Chapter 225 Excited Pepper

Pepper looked at the broken helmet in his hand with joy and hugged it in his arms.

Feeling the beauty of life, at least, Tony is fine, now he is safe.

His eyes flashed, and a short figure appeared in front of him.

“Pepper? Where’s Aunt Jenny and Uncle George? Why didn’t I see them when I went back, and no one was there for several days?”

Leo looked at Pepper, who was holding the broken visor of Mark VII in his arms, and the dilapidated ruins around him.

“Where is Mr. Stark? He should be all right.”

Leo’s arrival was not noticed by anyone around him, and the extremely fast speed and silent movement made Leo not pay attention to anyone.

Pepper was shocked by Leo’s sudden appearance and stepped back.

But when he saw Leo’s existence, he once again showed a surprised and brilliant smile.

“Lee… Leo? You actually came back?”

“How did you come back? You have disappeared for ten months.”

Pepper looked at Leo and said in surprise, but stepped forward a little excited and gave him a light hug.

Harpy’s serious injury, Tony’s disappearance, and the successive occurrences made her feel insecure now.

Leo also gave Pepper a light hug and patted her on the back, “This is all done by Mandalin? Isn’t Mr. Stark okay? Are you okay?”

Seeing that Pepper was in a good state, he guessed that Pepper knew that Tony was fine.

Pepper looked around, and only she knew the news that Tony was still alive.

At the same time, she also understood that this news had better not be known to the public, nor could it fail Tony’s intentions and plans.

“Leo, I’m so glad you came back. I think Tony will definitely be happier seeing you.”

Putting his visor aside, he looked at Leo with joy.

She knows more than the public knows. Pepper knows how powerful Leo is. At this time, only Leo can help Tony and ensure Tony’s safety.

“Yes, I also just returned to Earth. By the way, where’s my family, aunt, where did they go?”

He just came from New York and asked directly.

When I returned home expectantly before, I saw nothing but nothing.

In the deserted room, it seemed that no one had lived for several days, which made him a little anxious.

In case something happens to the uncle, aunt and the others during this period of time, Leo must be intolerable!

“I remember Tony told me that Jenny and George seemed to have been to China a few days ago and had a tour, but they haven’t come back yet.”

“Go to China? Okay.”

Leo thought for a while, nodded and said, although he didn’t come back to see them the first time, it was a little regrettable.

But when I learned that they were in China, I felt a little relieved.

At least, better than in New York.

“Let’s go, find a safe place to live, this attack is very strange.”

Pepper saw Leo’s arrival, and with joy, he was ready to find a place first, and then have a good chat.

“Well, let’s go.”

“Leo, where have you been during this time? Tony has been looking for you. Since the incident in New York, he has changed a lot and his mood has not been very good.”

The two quietly left without attracting anyone’s attention. Everyone focused on the ruins, and seemed to be expecting something to dig out of it.

The injured Ms. Maya also stood aside, waiting for Pepper’s arrival.

Pepper drove the car, with Maya and Leo, who were covered in scars, and drove towards the city together.

“Why are you looking for Tony, what is so important?”

Pepper asked Maya in the vice seat, while Leo sat in the back seat, watching the traffic flow out the window.

Maya’s face had two bloody mouths from the fall, and her hair was a little messed up under the attack. At the moment, her condition was not good.

Glancing at Leo behind him, since Pepper can be taken into the car, he is also a trustworthy person.

At the moment, she was a little flustered, and a trace of luck, her eyes widened, and she looked at Pepper and said.

“My boss may work for Mandalin.”

Pepper’s eyes were slightly startled, and he glanced at Leo.

“So, if you want to continue talking, I suggest finding a safe place first.”

Leo frowned slightly looking at Maya sitting in front of him.

‘I remember, it seemed that Pepper was also caught by that guy in the end, how did he get it? I am a little fuzzy. ’

“What’s your boss’s name?”

“Odd District Kilian.” Maya said the name.

Pepper was completely stunned, because yesterday, this familiar name was still talking to her face to face.

But now, it turns out that he worked for Mandalin, and Mandalin tried to kill them.

Pepper quickened his pace and found a star hotel.

Ready to ask Maya about Mandalin, and Leo by his side also brought her a sufficient sense of security, which made her feel much calmer from the panic.

When he came to the son of the hotel, Leo first ordered a bunch of food to soothe his tongue.

Pepper and Maya were sitting in the room, asking some questions.


On the other side, Mandalin once again broadcasted his terror declaration on all TV channels, and kidnapped a government official and trampled under his feet.

He took a pistol and told everyone that if the president didn’t make this phone call next to him within 30 seconds, then he would kill the official in front of the people of the whole country.

At the same time, Mandalin’s team hacked into the president’s cell phone, and a number appeared on it.

The President dialed this number, and the phone next to Mandalin rang.

But the next moment, in front of the national audience, Mandalin killed the man without hesitation.

The people of the whole country were shocked by this.

But Kilian, who planned all of this, looked at a location on the phone, hurriedly left, and rushed over in person.


Leo bit the burger and walked into the room with a large bag of food.

Pepper sat on the edge of the bed, watching Maya, who had just taken a shower and cleaned her wounds, was talking about Kilian.

“Do you want to eat?”

Leo looked at the two women and said, lifting the food in his hands.

But the two didn’t know what topic they were talking about, and they had some resonance.

Pepper looked at Maya with tears in her eyes, and patted her.

“Maya, don’t blame yourself, you just handed the research to the think tank.”

“But Killian’s think tank is funded by the military,” Maya said.

“We used to be like this too.”

Pepper looked at Maya and said, “Don’t blame yourself.”

Maya leaned on the head of the bed, looking at Pepper with moving eyes, “Thank you, Pepper, thank you so much.”

Leo came over, “It’s not the same!”

“In this attack, the three gunship helicopters were so close to the villa without any news from the military, and even the one remaining at the end disappeared.”

“There must be news from the military behind Mandalin, and Kilian is not that simple.”

Pepper looked back at Leo, who was holding the pizza in his hand, and nodded, she also had the same doubts.

‘Boom boom boom. ’

There were several knocks at the door.

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