Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 392: Become a star!

At this time, the space energy in Li Yue's mind, even Li Yue did not know how huge.

So when he was released with all his strength at this time, even Li Yue was shocked.

It was only in an instant that the entire sky above Nidawi Star was instantly shrouded in azure blue light curtain.

Like the azure blue energy of the vast ocean, the boundary cannot be seen by the naked eye alone, almost endless, covering the sky and the sun.

At this moment, all dwarves can't help but look up at the void. The blue light, like a dreamlike scene, makes every dwarf a little dazzled.

They live all year round on the star ring of Nidawi Star. In addition to being able to see the bright yellow light of the neutron star, everything around is dark and void, and there are countless meteorites.

Of course, the dwarves like this kind of environment very much, otherwise they cannot live in this kind of environment all the year round.

However, when they saw the sky covered by the energy released by Li Yue, they suddenly found that they seemed to like this colorful blue sky even more.

At this time, Li Yue was also a little surprised. The space energy he released with all his strength quickly spread over the entire Nidawei, and even Li Yue’s mental power could not be detected. The scope enveloped by blue energy at the moment How big is it.

This shocked Li Yue's game. He didn't know yet that he who exerted his full energy to release his body energy had such a powerful power.

At this time, Li Yue even felt that even if he had a huge planet comparable to the earth, he could let his space energy completely cover it.

Then, relying on the energy released by him, he cannibalized it in an instant until it completely disappeared.

This powerful feeling made Li Yue's self-confidence instantly burst into flames. He even felt that he didn't need any foreign objects at this time to be able to fight the bully with the power gem.

Of course, this is just the strong self-confidence beyond the past brought by powerful forces.

Li Yue naturally understood that the power of the power gemstone was not something he could contend with at this time.

Of course, he also has space and soul gems, and he seems to have heard that the power of two infinite gems will cancel each other out, so he doesn’t need to be too afraid of the power of the power gem.

Moreover, even if it is a bully, without the help of infinite gloves, he can not use too much power of the power gem.

Therefore, at this time, Li Yue regained his confidence. He was fully confident that he could defeat the hegemony holding the power gem.

However, this matter is not what Li Yue should be concerned about at this time. What he is now concerned about is how much this set of armor on his body has increased his strength.


Just now, Li Yue was surprised by the power of his full energy release, so he hadn't come and felt his own situation.

At this moment, after he felt it carefully, he found his body turned into a blue star at this moment.

The dense blue lightning strangled the battle armor, and countless arcs encased the whole person in it, forming a luminous group with a strong light.

The light group is entirely composed of blue lightning energy, but it seems to have condensed into substance.

From the outside, Li Yue's figure can no longer be seen at all, only a blue light cluster like a small star can be seen, emitting strong power and energy outward.

Moreover, as his own energy was continuously released, the blue star formed around Li Yue as if it had grown violently, and it soon grew from a few meters in diameter to nearly a hundred meters in diameter.

And this is still not over, the blue light group is still growing violently.

At this time, Li Yue raised an idea that if he didn't stop the energy delivery, the energy cluster formed by himself would eventually grow to the size of a real star.

Li Yue couldn't believe this, turning herself into a star. This kind of power Li Yue had never seen before.

However, Li Yue can only stop the delivery of energy at this time, because only a moment of effort, the energy luminous mass has increased from the size of 100 meters to the size of nearly kilometers.

Although this diameter is not even as big as those meteorite around Li Yue, the energy contained in it is enough to destroy the world.

There is a feeling in Li Yue's mind that the star he transformed into is naturally not intended for others to watch, but for destruction.

He can control the explosion of the star he formed.

Needless to say, the power of stellar explosions, if the solar system of the solar system explodes, I am afraid that the entire solar system will no longer exist.

Although the blue star that Li Yue has incarnate at this time is far less than the size of the sun, the explosion of a star with a diameter of only one kilometer is enough to make everything around him, including Nidaweixing, ashes.

Therefore, Li Yue can only stop the delivery of energy. This is not because Li Yue feels that his energy is exhausted, but he feels that if he uses the blue star to grow like this, he will not be able to easily control it.

Therefore, for the sake of insurance, and because he would not accidentally wipe out the entire dwarf clan group, Li Yue could only stop his full exploration.


However, although Li Yue stopped the exploration of how mighty he would be after his full shot, he understood it.

I have always underestimated my own strength, no, I should have never really understood my own strength.

He always felt that his strength comparable to Superman was his greatest strength, but at this moment he understood that compared to the kind of power that can only dominate the earth.

The huge space energy he has at this time is his strongest killer.

At this time, he is more confident and releases all his space energy. He wants to destroy a planet the size of the earth, and it is completely effortless.

Of course, Li Yue will naturally not idle to destroy the planet and play.

However, these Li Yue can only be put aside first at this time, because although he stopped the energy delivery, the stars formed by himself will not be annihilated instantly with the disappearance of the energy source.

On the contrary, I found out that there is no energy supply. It seems that the blue star has consciously started to absorb everything around it to grow itself. The meteorites that have not moved in time seem to have been attracted by the blue stars at this moment. They begin to slowly accelerate from static to move towards Li Yue.

Even on the star rings of the dwarves, there are some small objects that attract blue stars.

The imaginary stars transformed by the energy released by Li Yue actually have the gravitational force like real stars at this moment. This situation makes Li Yue himself unbelievable.

But now is not the time for him to think about other things, because as if he never stopped to stop, I am afraid that the dwarf dwelling star ring will also be torn and destroyed by the strong gravity of his star.

In addition, there is another larger neutron star wrapped in the star ring. The two stars are in the same position to attract each other. No one can predict what will happen.

But Li Yue understands that that situation is definitely not what he wants to see, so he is now ready to completely destroy the star he made by himself.


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