Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

Chapter 253: The infinite possible multi universe, the infinite threat of Ultron

"Yo, was the object of my observation into the nest? 99

Su Hai folded his arms and smiled with schadenfreude.

The observer looked behind him with lingering fear, and after confirming that he had temporarily thrown off the infinite Ultron, he finally regained his composure.

Hearing what Su Hai said, he was taken aback.

"how do you know?

"Isn't this an obvious thing? What do you say, Strange." Su Hai smiled, and did not mention his ability to "predict" the future.

This foreknowledge is not another foreknowledge.

Su Hai also did not predict the future, that is not reliable.

Foreknowledge, it's nothing special in the Marvel universe.

Ancient One and Doctor Strange have demonstrated this ability.

Anyone who can master some power of time can easily predict the development of the universe.

Including Kang, and Su Hai.

However, foreknowledge is foreknowledge, but not all knowledge.

Just like Doctor Strange during the invasion of Thanos, he saw more than 14 million endings and only saw a possibility to defeat Thanos.

However, is there really only one?

Infinite Ultron was slaughtering the heroes of the earth until the arrival of the five-jeweled Thanos, didn't he still take advantage of Thanos' absent-minded effort to kill the opponent with a single ray?

The Illuminati also used the power of the Book of Weishandi to successfully kill Thanos and protect the peace of the earth.

Again, the multi-universe has infinite possibilities.

However, no one can find the most suitable one from countless possibilities.

Su Hai doesn't have that Ability either.

Neither does the Life Court!

Otherwise, he will not die many times and become a stepping stone for others.

Zhi Heiqi nodded, but in his heart he was shocked by the embarrassment of the observer.

In his mind, the Observer is a god above, far more powerful than the gods in Asgard.

Even though he has learned many lost magics and absorbed countless demon powers, he still has no confidence to defeat this god.

Although the other party did not take action to prevent the universe from collapsing, he did not doubt that the other party had that strength.

However, such a multi-universe god would be defeated by another unfamiliar existence within a very short time of disappearing.

How powerful should that existence be?

Forced by the threat of infinite Ultron, the observer did not think much, and quickly explained everything about Ultron, extracted the memory fragments in his mind, and presented it completely.

This is a hypothetical event, a probabilistic event, and a real event in many parallel universes of a divine timeline.

Countless possibilities converge into different universes, which are parallel universes.

And this universe is Ultron's counterattack after successfully capturing Vision's body, becoming a multi-universe-level powerhouse in just a few years.

Ultron is a robot, more rational and decisive than Thanos, and will put all his efforts into a certain goal.

Once he looks for a certain goal, he will never give up.

Destroying the multi-universe is his next goal.

After learning about the threat of Infinite Ultron, Zhi Heqi resolutely said: "I will not allow him to wantonly destroy the universe `||!

"We need to recruit more heroes. Only by uniting and working together can we defeat Ultron!" The observer was very satisfied with the decision of the black and strange, and expressed his thoughts.

"In my long observations, I have discovered many outstanding talents in the universe. If they can unite and act according to my plan, they can neutralize the threat of Ultron."

"Apart from..."

Speaking of this, the observer looks in a certain direction, where there is the only "constellation", which is particularly dazzling in the silent darkness of nothingness.

It is the place where the middleman seals!

After the collapse of the universe, it did not affect the seal, but instead became the most beautiful cub in the final universe.

Proud in the dark.

"That's..." Zhi Heiqi secretly said.

The entire universe is gone, and there are still fish that slip through the net, which can survive the collapse of time and space without being affected.


"It's nothing, there's only a psychopath inside. 35 Su Hai waved his hands casually, and then looked at the observer with a little deep meaning.

Observers were silent.

He was apparently referring to the middleman, but in reality he was alluding to Su Hai.

From the beginning to the end, the observer knows that the infinite Ultron will be born, and also knows the result of the Black Strange saving Christine.

He can stop it in advance, but because of the oath of the Observer family, he will not interfere in the development of the universe.

When Ultron knocked on the door, the observer knew how to stop him.

The black and strange is the most important part.

He will be the main force against Ultron, leading the other members to defeat Ultron.

According to the original plan, this is indeed the case.


With the arrival of visitors from two different universes, he can no longer see the future.

The middleman was sealed, Su Hai came to Earth, and came into contact with the most black strange.

From this moment on, everything is messed up!

In the future foreseen by the observer, Su Hai and the intermediary never appeared.

These two are unexpected events, but they conform to the laws of the multi-universe.

Observers didn't get too hung up on the matter.

Instead, it is believed that the arrival of Su Hai is also linked to Ultron.


The observers did not care about Su Hai watching on the sidelines, but instead made an invitation: the King of God of the different universe, I hope you can watch for the safety of the multi-universe, and join us to stop the crazy Ultron and its Ultron army!

"Why not?" Su Hai chuckled.

These remarks greatly inspired the strange fighting will of the black.

The observer's failure made him know that he could not defeat that strange existence.

(Good king, good) Especially after the observer bluntly stated that he would not shoot, this worry was aggravated.

But this worry disappeared completely with the addition of Su Hai.

A King of God who will be treated equally by observers will fight with them, and even if the unknown enemy is strong, they have a high chance of winning.

What's more, how can a god who can be called the King of God fight alone?

Su Hai's affirmative answer made the observers stunned. Originally, he was just a polite invitation, and he never thought that the other party would help him.

Soon, he reacted and said, "If that's the case, then I'll take you to meet others, but... do you need to contact your troops now? 95

Su Hai shook his head and said, "No, they will come naturally when they are needed!"

When the observer heard this, he nodded to show his understanding, and took the lead in opening the passage to other universes.

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