Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1384: sea ​​attack

"What's the matter?"

As soon as Lin called out, he realized his situation, or the situation of the boat he was on. Huge waves came from the side, causing the ship to shake violently. It is not surprising when it rolls over directly.

It's just that the sky is clear and the sea is calm, how could there be a big wave suddenly?

In no time, Lin found the culprit. In other words, that guy couldn't even ignore it.

A few towering octopus feet are slapping the sea violently. Sometimes it swept across the sails, causing the mast to break and fall over; sometimes it swept across the hull, and sawdust fragments flew away. One foot even rolled up a boat, ready to be towed to the bottom of the sea.

Compared with the simple movements of the octopus' feet, the movements of nearby ships are quite chaotic. The cumbersome ship on the inside wants to run out, while the flexible battleship on the outside wants to rush inward. When the formation is chaotic, it is inevitable that some ships are too close. The shouts and panic expressions of the sailors on the deck can be directly seen by people on the other ship.

Incoming is the legendary giant sea monster Kraken, an oversized octopus. Kraken does not refer to a specific sea beast, but the name of a group. They are one of the most dangerous top predators in the sea, and if the dragon is alone and overboard, it may also become the Kraken's rations.

It stands to reason that such a sea beast should not appear on the 'safe' channel to Long Island. Because as long as Kraken haunts, the sea area is not safe at all.

In order to maintain the safety of the route, Long Island regularly cleared and eliminated Kraken. Because the big octopus that was killed this day has a way to threaten the giant dragon flying in the sky. As a safe passage to the main continent, it is impossible for the giant dragon to let the big octopus ambush and hunt the ships and flying dragons.

But in this way, the Greco family's fleet encountered a Kraken that should not have appeared in this supposedly safe place.

Lin's ship is a combat ship, located on the periphery of the fleet. It was originally used to protect the transport ships inside, and to guard against possible pirates. But for the attack that broke out in the center of the fleet, the battleship didn't have any good countermeasures for the first time. It could only let the sailors adjust the battle position and let the ships move closer to the battle place as soon as possible.

To deal with a huge sea beast the size of Kraken, there are not many kinds of tactics available. It is to let the ship approach, face the target with the side, and then frantically project various siege-level magic weapons.

Don't expect to jump gang battles at all. Let the sailors deal with giant sea beasts with swords, just like meat buns delivered to your door with toothpicks. That's feeding, not fighting.

However, limited by the limited destructive power of effective weapons, and the fact that the opponents are not immovable targets, the fleet besieging the sea beasts will definitely suffer huge losses. Even before the results of the battle are achieved, he will be destroyed first.

This is why the footprints of Homo sapiens are basically extinct overseas. Because no matter how powerful the fleet is organized, as long as it encounters a giant sea beast, it will be half disabled if it is not completely wiped out. If you meet another after beating one, all of you will have to enter the sea beast's stomach as companions, and you won't even think about going home.

Now, when encountering such a Kraken, the current Patriarch of the Greco family, William's father Henry, has a sour mouth. He had received news that some pirates intended to attack the fleet, so he was on the alert all day long. Who knew that the pirates didn't come, but the deadlier sea beasts.

Although an order had been issued to allow the transport ships to escape on their own, Henry was not sure if he could escape a few ships in the end, and whether his own ship, which was about to break up, could leave.

The reason why Kraken is regarded as a huge threat is that apart from its size, it is also a monster that can exercise magical powers and has a certain amount of wisdom. After knowing how to eliminate the threat first, come to have a good meal.

Simply put, it destroys the fleet before it starts eating. Don't try to survive by docking your tail, expecting Kraken to only eat the big cake that was left behind, and then spare everyone else's life.

What is especially frightening is that the kraken in front of him is a blue ring kraken. A very special group of the Kraken species, characterized by being highly poisonous!

No matter in the eyes of Henry, a sea veteran, or the commander of the Karlsruhe Imperial Navy Fleet who served as the escort, total destruction is a predictable result. The difference is sooner or later. And their choices are to give up and wait to be eaten; to resist, even if it is futile; or to run away and gamble on luck. Maybe this kraken showed mercy today.

Compared with the despair in other people's hearts, someone and the Juggernaut who came to him seriously discussed the question of which part of the big octopus is the best to eat.

Octopuses are sea creatures, and there are distant relatives of the kraken in smaller sizes in the offshore of Midi. Although they are afraid of the power of sea beasts, there are still offshore fisheries in Lost Land, and naturally there are many more items on the table.

As a white swordsman who loves to eat, play and travel, when he lived in the empire, of course he ate small-sized octopus. The taste in his memory is also unforgettable for him. The reason why a certain traveler's hometown calls seafood 'seafood' is not because of the word 'fresh'.

