Chapter 147

But if the research on Space gem and Mind Gem is what interests Mark the most, it must be the mysterious energy of the two.

You know, these two Infinite Gems can not only provide powerful energy for their users, but in the process of their circulation, they have turned three ordinary people on Earth into Superman with powerful super Ability.

The first to bear the brunt was the light-speed engine produced by the power extracted by Tesseract in the 1990s. This engine was damaged in a subsequent accident, and the Tesseract energy was accidentally killed by a female Flight member Carol Denver. Assimilated, it created a powerful superhero, Captain Marvel, who can survive in the space of the physical body alone, and can fly at super-light speeds.

Secondly, after the New York War, the Loki scepter with the Mind Gem was taken away by SHIELD on the surface. In fact, it was stolen by HYDRA hidden in SHIELD and used Mind Gem in secret experiments. The energy within created a pair of super-Ability siblings, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.

What Mark wants to understand is how this energy affects the human body and how it changes the recipient from the cell to the genetic level.

And whether this process can be achieved in other ways, so that ordinary people can undergo controlled directed evolution.

Because in HYDRA’s experiment using Mind Gem, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are the only successful experiments, and Captain Marvel’s experience cannot be used as a reference because there is no control case.

Mark really has no way of knowing the process of this change, whether the success rate is random and irregular, or whether the human blood or genes contain a certain trait. The probability of success is higher.

But the explanation does not consider the fact that Infinite Gems can bring super Ability to ordinary people, and its research value is also inestimable.

For example, Space gem, through research on it, humans have created huge amounts of energy weapons in the military, creating super-energy such as the Ark reactor in energy. Mark’s upcoming space portal research may need to be taken from it. Get inspiration.

For Mind Gem, Mark has higher expectations. Because Mind Gem is a gem with its own consciousness, and Ultron and Vision, which will be born unexpectedly in the future, should be said to be truly intelligent life.

Different from the strong artificial intelligence stage that Dabai and J.A.R.V.I.S are currently in, although they have been able to recognize human emotions and make imitative expressions, they have not yet born their own feelings.

And their thinking ability is also at the same level as humans. Although they can increase the computing speed by stacking hardware, it does not change the nature of thinking and logic. They still think based on the program framework originally set by humans.

As for intelligent beings like Ultron and Vision, they not only gave birth to their own emotions and desires, but their thinking and logic have also been fundamentally improved.

Because they can obtain a large amount of knowledge in a very short time through the Internet and transform it into their own experience, their thinking dimensions have exceeded the level that humans can imagine. It is as if humans can analyze various behaviors of orangutans. The meaning of existence in the natural world, but the orangutan can’t complete similar thinking at all.

Therefore, in the eyes of human beings, there are only two types of intelligent life. One is to destroy the evil intelligent life of mankind, and the other is to protect and guide the progress of human beings. This is due to the limitations of human thinking. Know the obstacles.

Mark hopes to study Mind Gem for Dabai’s core intelligent program upgrade, and at the same time upgrade Dabai’s emotion perception system to make it a truly emotional intelligent creature.

Through the emotional connection between himself and Da Bai, let Da Bai become his guide to open the door to a new world.

Definitely, there is an even crazier plan in Mark’s vision. Since intelligent AI can be given life, can life in the natural world also be reversely transformed and successfully intelligentized?

In its conception, life intelligence is not simply uploading the information in the human brain to the server. When the body in the real world dies, a new body is constructed and the memory of thinking is reloaded.

This kind of technology can be easily realized by Mark only through the mind wave device, and there is no difficulty. The thought memory uploaded to the server is just pure data, completely losing the characteristics of life.

Definitely, it is not like Dr. Zola of HYDRA, writing your own thinking and memory as an intelligent program, which is essentially just writing a strong artificial intelligence based on his own blueprint. Song.

The intelligence of life defined by Mark should be the consciousness that is the core of thinking. In the electronic network world, it can be thought synchronously as in the real world. The core consciousness can be finished (Zhao Haozhao) completely out of the physical existence, or completely Exist without the electronic network, and at the same time the two can communicate with each other.

If this idea can be realized, then Mark’s consciousness can be arbitrarily transferred between the body and the electronic network through the nanorobot in the body, and it can also exist in the real world and the electronic network world at the same time.

The intelligence of life will bring upgrades to your own thinking, and your own thinking speed and memory Ability will also be able to completely get rid of the shackles of the body and superimpose unlimited.

Suddenly, Mark seemed to remember something. After thinking about it, he carefully added the research plan for life intelligence to his continuous research list, saying that this plan will continue uninterrupted until the results appear. .

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