Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1677: mortal sin

Does the criminal have normal moral values?

The answer is actually yes. Because the education and social atmosphere of a society from childhood to adulthood have their own tendencies, and they will not deviate too far.

However, different growth environments will produce different people due to adaptation problems.

Whether you ask those who are petty thieves or those who sell flour to collect protection fees, do they know that what they are doing is a crime? In fact, these people still know it, but they will use various reasons to explain that they have no choice but to embark on such a path.

This is the mentality of most criminals: it is not my fault that I commit a crime, it is other people's fault, or the fault of the general environment.

What did the **** say? That woman was dressed too seductively and tempted me to commit a crime.

What do the scammers say? I couldn't find a good job that could make a lot of money. In order to live a good life, I had no choice but to cheat. And I always lie to bad people and help the poor. Do you understand that you rob the rich and give to the poor? Rob those rich people and help the poor like me.

What did the murderer say? That person provoked me, making me angry and confused. In a state of confusion, it just happened. I don't know why this happened. By the way, killing someone mentally is not a crime.

In short, I know that what I did was wrong. But when looking into the cause, the fault lies with others. I took the blame because I did it, which is very pitiful. As long as you give them a chance to jump out, who will commit a crime?

Otherwise, he is a psychopathic person who wants to find pleasure in breaking rules from behaviors that are not allowed by others.

Like those kleptomania, exhibitionists, and even some crazy murderers. How could they not know what they were doing, but they just indulged themselves.

Then here comes the point. In the trading market, the reason why demons tend to trade living creatures is because living creatures have souls. Even the souls of stupid domestic animals such as pigs, cattle and sheep, which died in pain, are still good snacks for demons.

Of course the soul of Homo sapiens is better! Because of the intelligent soul, the extra condiments have not only the taste of pain, but also the sense of deviant guilt. So of course the best souls are those who have fallen deeply into the dark side.

Those who sell livestock will certainly not feel any guilt. In today's world, there is no Buddhism that has traveled across many hometowns and has taken the matter of killing as an infinite priority.

When it comes to depriving one's life, eating meat and vegetarians are both eating, and it is strange to have a discriminating mind. Therefore, primitive Buddhism emphasizes the convenience of not killing with your own hands, not killing in sight, and not killing for the sake of giving to yourself. I won’t worry about the difference between lacto-vegetarian, lacto-ovo-vegetarian and vegan.

But selling people is completely different.

Basically, slaves are not allowed to exist in the lost land now. It is even more ridiculous to send people into a pit of fire and never be reincarnated. But Big John did it under the temptation of the devil.

The Magic Tower does not interfere with such matters; the management of other forces is limited to the reconstruction of urban houses and disputes between businessmen. Before Big John, no one realized that there were problems with the 'commodity' category, and there were no management conventions to bind them.

Moreover, Big John is from the Suritan Empire. To control his behavior, only people from the empire will come forward. Others do not have such power and courage.

The Suritan Empire itself was forced to agree to the abolition of slavery under general circumstances. The people below are doing this, but they just turn a blind eye and don't really stop it.

In particular, the newly appointed Khan King in the southern border is having a headache with the integration of various tribes in the southern border. Big John took this opportunity to show his loyalty and gave money. How hard does the new Khan have to think to add resistance to his rule?

It can be said that due to the right time, place, people and people, Big John became the first person to eat crabs and earned a lot of wealth. With the support of the devil, he gathered momentum and became the dominant force in Yishi.

During this period, if humans in Yishi had any problems, they would come to him to mediate. Because the devils are all trying to save Big John's face, even if there are some stubborn ones, they can find other devils to come forward and force them to do so.

Let's just say that when Big John travels in Yishi, there is always a demon to protect him. Is this a big enough card?

And after people have money and follow the trend, they will want to seek power. Therefore, Big John planned to follow the example of Midi Shield City and establish a management class similar to the city council to integrate the chaotic Yi City.

It's just that although he pretended to form a parliament, he actually only planned to find a demon to represent him, and he himself would be the human representative. In this way, the two major ethnic groups in Yishi managed this emerging city.

Big John also believed that based on his reputation among the demons, the demon representative was like a puppet in his hands. In the end, the power of this city will definitely be firmly in his own hands.

Then the next step is to find a way to force the magic tower and bring the tower owner under his command. After doing this, you can think about taking control of Shield City in Mystery. The goal is to control two cities and two magic towers.

In the early days of the two cities, people from all walks of life developed wildly. With money and the devil's backing, Big John was in a league of his own for a while.

Even though he does not have a noble title, some minor nobles cannot stand upright in front of him for the sake of business. At most, let your family members come forward instead of asking for trouble yourself.

Just before Big John was about to become the mayor of Yi City, a contract signed with the devil trapped him beyond redemption. Because the item traded in the contract is Big John’s own soul, which is delivered immediately!