So when a time traveler brought up such a topic, William's chatterbox seemed to be opened, but could not be closed, describing the taste in memory.

As a former fat house, someone's foodie attributes are deeply rooted in his body, otherwise his body shape would not have developed horizontally. Chinese and foreign cooking techniques related to octopus emerged one after another in my mind. Just talking about the cooking method, as well as the sweetness and sweetness of the octopus in the description, and the taste of leftover ingredients, William is so greedy that his saliva is about to flow out.

This turned into a very strange scene, the fleet was turned upside down by a monster-level sea beast, and the sailors on the deck were in a hurry. While no ships have yet been sunk, pessimism has begun to spread.

However, a certain black-robed magician was standing on the side with another white-clothed swordsman, discussing the hundred cooking methods of Kraken and which part of the meat should be more delicious. The enthusiasm of the emotions is in sharp contrast to the sense of despair around.

For a while, no one bothered the two who were discussing how to eat a sea beast.

And the ship they were on was already close to the Kraken body and was turning. The sailors in the gun compartment have all gathered on the same side, and some reserve staff who can't squeeze in are responsible for moving the special magic crossbow from the weapon compartment. All kinds of arrangements have been familiarized in the training again and again, so no one fell into a daze and panic at this time.

With the help of the winches, all the ballistas tightened their strings one after another, and put on the explosive crossbows embedded with magic stones. Just wait for the right angle, and then launch a salvo on Kraken.

Facing this legendary sea beast, and it is also the rarest blue ring, no one is not afraid of it. Especially if this shot is missed, even if it hits the target successfully, the blood flowing into the sea from the opponent will turn the sea into a highly poisonous one. In this way, as long as they lose their boat or are thrown into the sea, they will be poisoned to death if they are not eaten. This is simply a battle of life and death.

But despite the desperation that permeated the entire ship, no one wanted to flee. This is the sea, where can I go? Jump into the sea and swim all the way back to land? Or rebel on the spot, hold the captain hostage, and try to turn the ship back?

The option of rebellion was the first to be ruled out. Because Kraken won't stop to enjoy the drama of human infighting just because of the civil strife on board. Not to mention stopping the boat, as long as the boat slows down, it will be photographed into the sea by this giant sea beast. The two sides have no compassion for each other.

As for other options, at this moment of death, it is not worth spending time to consider. In desperation, obeying orders became the most direct reaction of everyone.

It is not difficult to find a suitable attack angle, because the target is too huge. The difficulty is that the Kraken's skin is not hard, but rather soft. But it is this softness that prevents many weapons from piercing into it, and all strength will be removed by the soft skin.

Only the magical effects of magic weapons can still play some role. But Kraken is a magical beast with power, and it also has certain resistance to magic attacks. These characteristics make this sea beast, even if it is only a juvenile, comparable to the level of a king-level monster on land. Judging from the price that must be paid for a successful crusade, the average casualties of sea beasts are higher than those of land monsters.

When the hull was swayed by the waves, and the position of the target body—in fact, Kraken’s half head and two eyeballs protruding from the sea—entered the best shooting range in the eyes of the gunnery commander, he immediately shot Li lowered his hands and shouted orders.

The ballista operator, who was in a tense state for a moment, almost reflexively pressed the mechanism of the ballista, and shot an explosion!

The roaring crossbow flitted across the sea, and even shot through the sudden and shot at Kraken who was raging unscrupulously. Several crossbows shot towards the huge eyeball more precisely. This kind of accuracy is not worth mentioning on land, but it is enough to be praised on the sea that is shaking all the time.

The original meaning of the explosion is to penetrate into the target and then explode from the inside. It's a pity that the arrow made of magic metal still couldn't pierce Kraken's skin. Fortunately, the moment before the crossbow was bounced off, the triggered explosion magic compressed the power contained in the crossbow itself to the extreme, and exploded towards the surroundings.

In an instant, water mist and parasites on Kraken flew everywhere, covering everyone's sight.

Before confirming the results of the battle, the sailors quickly tensed the crossbow, and placed a second spear-like giant magic crossbow. Without waiting for an order, everyone shoots in salvo! Although the loading speed of each group was fast or slow, but after all, they were well-trained, and they still fired the momentum of the first salvo.

In this way, after three rounds in a row, he was stopped by the artillery chief after the fight. Because the best shooting angle has been lost, if you continue to shoot, it is just a waste of the crossbow and misses into the sea.

However, stopping shooting does not mean stopping loading. Everyone still pulled the ballista away, and the crossbow was lost. Several groups of crossbows were placed in clay pots filled with fire oil for close combat. Only then did everyone have the time to look at their own results.

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