Magical girls just want to get off work

Chapter 117 When the Evil God Comes to Kick the Door Down

Chapter 117 [] When the evil god comes to kick the door down


The dagger in Little Qing Ning's hand danced in her palms. She narrowed her eyes and stared closely at the black knight who was wearing pitch black armor and a closed helmet, with only the long hair exposed at the bottom.

"Your actions are too insidious. As a righteous magical girl, I can never sit idly by and ignore it."

Saber's words were fair and righteous, but Xiao Qingning felt a little helpless.

You obviously launched a sneak attack from behind, but you still have the nerve to call others insidious!

Qing Ning thought of this and rubbed her waist, which was hit hard by the shield.

【Flying Shield】

It was originally an upright fighting skill, and it was also a skill to contain the enemy from a distance.

Now it is obvious that someone has developed a strange usage...

Use the shield as a hidden weapon or something...

Do you really think you are some kind of Captain America?

Could it be said that the person with a sword in one hand and a shield in the other is the assassin who assassinated the assassin?

Just like a certain skull that always shouts to come to see you, if the assassin can use Wushuang, why can't the swordsman sneak?


In the distance, a Ferris wheel tens of meters high collapsed. The battle between the Scorpion Curse Beast and the rampaging Berserker [Mingyue] became more and more intense, and it seemed that it would not end for a while.

This also gives other magical girls time to fight the civil war. Otherwise, once the Boss is defeated, the second round of the game will be over, and they will also be transported back to the real world. Naturally, they will not be able to obtain other points, so for other contestants , the priority of defeating the Boss is not high, and you even have to prevent others from killing the Boss alone.

Seeing that Assassin was distracted by Saber, Archer had other ideas. After all, this chaotic battle was not over yet, and there was only one winner.

Archer jumped up, ready to deal with the two magical girls together. She used all her strength, the magic engine of the fairy bow in her hand roared, and magic spells were formed one after another.

As Archer placed her palms against the trees beside the road, a complicated green magic circle instantly unfolded from her hands, and she chanted a magic spell.

"O great spirit of the forest, please lend me your strength and drive away the enemies."

"Get uprooted!"

"The ancient tree of war."

The friendly trees turned into terrifying war machines.

Any enemy will succumb to the power of nature.

The ancient war tree opened its mouth and roared.

"Growth, life, happiness and my great treasure."

Archer opened a sufficient distance, raised her bow and fired. She prioritized Assassin, who almost stabbed her in the waist. This despicable villain should be dealt with immediately.

Under the brutal attack of the ancient war tree and the siege of Archer's archery, magic, and traps, Little Qing Ning could only dodge one after another. Fortunately, she was agile as an Assassin, so she did not lose her life.

The black knight put his shield on the ground and began to watch the battle between Archer and Assassin. To her, it was nothing more than a fight between snipe and clam, with the fisherman benefiting. She would only take action when one side was being suppressed unilaterally. .

Saber thought to herself.

My own magic power fluctuation level is A+. Assassin and Archer are about the same. They are also around A level. You can't win or lose in a single fight. If you fight head-on with two people, you will definitely lose more than you win.

In addition, my current physical condition is a bit bad!

Saber is not sure that she can deal with two magical girls at the same time. If she doesn't want to watch from the other side, then the best thing is to fight one by one.

Saber was calculating the purpose of this trip in her mind.

In order to win the final victory, he really urgently needs to win over an ally.

The currently known magical girl is Lancer, the white spearman with whom he has difficulty dealing with, so the new guy can be excluded.

Assassin and Berserker are both well-known in Red Sea City. They have a good relationship, and it seems that they have already formed a team in advance.

Now, Saber's choices can only be placed on a few newcomers who have just joined the game.

Among them, Caster, who suddenly defeated the boss in the first round, is the priority. He is strong enough, but I don't know what his personality is like and whether he is easy to get along with.

And Rider is the least priority. On the one hand, her strength performance is very disappointing, and based on various previous actions, her personality is like a little girl who has not been deeply involved in the world. Her whole person is like a blank sheet of paper, and her nature is... Good people don't understand those with crooked intestines. Such people are suitable to be used as tools, not as comrades.

Plan before taking action, have a clear mind, and be good at deducing the development of the situation. This is Saber's character and the ability that she relies on to survive.

So all things considered, this Archer is still barely qualified?

Saber is ready to make contact with her.

make up one's mind.

The next thing Saber has to do is to help Archer survive, or at least repel the menacing Assassin.