A depraved and sinful soul is pulled down from the peak of life and is betrayed by the devil he trusted. The pain in his heart is ten times or a hundred times inflicted on his body.

According to people who witnessed the demons taking away Big John, the wealthy businessman who was wealthy at that time even shed tears of blood. Amidst wailing sounds like a slaughtered pig, he was dragged out of the Yishi area and was never heard from again.

...If you don’t kill or injure people within the city limits, the Magic Tower will not interfere. The only exception is the soul contract shackles signed between humans and demons.

As a certain tower owner said, the magic tower does not protect fools.

Afterwards, the human side realized that Big John's situation was completely a game done by the devil. Not only did the trader become famous in one battle, he even let everyone know that there was a big crocodile hiding in Yishi.

The evil **** of the abyss, Melkor, the big-eyed demon. It is said that through this battle, it gained many Abyss believers. And that dark fallen soul made it break through on the spot, and its strength increased out of thin air.

People used to think that the demons operating in Yishi were intimidated by the power of the magic tower, so those really powerful demons would not come to join in the fun, lest they be fooled by the magic tower. Those who came were demons who had been suppressed in other places and could no longer survive.

There is no way, the rule of the game called Abyss is that demons rely on brute force to fight internally, and intelligence to fight externally.

There are always some smart people who don't have strong enough muscles. In the past, these demons were nutrients for other demons. Nowadays, there is a place where killing is prohibited, giving them a chance to show their talents. Why don't they flock to this place?

Unexpectedly, those real predators also came. Moreover, he did not make a sound, and as soon as he appeared on the stage, he tricked the most famous person on the human side to death.

It was also this time that the humans understood the devil's tricks. Don't think that you are making a deal with the devil. The devil only focuses on the goods in the hands of these merchants. The businessman who came forward was himself a target of the devil.

If you are tempted by the devil and fattened, sooner or later you will be slaughtered. Big John used this trick. He was blinded by his own greed, thinking that the devil's obedience was sincere, and started a business that was not allowed in the world.

It was this business of selling human lives that became his own talisman. Others couldn't help even if they wanted to. Not to mention that in order to seek power and position, Big John relied on the devil as his backer and had already offended everyone with all kinds of ugly faces. Who would be willing to help?

After staying in Yishi for more than a year, Jike originally didn't understand why the tower master was indifferent to the suffering of human beings. Is he really so indifferent to his own kind, or is he also leaning towards the evil camp?

There are still rumors about the collusion between the tower master and the devil.

However, when this issue was brought to the fraternity party and everyone brainstormed it, they understood the calculation behind it.

Although the devil is in the Yi market, it is not that he does not suffer completely, or he loses himself and becomes a slave of human beings. But overall, the human side has suffered the most losses.

Under such circumstances, if other demons want to attack the tower with violence, cross the gate of the abyss again, and invade the Lost Land, will these demons currently stationed in Yi City agree?

So compared to starting a war again, regardless of whether the magic tower is taken into account, the losses that the human side may suffer, UU Readingwww.uukanshu. com Compared with the current situation, which one is more serious?

If there is no way to choose to sever the connection between the two parties, and the tower owner of the magic tower does not want to fully shoulder the responsibility of blocking the demon, then among the limited options, the status quo is indeed the least harmful option.

Those who were deceived were all stupid and blinded by greed. This is because the one who tricked them is the devil, so it makes people feel something is wrong. If you were deceived by other scammers in Mi Di, you would probably end up with the word "deserves it".

However, during this discussion, everyone in the Brotherhood once again confirmed the fact that the magician was not bad, but very lazy. And so that he can be lazy, he spares no effort to blame others.

Even for more than a year, the magician has not done anything. This is the best news.

Speaking of which, the people who stayed in the Twin Towers of the Brotherhood were not solely there to make that little money. They also have the responsibility of monitoring the local area and alerting other members of the Brotherhood to any changes as soon as possible.

It's hard to say which is more important. But since it is a task issued by Ezio, everyone can do it easily, and of course they will not refuse.

Just as Jike was thinking wildly, he arrived at his destination. Although Yi City is built in the abyss, its layout and building structure are the same as those of Shield City on the Midi side. The structure and size of the house were not changed specifically for the devil's size.

So Jike easily opened the door and saw the beholder smoking more than ten cigarettes inside.

It is said that paper cigarettes are very special. The tobacco comes from the Lost Land, but the cigarettes are produced in the Abyss. I heard that it is a specialty product of this beholder territory, and it is also one of the most popular products in Yishi.

When Jike saw the devil, he did not dare to be arrogant at all, but said respectfully: "Your Majesty Melkor, I have sent several transaction coordination documents from the Yishi Chamber of Commerce."

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