Chapter 1340 Stark Knows

“Leo brought it back from an alien civilization?!!!”

Hearing Banner’s words, Peibo was also shocked.

“And the effect is pretty good, haven’t you noticed any changes in Tony?”

Banner said so again.

Pebble looked at Stark again, but didn’t see much change.

“Tony, did you grow two centimeters taller, it seems that you have a little more muscle than before, but the change is not big, and your mental state is good.”

Peibo can only say that.

Although Stark has undergone the strengthening transformation of Baker Stone, what is transformed is only the vitality, and the strengthened body is also based on the original body, making a breakthrough.

On the contrary, it hasn’t changed much for Stark’s well-proportioned body, but the appearance is still basically the same, but inside the body, whether it’s musculoskeletal or internal organs, blood meridians, etc., it’s almost like it is. It’s the same as another person.

“Anyway, it’s a very good thing, Tony even I can’t bear to use it for me.”

Dr. Banner said with a smile.

But this is just a joke. With the huge reserves of Bakerite placed in Stark, Stark is definitely not stingy with Dr. Banner.

Only after Banner experimented a few pieces, he found that most of the vitality that poured into his body disappeared, and only a small part of the body was modified, optimized and improved.

Then Banner heard Hulk’s feedback. Obviously, that thing is still very attractive to Hulk, but it is not a big improvement for Dr. Banner’s external body performance.

I am afraid that even if all the bakelites that Leo put down are absorbed, it will not be able to strengthen the body much. Fortunately, Banner gave up this.

However, Dr. Banner can also take advantage of Hulk’s preference for Baker Stone, which may be able to communicate better with Hulk, so Stark specially set aside a part for Dr. Banner to use.

However, even if Dr. Bruce Banner and Tony Stark are together, there are very few research results on Baker Stone, and there is no way to transform them.

On the contrary, a lot of life energy was wasted, and a lot of Baker Stone was wasted.

Finally, now, Dr. Banner and Stark have completely given up on this, and they can’t make a more meaningful method for Baker Stone than directly absorb it.

Because they couldn’t accurately collect the life energy emitted by the broken Baker stone before observing it accurately, so in the first step, they were helpless.

After Stark’s comprehensive strengthening and the Baker Stone given to the Blackland Group, the Baker Stone left in Stark’s hands almost has enough weight to strengthen one person.

But Stark didn’t mess around. Instead, he sealed it all in his room. If it wasn’t necessary, Stark didn’t want to take it out.

Although no better results have been obtained yet, it can be proved that if you are injured, the energy healing of the life body in the Baker Stone exceeds the existing medical skills on the earth.

Whether it is the recovery of wounds and flesh, the rejection of cancer cells in the body, the repair of internal organs, etc., it is almost a versatile healing potion, which can save lives when necessary.

But now, Stark has listened to Banner’s words and thinks that if Peibo needs it, he definitely doesn’t mind taking out the inventory he keeps.

“Wait for a moment, I think the energy of Baker Stone should be able to restore you.”

“If you have been wearing the piece I gave you before, I think you should also feel a lot easier.”

Stark is very experienced at this point. After all, since he was strengthened, his physical fitness is almost twice as strong as that of himself, but it is like the difference between heaven and earth.

The original Stark himself, after staying up for a few days, was also in a bad state of mind, and he needed to recover for a few days to get over.

For the current Stark, it is not a big problem even if it is not going to sleep for a week. Although this powerful physical fitness is not as good as Rogers, it can more than double Stark’s work efficiency.

Although it is said that the energy of Bakerite is used to recover from fatigue, it must be of little use, and it is particularly luxurious.

But for Stark, as long as it can help Peibo, it doesn’t matter at all.

And Stark also believes that even if Leo is here, he will definitely not refuse in the slightest, and he will even give out more Baker stones to Pebble, which Stark is very convinced.

Before long, Stark walked over with a light green translucent jade block with star dots. Although it looked a bit like an industrial product, the breath exuding from it set off the entire jade. It’s like a treasure.

This stone is not very big, it is about the file size of a basketball, almost the same size as the first Baker’s stone bought by Leo.

Stark put on the special gloves and placed the stone in front of Pebble.

“Just hold this stone. It will restore your vitality. Although some people cannot define what this so-called vitality is, Leo has always said that. It can greatly increase your cell activity. , The speed of recovery can instantly surge dozens of times, and there are many other effects.”

Peibo buckled his palms without hesitation.

Pei Bo was taken aback by the slightly cold surface of the Baker Stone, and then there was a very small warm current slowly pouring up from his palm.

This feeling is like placing both palms on the surface of warm water. The warm current is not very warm, but it obviously spreads all over the body.

Although it was only a few seconds, Peibo immediately felt his body relaxed a bit, as if he had thrown away a small sandbag on his back.

Pei Bo closed her eyes to feel this energy, but when she wanted to feel it accurately, she couldn’t feel the existence of this warm current.

Just as Peibo was struggling, Stark, who was standing by, suddenly asked.

“What question did you want to ask Leo before?”

“I want to know about the death of your parents…huh?”

Peibo, who was immersed in the recovery of this vitality, suddenly woke up.

Being by Stark’s side made Peibo feel a lot relaxed, and the whole person’s spirit didn’t feel as tight as outside. Coupled with the magical life energy of Baker Stone, Peibo was suddenly unprepared.

Unexpectedly, Stark suddenly said such a sentence, which made Peibo speak a little thoughtlessly.

And Stark gradually frowned after hearing this half of Peibo’s words.

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