Chapter 103

“You compare my people, some of the most well-trained professionals in the world, to supermarket security guards with minimum wages. This makes us feel very frustrated.

According to my experience, it must be someone who has received similar professional training to beat them down like you, or like a rich and talented guy, what kind of high-tech suit you are wearing?

Tell me, where did you get your training, Pakistan? Chechnya? Or Afghanistan? You look more like a mercenary, is it Africa? There are some organizations out there that will hire such good mercenaries as you. who are you? ”

In the interrogation room, Thor, who had awakened from a coma, was sitting on a chair, being questioned by Phil Coulson.

Facing Phil Coulson’s constantly asking questions, he didn’t answer anything. He just lowered his head in frustration, whether he glanced at Phil Coulson.

Facing this kind of non-cooperation, Phil Coulson also kept trying, hoping that he could read some micro expressions on his face and analyze some information, but this attempt ended in failure.

“Well, it seems that you don’t want to talk. But in any case, we will get the information we want. This is what we do best.” After speaking, Phil Coulson’s communication badge suddenly sounded.

“Don’t run around!” Phil Coulson glanced at Thor, left the interrogation room with a warning.

After he left, he had been unwilling but suddenly spoke: “Loki! How come you appeared in Midgard 々?”

In the interrogation room where Thor should have been alone, Loki suddenly appeared in front of Thor, which surprised him.

“I have to come and meet you—” Loki said in a heavy voice.

“What happened? Tell me, is it Jotonheim? Let me explain to the father, I believe…” Thor asked nervously.

“Father is dead.” Loki interrupted directly.

“…What!?” Thor looked at Loki in disbelief with tears in his eyes.

“The expulsion of you and the threat of a resumption of war are unbearable for him in his twilight years. But don’t blame yourself, I know you love him, and I tried to persuade him, but he couldn’t listen.

Knowing that you can no longer pick up Mjolnir but still put it in front of your eyes, this is cruel… Now the burden of the throne has fallen on my shoulders. ”

“So… can I go home?” Thor raised his head and asked in a tone almost pleading.

“The condition of a truce with Jotonheim is to banish you forever.”

“Okay, but is there no other way…”

“Mother and queen won’t allow you to go home. I’m here to say goodbye, brother—I’m sorry!”

Loki’s words made Thor completely desperate. He began to reflect and regret his impulsiveness and recklessness. “No, it is me who should apologize. It is me who put Asgard in danger. Thank you for coming to see me, brother.”

“Farewell.” Loki finished his farewell, and turned and disappeared into the interrogation room. No one saw his successful conspiracy smile after turning around.

Except for one person-Mark. After Magneto returned from the task, Mark replaced it with augmented reality accessories and energy wave detection components.

Reality augmented components can provide Magneto with a perfect visual camouflage and help it hide well in the interrogation room. The energy wave detection component can accurately detect whether Loki is present in the interrogation room.

Mark, who is familiar with the character of Loki, knows his superb blindness. He can’t be spotted by the naked eye. But to cast magic requires the use of magic, and magic is a special kind of energy, as long as it is energy, its existence can be detected by the energy wave detector.

Ever since Thor woke up, Mark has been hiding in his sports car, receiving voice and video signals transmitted from Magneto to him. [It took less than 4 minutes for Thor to recover from a coma. This should be remembered. Asgard people metabolize anesthetics nearly ten times faster than normal people on Earth. 】

[Loki’s magic is good, it can be used as a gain for reality augmentation technology, but unfortunately he sketched the magic talisman in his body and did not collect more data. 】

Mark is in the car, watching the difference between the two brothers as an observing character, but has been constantly analyzing and recording the information and data they inadvertently revealed in the process, turning a whole notebook The records are full.


“` (Zhao De’s)‖ Sir, someone came over to meet the intruder.” Phil Coulson, who received the news and left the interrogation room, followed him to the door of the temporary base after receiving the news reported by his subordinates. Saw a familiar face.

“Meet me again, Dr. Erik Selvig, it seems that you are really magical and have a lot of friends, so you came here this time to tell me that the intruder inside is called Donaldson Black.”

“Correct it—it’s Dr. Donald Black.”


PS. This name is an easter egg in the movie. In the comics, Thor is demoted to the mortal world and possessed by a doctor whose name is Donald Black. .

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