Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1509: twin towers

Before the magic item engraved with the pattern of the Arcane Eye was found and destroyed, Lin took it back and left.

There was no need for him to stay or show up to catch up with the demons. Speaking of which, what was left before was hatred, and nothing good would happen if she showed up. At most, it's just a mouthful, just a mouthful. A fight is out of the question, someone will definitely run away before it starts.

There is of course no benefit in doing so. Even if he was just listening in, he still learned enough key information from the mouths of the abyss lords, and other minor details were irrelevant.

There is no need to delve into it, and there is no need to come forward to find a way to talk to the devil. On the contrary, I may have leaked more things that should not be exposed because of talking too much.

That being the case, let's not talk about it. My own business is more important, anyway, the demons can't help... help?

Already back at his home in the holy city of Estali, Lin stood by the window of the attic, holding the magic props he had just recovered. A thought came to me just now, to accomplish my goals, I don't necessarily need to cooperate with humans, demons can also be partners.

As long as the contract is strict enough, demons are more trustworthy than humans.

The agreement with the human side, if the other party wants to break the contract, they will break the contract, and they don't care whether the content of the contract is thorough enough or full of loopholes. Besides, even if the devil breaks the contract, or takes advantage of loopholes to terminate the contract in a disguised form, he will have no psychological burden to take revenge.

This is simply a good idea to attack and retreat.

Besides, the gate of the abyss is now controlled by the demons. As long as an agreement is reached with the other party, the actions on one's own side can start immediately. It saves the need to help the human army counterattack, negotiate with them, and even guard against the possibility of being attacked from behind by them.

But such an idea is only kept as an option in someone's mind, not the main goal. Whether to implement it depends on the opinions of other collaborators.

Not everyone can accept such things as cooperating with demons. What's more, we have to consider whether the abyss side will propose unacceptable conditions, and there is no room for negotiation. The devil's appetite is often too large to be accepted.

Organize the information at hand a little bit, especially the observation data of the ninth door of the abyss just collected. Lin headed to the dimensional rift, the upside-down floor of the subplane tower, the high seat meeting space, just before the others came to him.

Kaya is bringing back Ezio's information about the change of the Southern Front in the demon-occupied area, and she wants to ask the teacher's opinion.

Although Lin didn't take the initiative to care about it, and Ezio didn't intend to take the initiative to inform him, Kaya will still serve as a bridge between the two parties to exchange information in this regard. This is also because she believes that her teacher will intervene sooner or later, just waiting for an opportunity.

But when Kaya entered the attic room, she was already a step behind. Makes noise about coming back, but someone leaves again. The ability to blink is very convenient for the person involved, but not so friendly for others.

At the high-level meeting, Lin did not have any opening remarks, nor did he greet everyone. According to the urine nature of World Tree, if the last round of greetings is done according to human etiquette, it is estimated that the business will not be mentioned until next year.

Because for unimportant greetings, the World Trees will respond very slowly, and it is normal to ignore them. But as long as they put the business in front of their eyes, their processing speed can be calculated in nanoseconds, not to mention that this matter is related to them themselves.

In such a space, I don't need any other media to transfer any information.

With a stretch of the hand, the environmental materials of the eight permanent doors to the abyss are densely packed in the mid-air of the high-seat meeting space. And as a control group, the environmental information of the newly opened door to the abyss was also put together for everyone to compare.

Lin provided all source material, and each character was smaller than an ant's head. It is impossible for ordinary people to understand the massive data content without statistical calculations.

But World Tree's information processing speed allows them to understand it quite quickly even if they only read the raw data. Coupled with the knowledge of mathematics and statistics brought by someone, the World Trees instantly made tens of thousands of statistical models to analyze the data in front of them.

After eliminating a bunch of irregular or meaningless information, what is left is exactly what Lin wants everyone to see.

From this, it can be proved that the situation I imagined and the actual evidence used for verification have also passed the exhaustive verification of World Trees. Otherwise, they should come up with something different and argue with someone.

But these data are not enough to represent anything. One of the ancients, the eight-fruit tree form of the world tree Uktra Hill shook its leafless branches, and said in a voice: "Master of the plane, you only illustrate a phenomenon. It is meaningless."

"That's true." Lin did not deny it, and at the same time took away the original information on the gate of the abyss and replaced it with the known information of the 'eight' guardians and comprehensive analysis.

Especially how the Guardians are attuned to both sides of the Abyss Gate. Regarding this part, Lin also went back to find the seven living guardians, and found some clues from them. Although the methods are somewhat different, the results are the same.

