Chapter 1524

Funeral days can not be used in time and space, does not mean that the rest of the Sky Academy is not used.

Do not say that the teachers and students of the sky are the 36th Cangwei Wei, and there are still several people who are low or space.

“The first year is stationed here.” The burial day handed the Storage Ring to the day, “You will take the time and space seed and the virtual inquiry boat.”

Nodded, I took Storage Ring: “Then I have worked hard.”

天说 道: “Just I acquired a lot of Asura, but I should go back to the book.”

“take care.” The sky is guarded.

Funeral Said with a smile: “Ok, let’s go, don’t worry here.”

His people are enough to sweep the Asura family, safe and worry-free.

After bid farewell to the funeral, it is directly disappeared in the same place, only in an instant, only in an instant, and only in an instant.

At the same time, Zhang Yu is also inductive to the existence of them, and it appears by them instantly.

“dean.” Everyone gave a gift.

“Zhang Yu Said with a smile:” You have worked hard. “

I immediately present the Storage Ring immediately, said: “This is the seven trials of time and space, and the virtual ark, please dean.”

ZHANG YU Refining After Asura Sugar, I have always paid attention to the situation on hell. I naturally know that the seven trials have given time and space, and there is a satisfactory smile on his face, praise: “You are doing very well.”

“is the trial of the burial day.” Hey, he said: “I can’t dare to work.”

zhang yu indifferent expression, the eyes swept through the Sky of the sky, the low-level time and space, the spin took out several medium time and space seeds, “” Your strength needs to continue to reinforce, these medium time and space seeds, you Take Refining, be sure to advance the middle-time space at the shortest time. “

After the medium time and space seeds, Zhang Yu continued: “Even the first year, from next year, funeral days, Fengtian, Yumidian you, each of the 11th Sky, a team is responsible The townhouses hell, a team swing in the wilderness, a team of rest, change every year. No problem? “

“Yes!” The day and the Others respectable.

Yau Tian asked: “Don’t you buy Asura?”

zhang yu said with a smile: “Someone is helping us acquire, don’t have to be troublesome,”

He already knows that Yuan Tianchang acquires Asura.

Yau Tian Nodded, then put the previous acquisition asura: “This is ASURA acquired for some time, 3,600,51.”

This quantity, even the zero head of Ye Fan and The Others hunting Asura.

zhang yu Leaves Seal’s Storage Ring, asked: “Is there anything?”

Everyone looks at each other and shakes his head.

“Well, these asura sugar, you are holding, try to upgrade the Cultivation Base.” Zhang Yu gave Asura sugar.

The earthquake is shocked: “So much.”

The Sky of the Sky is also happy, especially the Lord of the low-level time and space, with these asura sugar, they have the mainstay of the medium-time time and space in the shortest time, can save the growth of time and space A process.

“Don’t be happy.” ZHANG Yu reminded: “The ALL ARE refines Asura sugar as the main material for ordinary asura, under eternal, but if you touch the eternal threshold, even the promotion is eternal, The effect of this asura sugar is a big discount. “Asura sugar refining in ordinary Asura, the effect is definitely very limited to the eternal Powerhouse.

If this zhang yu he has eaten ASURA sugar.

This thing, for the eternal Powerhouse, can only be discussed in nothing.

After a while, the day, the sky and the Others have retired.

“I am almost the time to improve the Cultivation Base.” ZHANG Yu’s current CultiVation Base has always stayed in the immortal Lower Realm, and has always rejected Asura sugar. Nowadays, the resistance is almost disappeared. ,. Before this, there are two things to do. “

zhang yu has swept through the major branch of World, and the division dean sound transmission.

Next Moment, Wine Sword Immortal, Tian Ji Old Man, Greedy Dog, Dean Avatar, etc., Immediately came.

Terring all DEAN, Dean Avatar to Qi, ZHANG YU gives a medium time and space seed, and gives 10,000 asura sugar, requiring them to enhance the Cultivation Base to the nine turn limit within one year, And the medium time and space seed refining, and cultivated into a complete medium time and space.

This way, only one year, all of his master Avatar will become the main medium-time space!

No, 36 Cangwei’s Wei, all divided DEAN, Dean Avatar, will be all the main people!

Sky Academy’s heritage will also get an unprecedented improvement, and the ability to resist risk is great!

After the DEAN AVATAR and the division DEAN, Zhang Yu came to Panlongzhen GOD World Hongmeng Space.

In the depths of Hongmeng Space, there is a unknown independent space, which has 800,000 people in the independent space.

Independent space, 800,000 avatar is no longer Cultivation, they don’t even have independent thinking, the meaning of their existence is Cultivation, endless Cultivation.

zhang yu has not been paid for a long time. Today, he came over. After their CultiVation Base, it couldn’t help but surprise, 800,000 avatar, but all in True God High Realm, where some of them has even already Stepping on Legendary, progress is not a huge.

I thought about it, Zhang Yu took out eight million asura sugar, and 10 per person.

Ten Asura sugar, enough to advance the immortality!

800,000 Master Source Power’s immortal, even if only immortal Lower Realm is enough to explode amazing energy!

The most important thing is that it is immortal to achieve them, and ZHANG Yu is recycling them.

zhang yu If you don’t have That Many Time to go to REFINING 8 million asura sugar, so give Asura sugar to 800,000 avatar, let Avatar Refining, finally recycle Avatar, you can do Move, Two Gains, After the time, you can ensure that the strength is improved. Of course, there is no key moment, Zhang Yu will not easily recover the 800,000 avatar. After all, the higher the Cultivation Base, after recycling, the greater the benefits of Zhang Yu get.

“There are more than 10 million asura sugar.” Zhang Yu perceive the amount of ASURA sugar in Storage Ring, and the spin is left to leave Hongmeng space.

Champsian homes.

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