Chapter 115

The third test of the captain’s new battle suit is really unnecessary to say, and it can’t be expressed in words at all.

Under Steve’s anti-physical throw, the Vibranium shield and the three-sided flying disc, after focusing on their respective targets, after several rebounds, accurately returned to the receiving devices of Steve’s hands and feet.

With the strength of the captain, I believe Newton can only lie in the coffin without daring to jump out and raise the banner of science.

In fact, even the designer of Mark was dumbfounded.

Just forget the unscientific metal like Vibranium, because its molecules are relatively static and can release the energy absorbed during the collision with almost no loss.

But the other three-sided magnetic levitation discs do not have the characteristics of Vibranium in his design. At most, after being thrown, the internal magnetic field will change, so that it can be pulled by the special magnetic field on the battle suit.

This kind of traction is not as magical as the performance of the Frisbee in Steve’s hands. The limit is that at low speeds, it can slightly affect the Flight direction of the Frisbee, causing it to deviate from the direction of the battle suit.

But after witnessing Steve’s unreasonable throw, Mark was indecisive for the first time, and he had the urge to study quantum mechanics…

In short, the test ended smoothly. In addition to the follow-up upgrade of the battle suit and the addition of the accelerated world module, Mark has successfully completed his vision of the battle suit.

Steve received a set of new equipment that satisfies him, and the combat effectiveness has been greatly enhanced; S.H.I.E.L.D has added a top combat capability, and it can be handed over to Steve if there are difficult tasks in the future.

Definitely, after staying in S.H.I.E.L.D for so long this time, Mark didn’t just give everything without gain.

You know, with Mark’s research and development efficiency, how can it take so long to safely resurrect Steve and upgrade his equipment?

The real reason that allowed Mark to spend so much time in S.H.I.E.L.D was the research project jointly established by the Aerospace Administration, the Air Force and S.H.I.E.L.D in the 1980s-the Tianma Project.

At the moment when he came to the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters from the Houston satellite launch site, Mark, who had developed a “good habit”, had already let Da Bai enter the S.H.I.E.L.D internal network through his smart watch.

Mark wants to see if there is any new confidential information during the time he hasn’t come to S.H.I.E.L.D. It can be used to relieve boredom.

Unexpectedly, this search really gave him a big surprise, allowing him to find something good.

The Tianma Project was initiated by Mark’s grandfather Howard and the hidden Cree star Dr. Lawson. The purpose is to use the endless energy in Tesseract to develop alternative energy sources and the speed of light engine.

The project went well that year. Inspired by Tesseract, Howard designed the prototype of the new element Ark reactor that Tony is now using.

However, limited by the development of the times, there is no technical Ability to complete it, and the task of completing the super energy is passed on to Tony’s hands.

After being definitely unwilling, Dr. Lawson successfully developed the Lightspeed Engine.

It is a pity that when the “Sky Horse Project” was experimenting with the “speed of light engine”, other Crees hidden in the earth robbed it, and Dr. Lawson died.

The female flightman Carol-the future Captain Marvel absorbed all the energy source of the speed of light engine.

The most critical part of the plan, Tesseract, was swallowed by the Elemental Eater Gugu, and the plan has since been sealed and shelved.

It was not until later that the Elemental Eater handed over by Carol to Fury spit out Tesseract, and the recent arrival of Thor Thor on Earth brought Fury’s sense of crisis, and this plan was restarted.

The purpose of this research is no longer to replace energy and the speed of light engine, but the mysterious and ubiquitous dark energy in the universe, and in the mouth of the Asgard, it is also called “magic”.

Seeing these contents aroused Mark’s interest.

He didn’t expect that he had just started to study Luen Technology, studying magic charms and magic powers, and related research materials were sent to him. Isn’t this a sleepy pillow? .

With the research results of Howard, Dr. Lawson, and the newly joined Dr. Erik Sevig paving the way, Mark can save a lot of basic research time.

Coupled with the perfect magical medium Ulu Metal he already has in his hands and the Luen Mageweave he obtained in the Thor incident, Mark may be able to complete his another killer skill before Loki descends on the earth.

So in line with the idea of ​​taking advantage of it, not taking it for nothing, Mark on the one hand ordered Dabai to be careful when collecting information, and on the other hand, he found a reasonable excuse for delaying his stay at SHIELD headquarters and started to upgrade the weapon for the captain. equipment.

Finally, before the completion of Steve’s battle suit suit, Dabai collected all the research data of the “` ‖ Tianma Project that could be found so far, and silently transmitted it back to Mark’s smart watch.

From when the plan was established in the 1980s to when Dr. Erik joined the plan, almost all the research (Zhao Dezhao) data was exhausted by Mark in a few days.

“Dark energy and magic, I haven’t really thought that the two are the same energy before. That is to say, it is not that humans have not observed the existence of magic, but the naming method is different.

If the [magic power] can be observed through the technology of the earth, is there an opportunity to use the earth technology to realize the application of [magic power] without using the Luen Mana and Ulu Metal?

It seems that to complete the research on Luen Technology, whether it’s Asgard’s plan or the earth’s method, I still have to grasp with both hands, both hands must be hard…”

With the information obtained from S.H.I.E.L.D, Mark returned to his company’s laboratory and started the research on Luen Technology again. .

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