Chapter 177

Mark opened the only carry-on suitcase he brought to Asgard this time. Inside the suitcase was a doll File size black metal robot, which is Mark’s favorite “tool man”-Magneto.

As soon as the box was opened, Magneto jumped out of it. It seemed that it had been held in it for too long. It went around the room several times, and then jumped onto Mark’s shoulder, waiting for his master to give it. Command orders.

Mark stretched out his finger and tapped Magneto’s small head lightly, as if he was teaching him the rather naughty behavior just now. Then he raised his eyebrows at the box, Magneto immediately understood his thoughts, jumped down from his shoulders, and the limbs connected by the magnetic axis servo system on the trunk “Seven-Five-Three” fell off one after another, and then replaced them. An accessory module with a holographic scanning lens.

After Magneto’s shape change was completed, she came to Jane again and began to scan her body.

Although there is a higher level quantum field generator next to At the moment, on the one hand Mark doesn’t know how to use that stuff. On the other hand, seeing the Asgard medical officers have no idea to help him at all, Mark also Regardless of them, they directly took out their old methods and started to overcome difficulties.

Although technically not as advanced as the other party, you can ignore the black cat and the white cat. The cat that catches the mouse is a good cat. Besides, Magneto will scan it with one pass. No matter how advanced the technology is, then Mark will have to bring it back to Earth for thorough research.

Soon, the data scanned by Magneto was uploaded to the nanorobot through the mind wave device, and then reprinted to the optic nerve of Mark, which was displayed in front of our eyes.

According to the data, Mark knows after analyzing that the reason why Tai particles are able to counterattack all approaching people who are inadvertently intent is because it emits energy pulses all the time.

This energy pulse is not only a flow of information, it will send out its original information and pass it on to the owner who created it, the dark elf Malekis.

At the same time, this energy pulse is also a detection method. It can capture objects whose energy fluctuation exceeds a certain range. After judging that it poses a threat to itself, it will burst out the huge energy contained in the Reality Gem instantly to drive the opponent away.

In this way, it is almost impossible to separate the two without disturbing the Tai particles or protecting Jane from harm.

And Reality Gem is the only one of the six Infinite Gems that exists in liquid form under normal conditions, and the Tai particles with it as the core also completely inherit this feature, so Mark wants to use a nano-robot with tiny energy fluctuations in his body. The idea of ​​capturing it is also impossible to realize.

“It’s really a bit troublesome if it’s liquid, so it’s almost impossible to physically remove the Tai particles…”

Mark frowned while rubbing the little stubble on his chin.

“Father King said that in our universe there are some substances that existed before the formation of the universe. They are called the Infinite Gems, the supreme treasure. Tai particles are the only ones that are liquid and constantly changing.” Hear Mark When he said to himself, Thor repeated what Odin had told him to Mark.

“Wait!” Mark suddenly thought of something, his eyes widened, and he suddenly raised his head to look at Thor. “Why did I forget this method!”

Seeing Mark’s joyful look, Thor hurriedly put his hands on his shoulders and asked excitedly: “What method!? Mark, have you already thought of how to separate the Tai particles in Simplified Chinese?”

“Um 0…” Mark nodded in response to Thor.

“When I looked at the collected Tai particles data, I always felt that the energy fluctuations radiated by it were very familiar, but I never remembered where I saw it.

After what you said just now, it was a reminder to me that its energy fluctuations are exactly the same as those of Tesseract and Loki’s scepter, which means that Tai particles, the gems on Loki scepter and Tesseract are all one of the Infinite Gems. ”

“Yes, I can be sure of this, the father told me the same. But what does this have to do with helping Jane separate the Tai particles in her body?”

Thor still hadn’t figured it out, and asked unclearly.

“Remember how I crossed the energy barrier formed by Tesseract on the roof of the Stark Building and closed the space portal that I opened?

“Definitely remember, it was through Loki’s right…” Halfway through, Thor suddenly stopped and looked at Mark in front of him with a wide-eyed expression.

“You mean-through Tesseract, which is also Infinite Gems, there is a way to safely separate the two

! “0.3

“Yes, the energy fluctuations between Infinite Gems are the same, and they seem to have a mutual attraction. So we can use the power of another Infinite Gems as a bait to lure Tai particles out of Jane’s body. .

An important prerequisite for this plan has been fulfilled, and Tesseract is now in Asgard.

It is also important that I have to determine an energy band with the best effect, which can generate strong enough attraction to Tai particles.

But before that, you have to convince your father to let me use Tesseract. “.

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