Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1511: battle situation

The establishment of the Twin Towers of the Gate is not something that will be done automatically after the design drawing is released.

In addition to gaining recognition and understanding in human society, Lin also decided to make some efforts during the 'construction' stage.

Because a certain pessimistic traveler believes that in addition to learning from history, human beings will never learn a lesson, human beings are easy to regret and good at backstabbing, which is also a part that cannot be ignored.

The existence of the pig teammate is even more hateful than the second class. If you encounter such a strange teammate as the Holy Mother's Heart pig teammate, then go home as soon as possible to wash and sleep, or prepare for the funeral in advance.

If it takes too long to build the magic tower, will there be unexpected resistance during this period, and even those who are regarded as allies will 'repent'? Then come a righteous backstab!

Lin believes that this kind of thing will definitely happen. The only difference is whether there is success or not.

In order to avoid the worst situation, the construction time of the magic tower should be as short as possible. Build the magic tower before others have a chance to repent, or use any conspiracy and tricks, and it will work!

As long as the energy pool belonging to the magic tower is online, all functions will work normally. Then the strongest war fortress in Lost Land will live up to its reputation, making all enemies who face it tremble.

In order to achieve this goal, Lin began to study plans to use the manufacturing strength of the technical guild to carry out segmented construction, and even pre-cast module construction methods.

If all the parts of the magic tower can be prepared in advance, and it is only 'assembled' after arriving at the site, then the speed of building the tower should be much faster. This has been well proven in the construction industry in my hometown.

After all, in the traditional tower building process, all the magic materials are not even roughed out, and magic is used directly on the construction site to shape the shape, and then placed in a fixed position. Basically, they are building while plasticizing building materials.

Moreover, in the construction of traditional magic towers, it is not uncommon for half of them to stop working because of lack of money. It is also commonplace to change the design halfway through the construction.

No tower can be built safely without any problems along the way. Even if it is built, the magician who lives in it will also transform it.

It can be said that the Magic Tower is essentially a dead thing, but it also seems to be alive. It will constantly change, grow, or weaken, and be destroyed; different tower owners will also make the magic tower show different personalities.

Lin believes that the more prepared you are, the less resistance you will face later on. At least when external resistance arises, no one wants internal resistance to arise as well, or behavior that drags one's legs back.

And even if he wants to negotiate with the human forces, now is far from the best time. It is difficult to deliver charcoal in the snow, but it is easy to make icing on the cake, but in terms of return on investment, how can icing on the cake compare with sending charcoal in the snow.

The difference is that sending charcoal in a timely manner has a bit of a gambling element. Since it is a gamble, it is possible to lose. And the icing on the cake seems to be a guaranteed success. If you lose money, you will not lose money, but if you earn money, it will be a small profit at most.

As a time traveler from the era where money games are the mainstay, the rate of return on investment and its associated risks can be regarded as common sense knowledge.

Without closing the gate of the abyss and the two magic towers, such a sky-high level of remuneration cannot be considered or even taken seriously if it is not proposed at the most critical moment. So Lin is not in a hurry, even if this waiting is paid for with a lot of bones.

This wasn't some kind of cruelty across the crowd, it's just that he, who was used to playing strategy games, treated death and injury as a numbers game just like the chattering bigwigs in his hometown. As long as it is not killed by one's own hands, as long as it does not happen in front of one's own eyes, the horse will run and the dance will continue to dance, and the days will be beautiful.

A certain time traveler is a jerk, he never denied it.

Just when someone completely put aside the life and death of the outside world, and was thinking about how to build two magic towers jointly designed by him and the World Trees, and shorten the construction period as much as possible, and minimize all possible accidents, everything outside Also going on at the same time.

The counterattack plan against the demon-occupied area has already been launched, and within a few days, the entire battle situation has taken a turn for the worse, collapsing to the point of collapse.

First, let’s talk about the eastern and western fronts.

The situation is the same on either side. Sacrificial vanguards continue to pierce into the depths of demon-occupied territory, singing triumphant songs along the way. Even though the main force behind them had no support or even made any moves, the two forwards did not stop their pace.

Because they need to win to prove themselves. And what victory is greater than entering the core of the enemy's formation, taking the head of the enemy commander, and closing the door to the hellish abyss?

Therefore, the two forwards were aggressive and never returned. They even wished that the main force of King Khan of the two realms behind them would not move and take the credit for themselves.

But this momentum, when it hit the demon army led by the abyss lord, it hit the head and broke the blood.

It has nothing to do with the rivalry of arms or tactics, it is just the difference in absolute strength, which makes the light cavalry archers, which the Sulitang Empire is proud of, no different from paper dolls.

The ending was also quite natural, none of the forwards from the East and West could run away, and it was too late to even issue a warning on the forum, so they fell silent.

Even if the two tribal armies that came out were quite rebellious, there will be one or none of the regular returns. But in such a tribe, of course, King Khan of the Two Realms also had spies. There is no one who cannot be bought. If there is, it is just that the price of buying is not enough.