When Saber was about to take action, Little Qing Ning reacted in advance. She jumped up and dodged the large shield that sneaked up from behind.

She couldn't fall twice on the same move.

At the same time, Qing Ning is very smart and perceptive, and an intuition tells her that Saber is just bluffing.

She quietly learned about the Black Knight's physical condition through detection magic.

Saber's whole body of magic power is nearly exhausted, and she also has many scars on her body, especially the wound on her abdomen, which has completely penetrated her.

Who knows what kind of battles Saber has gone through and why her physical condition is so bad.

At least, this is not a problem that Qing Ning needs to consider at the moment. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and even Saber in a weak state is not an enemy that can be easily dealt with.

As the most comprehensive swordsman in the profession, Saber's magical power and physical strength are not comparable to Assassin's. Especially when Qing Ning sees the long sword at Saber's waist, the strange magic power comes from it, and she can directly feel it. Feeling an inexplicable sense of threat.

If you are careless, you will be killed, so you cannot act rashly.

In addition, if Archer sneaks up from behind and starts attacking while he is fighting with Saber, wouldn't he be attacked from both sides?

Assassin walked back and forth with his dagger, looking for opportunities to attack, while Saber remained unchanged in response to changes, holding a large shield in hand, standing proudly erect.

Everyone has their own agenda.

They are making their own little plans.

In battles between masters, the victory or defeat is often just a matter of a moment, and it is more of a psychological game.

"Do you think you can escape unscathed?"

Seeing Assassin's figure gradually fading, Saber would not be so stupid as to think that the other party was going to let her go and prepare to run away.

The Black Knight looked around with vigilance. Assassin might launch an attack from secret at any time, and she also knew that there would only be one attack. Assassin had to be clean and tidy, and his attack would definitely be a fatal blow. Otherwise, he would be at a disadvantage when facing a heavily armored swordsman. If you hesitate, it will only be the assassin who dies.

But you can also go with the flow and take advantage of the situation.

Saber thought of this and had an idea in her mind. She bent her knees and squatted down slowly.

Eyes see in all directions, ears listen in all directions.

"Archer, why don't we cooperate? Prioritize the elimination of Assassin, who poses the highest threat, so that we don't have to worry about an assassin lurking next to us all day long."

Sometimes the mind cannot be rigid, so you have to be flexible.

If your own investigative ability is weak, then there will definitely be a class with excellent investigative ability.

Saber extended an olive branch to Archer. She was describing the pros and cons. If Archer was willing to accept her assistance, everything would be best.

However, Saber still underestimated the loneliness of Archer, a lone ranger. Archer ignored Saber's invitation and even showed obvious hostility towards Saber.

"Saber, I know who your true identity is. As a lackey of the Magic Control Bureau, you still want my approval? Are you taking it for granted? If I had to choose between Assassin and you. Then. Please rest in peace."

Cold words came from the trunk of the ancient war tree.

"Fairy Bow."

A huge green light fell from the sky with unstoppable power.

The violent explosion that exploded around her also made Saber's heart skip a beat.

Who is Archer and why can he recognize his true identity?

It seems that I can't find a reliable teammate for a while, so I must seize the time to solve the battle.

The three of them got together in a melee, regardless of each other. Archer and Saber both wanted to eliminate each other, and each of them was ruthless.

Qing Ning's goal from the beginning was to involve other magical girls, provide enough space for Ming Yue's battle, and prevent others from interfering with Berserker who was fighting the boss alone.

Now that the two of them have started to fight each other, Qing Ning is also happy to relax, and she has directly changed from a contestant to a bystander.

It started to look like Saber was losing ground.

Saber was distracted for a moment while running, and realized that she had stepped on a trap.

Magic traps exploded around her one after another, and chaotic elements gathered into a magic storm, forming a small area of ​​forbidden magic around her.

"What?! When was this trap set?"

However, Saber knew that now was not the time to be surprised. Just when she was having trouble coping with the blast wave, a black shadow emerged from the blind spot of her vision.

Saber quickly counterattacked with a shield in one hand, trying to push it away with brute force.

Because strength is also her advantage, she tried her best to resist the attack but suddenly failed.

This is……

Illusion? !

The cunning Assassin will not reveal his position so easily.

So where should she be? !

A bit of cold light had already arrived behind Saber.

Stomping your feet.

The black knight swung the shield 180 degrees with great force from his waist. It was the sound of steel and magic bodies colliding.

The soft body feels obviously wrong.

"Another hallucination."

Take another closer look.

Hidden in the shadows in the corner are several people who look exactly like Little Qing Ning.

