Chapter 1512 shocking

In the impeach of the palm, the power of the DESTROYING Heaven EXTINGUISHING Earth, suddenly broke out from that cut off!

The horrible high temperature is rapidly spread, and the dazzling gold flame almost illuminates this sky.


Underwood, it is affected by the horror of terror, the horrible high temperature, and his FLESHY BODY is melted, even the Divine Soul is generally melted, and Divine Soul is present. A path of crack, the crack of densely packed, constantly expanding, as if NEXT MOMENT will break the broken.

Fortunately, the horrible power is only maintained in an instant, and it will converge, and the high temperature has retired, and the asy is Eternal Powerhouse, and its Divine Soul has an extremely amazing, even if the horses are hit, there is no on the spot.

I only see the Divine Soul home source crazy violently violent Divine Soul’s source, and it is also quick to fix.

After a few breathing, he stopped his heart, and the Divine Soul’s source exudes the emotions of fear.

trace, market, Chen, the universe, flood, the distance is far, it is not injured, but the power of the DESTROYING Heaven Extinguishing Earth, which has just broke out, let them all be very stunned, there is The feeling of being killed.

Everyone is shocked by cold sweat, such as the enemy, the eyes are dead, staring at the broken arm, as if it is the most dangerous and terrible thing in the world!

Those of the Time and Space, the immortal, is like the virtual off, one of the LOOK PALE, falls on the ground.

At this time, the Yu Shun is eternal, quickly reshape Fleshy Body, about the eternal power of One Third, and a new Fleshy Body condensed.

He shakes, look Pale, the sound is also treated: “Too Terrifying, Too Terrifying!”

His eyes are full of fear.

Only one moment, he was hit hard, even Divine Soul is almost finished, and the power can see how terrorates.

“This thing … EXTreme Danger.” The 神 神 is unprecedented, and the eyes are full of jealous.

The remaining several trials are also palpitations, and they are afraid, and even fear.

The eyes swept a look, see the misery model of the latter, while the fear is fearful, and there is a inexplicable pleasure.

he said with a sneer: “I have already said, it is a QUASI-Saint energy break arm, you are not faithful, now I should I believe?”

The broken arm of the endless years, the remaining powerful power, almost kill an eTerNAL Powerhouse, why should the owner of the arms have?

this Time traces, depths, and Yumei people have no speech.

The general fact is in front of you, you can’t help but don’t believe it.

, especially Yu, suffering from the front impact of the power, and he is more better than anyone to experience the terror of the power.

Bloody lessons have already made him profoundly understand “QUASIS-Saint” energy TERRIFYING.

“Yu, you should be glad.” Chen IndifanceLy Said: “If you just broke out, it is not a Senior broken arm residual A strand of power, but too a Senior’s will inCarnation … I am afraid that you have no longer exist.” will INCARNATION is the most Terrifying Existence, this, no one is more clear.

suffered two QUASISI-SAINT Energy Incarnation to fight Yu Wei, there is a say than anyone.

If you change it, Yu must refute a few words, but he is Time, he has no refutation.

He deeply saw the time, said: “I admit that this time is my judgment.”

Although there is still no evidence that the Great Desolate history is true, the owner of this cut arm is “quasi-saint”, has been confirmed. In addition, the SuPreme-Yang True Fire mentioned has also appeared.

This proves that at least a part is true!

“Just Golden flame, is you previously mentioned … supreme-yang True Fire?” Yu Xin had a lingerie.

“Yes.” Chen Calmly said: “SuPreme-yang True Fire, wait for the idleness, slightly accidentally, will be burned Scattered Ashes and Disperse Smoke … It’s power, you have already experienced it. And I guess that it is not all of its power. After all, it is not from Too many Senior, just a broken arm remains, and has been a long time, the power is not a hundred. “

Everyone took a breath.

If you are marking, the market is not tied, and the threat of death.

Chen’s eyes swept everyone and asked: “Who now wants to take it too a Senior’s broken arm?”

Listening this, Yu is invisible to tremble, and it will refund a few steps.

The remaining trials are also like a snake, and they don’t dare to look at the broken arm.

As for the main, immortal, but also scared.

Although knowing that the cut-off arm absolutely has an unmeasureable value, it is precious than the Supreme Treasure to ten times, but no one dares to hit it.

After all, the lessons of the blood are in front of you, and Yu Jogang is still in the eye!

Everyone is sadly discovered, even if Treasure is in front of them, they have no way, but they have no ability to take Treasure, can only look at it.

“We hurry.” Yu didn’t want to go in this ghost, see the arms, he stunned the meat, I was afraid that the broken arm came to him, Divine Soul’s source was hit hard, but could not help but The second time, “This ghost place is too dangerous!”

traces, marrow and the Others also feels Extreme Danger, immediately nodded: “Walk!”

A group of people like stray Dog, the wolf fleeing the giant pit range, staying through the DEEP ABYSS crack of a path of crossed, and completely fled the speed of the Juji pit.

