Chapter 161

Mark, who was successfully captured by the opponent, did not resist anymore, and the opponent who was caught in this way took him to a mini submarine in the water.

After entering inside, Saiwen took off the oxygen mask that had been ragged after the explosion. Then, regardless of Mark seeing his true face, he took out a rope from the side to make him solid. Tied up.

“Boy, your robot amulet is no longer around, stay here honestly, then we will be in peace and you will not suffer.

If you want to play any tricks, then I will let you experience the feeling of life is better than death, understand? ”

Hearing Seven’s fierce threat, Mark didn’t have any tension or fear. He just calmly looked at each other and nodded slightly.

At this point, Mark’s second phase plan should be said to be a complete success. My own bait successfully lured the enemy to swallow it, and Mandalin, an important bargaining chip, also successfully protected it. It can be said that all this was in Mark’s expectation.

The most important key to the success of Mark’s plan is the asymmetry of information between the two parties. Mark knows well about Killian and the ultimate transformation he relies on, but Killian doesn’t know exactly what Mark has the means.

Just like the words Saiwen threatened Mark just now, he thought that all of Mark’s strength was pinned on the robots around him, but he didn’t know that even if it was his own individual combat strength, Mark was an extremely powerful existence.

In the next script, if Mark guesses well, the other party will take themselves back to their secret base for the ultimate transformation.

Because as long as his life is completely controlled by them, everything that Mandalin or Mark owns, even Tony, will fall under Killian’s control.

Sure enough, after leaving the submarine and ashore, Mark was taken by Saiwen into a suburban factory that looked abandoned for a long time. The mottled exterior walls, rusty iron fences, and broken glass all showed here. Dilapidated and depressed.

But after entering it, you will find another piece of heaven and earth in it.

The first is a whole row of complete sets of experimental equipment and computer equipment in the center of the plant. The content on the display is a list of complex formulas and calculation results accurate to the thousandths.

Sitting in between, manipulating all these devices in perfect operation is a slender and graceful woman with long brown hair. His name is Maya Hansen.

As if feeling the movement of Mark being escorted in by Saiwen, Maya Hansen turned around and looked at where he was.

After seeing Mark, her first sentence was: “You really look like him—”

It was both emotional and ironic, but when she said this, the smile on her face involuntarily revealed the beauty of this memory.

Mark knows who she is referring to, and there is no one else but her own romantic dad.

Maya Hansen and Tony also met at the Berne Conference in 1999. They had a wonderful experience in the spring breeze on the New Year’s Eve of the millennium.

It’s a pity that I didn’t bring a younger brother or younger sister to Mark this time, otherwise the family will definitely be a lot of lively now.

“My name is Maya Hansen. Maybe you have heard of my name, or maybe you don’t even know me, but it doesn’t matter that I know you well-the youngest trillionaire in history, was judged to be the smartest on the surface of the earth. One of the human beings.

I don’t know what their purpose is for tying you up, but if you can help me solve this problem, I will plead with them to let you go back. I think that my position here still has some face. “` ‖

With that said, she put a sticky note card in front of Mark’s eyes, which read [2000, Berne, you know who I am].

“I recognize the above notes. It seems that you and my dad had a pleasant in-depth communication experience.” Mark raised his eyebrows and said to her.

Maya Hansen ignored Mark’s ridicule, turned the card over, and continued to show it to Mark.

A mathematical equation is recorded on the back of the card. The writing on the aging paper has been slightly blurred, and there are a few words that are a little bleed due to the dampness of the paper.

But Mark recognized the origin of this formula at a glance: “End enzyme repair algorithm—”

Hearing Mark recognized it at a glance, Maya Hansen was very excited, (Hao Zhao) smiled uncontrollably and said, “Yes, the end enzyme repair algorithm is just a formula left by your father back then.

Over the years, after experiencing so much, I am about to succeed, and the ultimate transformation has basically stabilized…”

“It seems that when your junior high school chemistry teacher taught you the concept of stability, you didn’t take the class seriously.

The so-called stability is the ability of substances to maintain their original physical and chemical properties. If you classify spontaneous combustion and explosion as a stable state, please prove it, and you will receive this year’s Nobel Prize. ”

Maya Hansen paid no attention to Mark’s sarcasm and ridicule, but took a step closer to Mark and said: “Then help me fix it—”.

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