"No, is it a clone technique? No, it's still an illusion."

Several clones, whose real and fake ones were hard to distinguish, rushed towards Saber.

Playing with light and creating falsehoods is Qing Ning's strength. After these days of special training, she has already mastered all the abilities of the Qingguang Short Blade.

The gap created by Assassin was keenly captured by Archer. The Double A sisters, who had just come together to fight, now joined forces to fight Saber.

This is the free-for-all of Magical Girl Battle Royale.

Saber was really unable to defeat the four-handed opponent with two fists, so she could only retreat steadily.

Soon, gaps appeared in the defense.

The daggers in the hands of many Assassin clones began to glow, and a large amount of magic power was gathered.

This kind of attack is difficult to resist with normal defense.

Saber knew in her heart that she had to seize the time to resolve the battle. Unfortunately, her current magic power could not support the consumption of the flaming demon sword Levardin. She really could only passively defend herself, so she might as well give it a try!

Thinking of this, Saber placed her shield on the ground.

"Defense barrier deployed!"

Saber tried to resist this wave of damage with defensive spells.

"Spiral Arrow!"

A spiral-shaped arrow spun towards him. This arrow was heavy and long, comparable to a spear.

The defensive barrier can obtain super defensive capabilities, but the negative effect is that it makes it difficult for Saber who maintains the barrier to move quickly, making it a living target.

The spiral arrow was originally designed to break shields, and Archer had planned it for a long time.

Therefore, Saber could only watch as the barrier shattered, and her tough shield could not stop the arrows that were heading straight forward.

Until Saber could no longer hold the trembling shield.

The turtle's shell has been peeled off, and now comes the real drama.

This process was very fast. Before Saber could react, Qing Ning had already grasped the glowing green dagger. She exerted force on her feet, leaned forward, and aimed the dagger's edge at the weak point of Saber's armor.

Danger is at stake, a critical moment!

Saber closed her eyes and lamented that she was really too careless.

Sure enough, we still have to borrow power from the devil?

He was indecisive about what to do.

I saw a flash of silver light in mid-air.

The fierce attack forced Qing Ning to dodge.

"Sorry, this person can only die in my hands, and only I can decide her life or death."

After the visitor stood still, he turned around and thought to Saber.

"Saber, can't you just lie at home and rest for a few days? Why are you so tenacious? Are you a little strong man wearing bronze clothes?"

The white spearman stood with his gun in front of the black knight, looking up at the assassins and archers who were about to move.

at the same time.

When Cang Yan opened it again, he felt that he had arrived at the depths of a strange yet somewhat familiar data space.

It's like the mysterious world I saw when I first entered the Desire Competition.

The voice that resounded in Cang Yan's mind said that she wanted to talk to Cang Yan, but in the end, she was forcefully pulled into this space without waiting for Cang Yan to respond.

This also shows a bit.

The existence that invited Cang Yan to come here is far beyond Cang Yan's imagination.

He simply showed his hand and showed an attitude: I can force you to come here, or I can force you to be killed.

This is a violent deterrent.

At the same time, Cang Yan also roughly confirmed the strength level of the mysterious person, which was definitely above the EX level. Unlike Alais, who was an unstable dilettante, this mysterious being was definitely a stable and skilled veteran. For ordinary people, this This existence is no longer an ordinary creature.



Cang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked up and down this mysterious space, trying to find some useful clues.

However, it is a pity that just when Cang Yan was preparing to observe carefully, the whole world changed drastically.

From the illusory world of data, I came to a manor filled with birdsong, fragrant flowers and lush green plants.

Although the world is simulated very realistically, Cang Yan can still feel a sense of dissonance. She believes that this is the game space, that is, the inside of the Desire Competition. As long as the host wants, the world can change at any time.

[Hello, Cang Yan. I am the host of Desire Contest. You can call me Knapp. 】

[You need to stop interfering with the Magical Girl Competition now, let the game progress normally, and let the rules become order. 】

This time the prompt tone is no longer cold, but has obvious emotions. It seems that this time it is a real person talking to Cang Yan. Faced with Cang Yan, a super character who crushes everyone and is uncontrollable, the game host also I felt a terrible headache.

"What if I said no."

Cang Yan held the Rising Sun Spear tightly in her hand, and her attitude was very clear. She was here to cause trouble, and Cang Yan would tear the Competition of Desire into pieces sooner or later.

[Chaos that does not abide by the rules of the game has no value in existence. need……】

A hazy shadow slowly appeared in front of Cang Yan.

【Out of print. 】

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