“No.” Yu suddenly stopped, Complex Slightly Changed, “My Divine Soul does not help!”

Didn’t wait, the market and the Others open, Yu Jun fell to the ground, take out five time and space Good-Fortune Pill, swallowed, then ground knee refining, the pounds of Medicinal Power.

He is injured, the injury he suffered before, even if you swallow five time-time Good-Fortune Pill, you can only repair the Divine Soul source, the loss of Stregth of Divine Soul, and the eternal consumption Power, it is difficult to add back in a short time.

Noth of Time-Fortune Pill, he did not swallow more time-space – Fortune Pill, but … time and space Good-Fortune Pill is too precious, even if he is trial Long, the time and space, good-fortune pill, unless the life is threatened, he will never swallow the time-space-fortune pill.

This thing, swallow one, then a little one!

If there is no standby, what is the right life?

Yuli time-space-fortune pill is very clear, five time-space Good-Fortune Pill, enough to help him firmly Divine Soul, out of Mortal Danger, and can add some Strength of Divine Soul and eternal strength, let He barely able to maintain Peak Battle Stregth, so it is enough.

After a while, the Divine Soul of Yu’s Divine Soul has gradually stabilized, and the depleted Stregth of Divine Soul has also restored.

I wake up, Chen Opened the mouth and said: “Too success you didn’t see, but I saw too only Senior broken arm … Celestial Court Do you still see”

“see!” Yu bites: “Why don’t you watch?”

Celestial Court has long been destroyed, no danger, nature.

is not something else, only for the verification, there is no lying!

“That’s good, go up.” Chen Lifts the head, Silhouette plundering to the sky.

The rest of the person quickly keeps up, brushing towards the huge floating island, the more close, the more people feel a powerful oppression force, some immortal high realm in the team is difficult to breathe, so like being A mountain pressure is in general.

The universe, the eternal strength is bored in many time and space, and suddenly puts the pressure reduction.

Soon, Entire Group arrived in Celestial Court and stopped before the ban.

The fingers are gently grabbed, and the ban is turned out, and it is imprisoned by a eternal power to maintain a door.

“You enter the detection situation.” The trace is turned to a group of immortal High Realm.

An immortal High Realm looks at it, and then WITHOUT The Slightest Hesitation flies to the banned door and wear it.

After a dozen breathing, they are all outside the look of shock, returning to ban.

“What is the situation?” asked.

“… bones, everywhere is the label of time and space!” A immortal high realm trembled: “Too much, countless!”

When you come out, everyone feels scalp.

The 神, 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一

“Let’s go, go see.” The trace took the lead through the banned door, the scene in the line of sight moment, the real Celestial Court scene broke into his line of sight, the densely packed skeleton, the skinny hair, We were full of desperate breath, and the strong fighting intent is like flames, burning every inch space.

The key is that these skeletons, the weakest are the Lord of time and space!

there are more no shortage of Eternal Powerhouse!

march, Yu and the Others came in, it was also shocked by this scene, that strong visual impact, let every person scalp.

The Lord of Time and Space coming to them, the immortals are already stupid, like a seat stone carving.

The words before Chen, further confirmed!

Celestial Court, really exists!

and the strength is extremely horrible!

, such huge monster, still covers …

“Natural …” The spiked Silhouette once again, and the trace only feels cold, and it is cold.

At this time, the entire Celestial Court has no exquisite dramatically, even the space being trembled.

“Everyone is careful!” Marcy Complex Slightly Changed.

The voice is just falling, the surrounding space is quickly distorted, the entire Celestial Court is quickly blurred, the time is reversed, the years are reversed, and the survival of the survey is changing. It is an ancient battlefield that is obedient to Came Back to His Senses.

Numerous Time and Space of the ancient Battle Armor, the powerful Eternal Powerhouse blooms invincible Guanghua, the sky is shaking, the earth is crying, the unsteady, the unsteady, the unsteady, the people who are shocked, they are I can’t see the enemy, only one piece is virtual, they are fighting with the virtual!

in the Sky Space Lord’s body, the body of the space is not fell, like the dumplings, the blood smashed the earth, the dead bones, the whole Celestial Court, in a short period of time into a ruin, several Eternal Powerhouse is also angry, desperate and unsuccessful, and the anger of the sky is fearful.

Powerful Celestial Court, even half of the half is not persisted, it is completely destroyed!

there’s no resistance!

This is a bloody slaughter!

Strong as Eternal Powerhouse, can not be self-policy, desperate drink!

trace, the market sees the virtuous Terrifying, that scene is even more shocking than the scene in front of you, becoming the shadow they can’t play, now there are countless time and space, they will see the virtual Inviotics, as if returned to the fear of being emptied in the past, he was sweating.

Yu, the unica, Hong, the four people are even more unbearable, as being scared, the head is blank.


Feng Shenzhen god world.

“This is scared?” ZHANG Yu Faintly Smiled: “Good play is just beginning!”?

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