The moment the thing was released, the messages of the seven living guardians were shrunk and thrown aside. Only the message of twin volcanoes was amplified and centered.

It seems that all the world tree high seats know where the focus is, which saves someone a lot of saliva.

"So, your idea is to create a volcano on each side of the door?" asked Yuktrasir.

Lin shook his head and objected, "No, no, no! We have a simpler method." Shrunk down the data of the two volcanoes, leaving more than half of the space, and Lin threw out the last piece of data he had prepared—two volcanoes. Design drawing of a magic tower!

As a magician who once owned a magic tower and made a major transformation to it, Lin of course kept the original design information of the Great Sage's Tower.

After leaving, he dreamed of having another place to settle down, and occasionally modified the design. I hope that one day I can build an ideal magic tower.

This is a three-story tower design. And unlike the dream towers and sub-plane towers I placed in other worlds, not only did it have more comprehensive considerations, but it also considered the functions of life.

The subplane tower is like a server room, without considering how people live in it. And this magic tower is designed with a space where people can live in it, and it also includes defenses against the inside and attacks against the outside.

However, when someone learned that he was excluded by those in power and colleagues of the Magician Association by default from the list of being able to become the master of the magic tower, he put down the drawing and planning of the dream blueprint.

The reason why dreams are precious and guide people forward is because everyone is looking forward to the day when dreams come true. But when you know that your dream is impossible to come true, it is time to wake up from the dream.

But when there was a need again, Lin found out the design drawing that had been swept into the garbage dump, and made certain modifications.

This modification is fairly simple. Basically, it is to adapt to the two different environments of the lost land and the abyss, and then add the magic pattern compiled from the concept of the spell model obtained from the pair of twin volcanoes and the guardians.

After all, Lin only has a few hours to determine what he can do, and then come up with a feasible plan in front of the World Trees. Of course, it is impossible to have a perfect plan.

Many hastily added traces made this design look a bit nondescript. It's like sewing the hands and feet of a black bear to a chimpanzee. It feels top-heavy.

But those present were all existences, someone's imperfect blueprint, which was replaced by various corrections on the spot.

The World Trees are all senior demon reformers who make a fuss about their torso. In their eyes, the magic tower created by the magician is like the composition of an elementary school student who has just learned to write. Even if it is not full of mistakes, it is extremely naive and simple. At most, it is like the author of this article who likes to use some meaningless content to water the word count. There is more nonsense than connotation.

Modifying the design of such a magic tower is a simple matter for the World Trees, and they don't even need to come up with their own unique skills at the bottom of the box. Because if an overly complicated design is provided, Lin will reject it with a wave of his hand and restore the design to the previous version.

The reason is also very simple. The various materials listed for the construction of the magic tower, from the various data analyzed by Lin, show that they cannot withstand the transformation plan provided by the World Trees.

This is not like someone's subplane tower located in the dimensional gap, or the body of the world tree, which can withstand nano-level or even quantized transformation. Midi's magic materials have their limits, beyond that limit, it will only lead to collapse.

Conditional design is not a problem for World Tree, they will not even have resistance or feel troublesome emotions. Because from a practical point of view, designing a twin magic tower with the effect of stabilizing both sides of the gate of the abyss does not require too complicated magic patterns.

And according to a magician's suggestion, they all use the lowest-end materials as the basis for their design. Using good things to create fetishes, as long as the craftsmanship is not broken, even a pig can do it.

But not everyone has the ability to turn waste into treasure. Lin is not asking to use ordinary stone and wood to create something impossible. As an example of twin volcanoes, there are actually several precious ore veins hidden in the UU Reading mountain. This is the biggest reason why volcanoes can become natural magical creations.

However, Lin still considers the difficulty of collecting materials. If you really get the chance to build a magic tower, it is estimated that there will not be too much time to build the tower. Not only to guard against the attacks of opponents, but also to anticipate the backlash of supporters.

If in the design, too many rare magic materials that are difficult to collect are used. So in the long time of collecting materials, will there be more variables?

Such a statement, of course, the World Trees can accept. Who would not be happy to be able to finish things earlier.

So soon, someone's tower of the great sage 2.0 design was modified beyond recognition. But at least the original sense of separation was unified.

The function of the design is also more than a little stronger than the original form. Most importantly, the magic pattern used to stabilize the two sides of the gate of the abyss has also been perfected by the World Tree to a foolproof level.

It can be said that on the known basis, with the fastest construction speed as the condition, which includes the time for material collection, Lin and World Tree have optimized the twin tower plan to the point where it cannot be more perfect.

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