Chapter 376 The Powerful Effect of the New Reagent

A strange aura came out of Brom’s body.

At the moment, Brom, who was already exhausted, had tight muscles and clenched his fists.

The pale and weak face was also densely covered with red-orange light, revealing an expression of pain.

But the severely injured body began to struggle, but his hands began to wave vigorously.

Everything now seemed to be far from the pale and feeble Brom who was hovering on the edge of death two minutes ago.

And the dagger that was still stuck in the abdomen was also flushed red by the high temperature from the wound.

The lava-like cracks on his body grew more and more.

Leo took a light step, a strange golden light appeared in his eyes, even in the room, it was so dazzling.

Suddenly, the attention of a few people around was attracted to Leo’s face.

Including several Mayan students on the side, Stacy, Rona and others were also very shocked. They did not expect that this small-looking child was also a super-Ability.

But they also easily accepted this fact. Perhaps after having been in contact with Chen Haoran for so long, they also had a little more sense of equanimity for this kind of Ability.

Leo’s eyes looked inside Brom’s body. Under the catalysis of this special agent, the tissues of his body had changed to varying degrees.

It is transformed from flesh and blood into a high-temperature substance, and is rapidly assimilating the surrounding tissues and undergoing a state of proliferation.

At the moment, a part of Brom’s body was transformed into another part that Leo couldn’t recognize, just like those white blood cells in the organism that resist germs.

It’s very orderly, like a robot executing a program.

In order to ensure the health of the surrounding system and the integrity of the limbs, the entire damaged part has been restored in an all-round way.

The accumulated water in the abdominal cavity and the broken wound tissue are also assimilated by high-temperature substances and used to repair other wounds.

At the moment, the heaviest wound on Brom’s body was the dagger that was inserted into the right kidney and penetrated completely.

As for whether the dagger is clean and hygienic, is there any rust bacteria on it? These are not important.

Because this kind of high temperature tissue extending from the human body will automatically remove all of these and restore the human body to its best state.

At the moment, the muscle tissue around the dagger’s wound had been completely assimilated, and the entire dagger was hot and flushed, beginning to show signs of melting.

Ten seconds passed.

Above the hospital bed, Brom’s tumbling movement has disappeared, and his body is becoming more and more relaxed, seeming to get used to this high temperature state.

The wound in the abdomen had completely healed and disappeared, leaving only a broken dagger on the side.

In the body, a small mass of metal keeps rolling in the abdominal cavity, a small part of the metal body slowly assimilates and dissipates in the body, and more is to form countless smaller metal particles, which are automatically discharged outside the body.

Just like the tiny needles used for ordinary injections, they popped out of the body one after another.

And Brom, who was lying quietly on the hospital bed, frowned slightly, and did not respond much to this slight pain.

With the success of the self-healing of the wound, all the high-temperature tissues unexpectedly began to cool down at the same time, returning to the state of flesh and blood tissue.

This kind of strange phenomenon made Leo a little obsessed.

This strange substance originally originated from the human body, and the bags of red-orange reagents, like a corresponding key, opened the mysterious switch in the human body.

Leo also knew that there was such a big secret in the human body.

This bizarre phenomenon is more like the transformation of Hulk and Abomination, but it does not produce such a large external body shape change, but it is also a change in body tissue.

The lava cracks on Brom’s body were slowly fading.

The stiff body finally relaxed.

Brom, who had been shrouded in fear, now had a smile on his face.

The body condition was adjusted to the best, and the lower abdomen that was originally a little bulged, but it smoothed down and turned into a few abdominal muscles.

Similarly, the originally exhausted internal organs have also undergone a huge baptism.

Brom has never felt so comfortable in his body. Even the discomfort in his lungs and stomach he felt because of smoking and drinking has disappeared, and his nasal cavity and throat have also recovered completely.

For him, in this state, he really died in the underworld, and it was worth it to be so comfortable.

Slowly opened his eyes, the bright light dazzled his eyes a little unrealistically.

When Brom sat up from the hospital bed and looked around, he really realized that he had come back alive, and the wounds on his body had disappeared.

I couldn’t believe it, groping on the wound, but it was a pair of tight muscles.

“Really recovered!! FUCK, FUCK!!!”

Brom yelled in excitement, and in just a few minutes from the brink of death, he recovered to such an appearance, and other changes made him excited.

Don’t talk about Brom himself.

The people around were all excited, and Maya’s eyes were the most radiant.

He has been studying the effects of repairing reagents in this unknown field since 1998. From Stark’s initial finishing touch, coupled with the later research of countless personnel and a large amount of capital investment, he finally developed an unstable Prototype.

Extremis reagent.

Has a powerful healing effect, but also accompanied by terrifying heat.

But the healing reagents that were originally used to save people in her heart, in Killian’s hands, have turned into terrifying human bombs and killing machines.

Looking at it now, there is finally some hope for this goal in my heart.

Although this is only the first human experiment, the effect is beyond Maya’s expectations based on the current situation.

And Zoster looked at Brom, whose abdominal wound was completely healed, and there was a trace of enthusiasm in his eyes, not for himself, but for his brother Langdu.

It seems that Langdu’s broken leg is really hopeful to recover, and if the effect is really so terrifying, then the old wound on his body…seems to be hopeful too.

And Stacy, who had been in the laboratory and spent countless days and nights calculating data, also frantically gathered around Brom, looking at his body curiously and excitedly.

Reaching out to stroke the wound that had just been repaired, several people were still discussing, regarding the data analysis and records just now, what the next calculation experiment should be like.

Brom among them was a little at a loss.

Looking at Zoster not far away, there was still fear in his eyes.

Then I saw Leo standing next to Zoster, who was the boy he had robbed.

Looking at the two people in front of him, there was a trace of anger in Brom’s eyes, and his fists clenched.

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