilation, flying all over the sky.

Seeing the black hole grenade detonate the antimatter in the core, Mark also has an answer to its basic principles.

The dark elves should transform normal matter into antimatter through the Ability of Tai particles. When the grenade is detonated, a large amount of antimatter in it will be annihilated, and the huge energy generated will be compressed in the entire small and solid shell, which will form an unstable miniature black hole.

After the loss of Tai particles, the dark elves are also very economized on this difficult-to-regenerate weapon resource. During the entire process of (Zhao Li Zhao) invading Asgard, the number used may not exceed ten, but each one But they all played an important role, helping Malekis quickly pass the protection of the Asgard guards and reach Frigga’s bedroom.

If it hadn’t been for Mark to make trouble in the end, maybe their plans had already succeeded.

But for Mark, he has mastered the preparation of antimatter. Even without Tai particles, he can make a black hole grenade, and then use extremely hard carbyne materials as the outer shell. All the necessary conditions are complete.

This time not only obtained the scientific and technological information of the Dark Elves and the blood of Queen Frigga, but also found a new way to use antimatter. It can be said that Mark’s visit to Asgard was really rewarding. which is.

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