However, there was a sudden silence, and even the hidden spies did not return a single word. Such an abnormal situation, of course, would make the two Khan kings who are accustomed to working in the dark raise their vigilance.

Especially after learning about the tragic situation of the Southern Front, it proved that the coalition forces of demons and orcs were not without the strength to fight. This made them even more reluctant to send out their main force and throw them into the demon-occupied area that was like a **** mouth.

Because no one knows how much strength the demon coalition forces hide. The three sides attacked together, and as a result, the demon coalition forces were able to launch a counterattack on the south front, swallowing the forwards of the east and west.

Whether they can do more things and achieve greater results, no one can guarantee, and they don't want to use their lives to prove such things.

But the fact is that the Khan of the Two Realms who chooses to protect himself is very wise, but also very stupid.

In response to the attack from the east and the west, the demon coalition forces did set up a trap, a trap led by the abyss lord. If it weren't for the fact that the two main armies were not moving, the two maharajas might not have come forward to bully the two forwards.

But they couldn't help it anymore, the devil is not a race that is good at forbearance. So he made a decisive move and knocked out the forwards from the east and west in one fell swoop. Let the two forward tribes change from sacrificial pawns to sacrificial pawns in one fell swoop.

However, the demons from the east and the west did not attack the east and west borders of the Suli Tang Empire, nor did they deploy their defenses. Still maintain an empty defense, allowing people to come in and out freely. But such a situation is even more terrifying, and people dare not set foot on it easily.

The situation on the South Road is completely different.

The six legions in the first attack sequence were wiped out, and none escaped. And the legion that originally belonged to the second wave and the third wave of attack sequence also tore the original line of defense to pieces because of the battle position.

Before they had time to reorganize their defenses, they faced the allied forces of demons and orcs that were several times larger than expected.

At this point, the strategy of the demon side is also obvious. Facing the east and west roads, they are mainly defensive; the main force gathers in the south road and pushes them out in one go!

Compared with the well-coordinated and well-equipped regular imperial army, the coalition army of demons and orcs chose to attack the mob on the other side.

Although there are more human coalition forces on the South Road Array, and there are more experts from among the adventurers. But they are not a well-trained army after all, and those weaker than the regular army of the empire, who are below the average line, occupy the majority.

All of the above have dragged down the human coalition forces of the South Front, its strength as an army. Just like the barrel short board theory there, even after a short-term running-in training.

The cold weapon army of the old era has a different focus from the hot weapon army that traveled through many hometowns. In an army using cold weapons, soldiers need to know not only teamwork, but also courage, and more importantly, trust in their comrades.

However, to put it bluntly, the hot weapon army was created by spending money. Of course, training also has an impact, but ask the soldiers on the front line, training time or money, which one can quickly strengthen their strength? Take a hundred steps back and say, no matter how good the training is, if you don't have money to buy bullets, how about fighting with others with bayonets?

This has created a strong army in the cold weapon era, which is not so easy to train. Even if a soldier has great courage and powerful combat skills, there is no guarantee that his comrades will have the same awareness.

As long as there is a coward in a battle line, there will be a gap. And this gap is likely to be the collapse of the entire front. Once the battle line collapses, the strong may also be surrounded by enemies from all sides, and thus drink their hatred on the spot.

The breakthrough direction chosen by the coalition of demons and orcs is quite reasonable, and the result is also in line with expectations.

Except for a few legions that entered an ambush by mistake in the early stage and were surrounded and annihilated, the other legions failed to stop the demon coalition forces even if they defended on the spot. The best performers are at best retreating in an orderly manner. There were quite a few who were beaten and fled.

When the Southern Front disintegrated, the small countries south of the Suritang Empire had to face the demon coalition forces.

They abandoned their homes without hesitation, and fled further back. It would be impossible to do so. Because the army they used to protect their homeland collapsed with the defeat of the Southern Front.

Even those who survived by chance, most of them discarded their weapons and equipment, and fled home in embarrassment with only one life left. Even if the established team retreats, how can they resist the demon coalition with that little number?

Trying their best to protect their family members from escaping is the last thing these people can do.

And even if they meet those who don't want to leave, no one will allow them to stay. Demons and half-orcs need captives, but not to enslave them, but to treat them as food; after a person dies, the soul can also become the source of power for the demons, or a sacrifice for sacrifice.

Therefore, under the principle of the scorched earth strategy, these civilians must leave, rather than stay to support the enemy. Not a single one, not even old, weak, women, or children, should be left to a demon or a half-orc.

It stands to reason that the retreat of civilians cannot escape the butcher knife of the army. However, in the lost land of this era, there are fortresses that protect civilization standing on the ground.

The magic towers have become the biggest weapon to cover the retreaters. The tower owners never forgot their oath of protection and fought against the devil to the last moment.

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