Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1317: court meeting

But the old emperor didn't even look for it at all, and directly swallowed a piece of the territory of a big noble! Although nominally escrow. However, everyone can see clearly that in the absence of a qualified heir, the title of Grand Duke of Rissa has become the emperor's pocket.

Although the emperor is the lord of all people in legal terms, he is actually only the largest nobleman in the empire. Since you are an aristocrat, you have to follow certain rules. However, no matter how beautifully the annexation is done, it is also taboo in the eyes of other nobles.

In addition to the confusion and dissatisfaction of the noble class due to the disposition of the Lisa family, the disposition of the Kawei family really caused an uproar.

First, deprive Ricardo Carvey of his title and force him to be succeeded by Marquis Noonan Farhid. Therefore, in the future, Ricardo can retain the surname of Kavi, but he can no longer call himself Grand Duke; he has a noble status, but no title of knighthood. Noonan will change his full name to Noonan Kavi, succeed the Grand Duke, and return to the court to serve the emperor.

This is not a big deal. The status of the original Grand Duke Kavi as an extraordinary person really worried many nobles. Don't talk about anything else, just talk about when you quarrel with each other in the court, who is not afraid that the old duke won't answer, just roll up your sleeves and wrestle your wrists!

So he stepped back and let his own son succeed the Grand Duke, which was a good thing for everyone. The old emperor's excuse this time, borrowed it into everyone's heart.

But the price of stopping the war, returning to the court, and seizing the title is ten fertile manors, which not many people can accept. It may be a bit euphemistic to say that ten manors are offered. In the eyes of some nobles, this is deprivation of territory!

One extinct grand duke was swallowed up, another was dispossessed. Even in the past, the previous emperors dealt with both sides of the Blood Banner's vengeance quite severely, but there was no such thing as this time when they directly slapped the Grand Duke who was responsible for protecting the country.

Generally speaking, at this time, the aristocratic class will unite and stand in the opposite position of the emperor, forcing the supreme to withdraw the decision. But someone has to come forward and lead the whole topic. And this person can't be someone else, of course, the person concerned has to be for himself first, so that other people can help.

The Rissa family is dead. As a human kingdom, evil creatures of the undead race are not allowed to appear on the temple. This is a matter of camp and position. Simply put, if you die, you die. Even if you come back as a zombie or an evil spirit or something weird, the power you had in life doesn't count.

What about the Carveys? Although everyone knew that the old duke and the emperor wore the same pair of trousers, their position should be the same as that of the aristocrats on matters that harmed the interests of the family.

Therefore, all the people in the hall turned their attention to the father and son of the Grand Duke Kawei who were at the bottom. However, they were disappointed. The old duke and the young duke who will succeed the title of grand duke stood at the bottom like wooden stakes without saying a word.

Immediately afterwards, the emperor issued another decree that the Iron Guard Corps, one of the emperor's three guards, would be moved to the Western Camp led by Kawei. That is, the camp where the old duke assembled the three legions.

At this time, everyone thought of a problem. Before that, the emperor only ordered the disbandment of the garrison regiment led by Lisa, and did not move the three legions of Kaweijiaxi Camp. Now move the iron guard over again. Put four legions into the territory of the Kawei family, what is this going to do?

However, the old emperor did not let everyone guess, but instructed his son, the crown prince who is also the prime minister. Let him discuss with the minister of the military department and send a legion to the West Camp, together with the iron guards, to receive motorized vehicles such as cars and trucks.

In addition to receiving equipment, the most important thing is to train the iron guards and the regular army sent by the military in the West Camp, how to drive cars, trucks and other vehicles, and simple maintenance. After the training reaches a certain level, they will use vehicles, trucks, etc. to move back to the imperial city, and the resident place of the regular army is considered an exercise.

Then the three legions of the original West Camp were gradually disbanded after the Lisa collar returned to normal. During this period, a supply of food and fodder was borne by the military. The task was to teach the two armies to use new vehicles and equipment such as automobiles and trucks.

It seems that on the surface it is directly under the emperor, a regular army under the empire to receive new equipment. But anyone who can stand in the court is not a human being, and everyone sees more problems.

The emperor only said to send troops to receive the automobile and truck equipment of the two legions, but did not say how much money he would pay. It means that the Kawei family has suffered another **** blow. The equipment originally used by the three legions is now directly donated to the two legions.

And it's not just ordinary weapons, it's the cars and trucks that everyone is coveting at this stage. This undoubtedly raised the strength of the direct subordinates to the emperor and the regular legions of the empire to a higher level. At least the fear that the Kaweijiaxi camp brought to all the nobles, this deterrent force directly made the emperor accept it.

Another problem is that the Lisa family's legion was dismantled first, and the Kawei family added two more legions in the past. As long as the vassals of the Lisa family are dissatisfied with the emperor's handling and want to use their military power to make trouble, then they will accept a head-on blow from the five legions with the edict!

This time, it's not about Grand Duke Kavi himself raising the blood flag. If the five legions in the early stage can't handle it, and one of them can't handle it, the entire empire will mobilize, and in the name of righteousness, they will dismantle the leaderless Lisa leader.

Don't look at the soldiers of more than a dozen legions gathered in the Lisa collar, this is really a fight, not enough for the empire to beat it seriously. If you want to be a general, you don't have a general, and if you want to be handsome, you don't have a handsome talent. If you want to be a bandit, you have to see if you can win the three armies equipped with cars in the West Camp.

Some people who think more have found that the reason why the emperor intends to make the Lisa family extinct is related to the high price paid by Lord Kawei? After all, blood flag revenge, one party to kill the other party is due justice.

It's just that in the past, standing on the emperor's side, successive emperors would avoid such a situation where one of them was exterminated, which left people with a sigh of relief. Keeping some conflicts among courtiers is the most commonly used control method for the ruler.

But behind this series of big actions, it seems that the things behind the monarchs and ministers are not as simple as what the monarchs and ministers have shown. At least those who have experienced the same era as these two monarchs and ministers can understand the emperor's smug smile, and the general's face-to-face, serious look.

Make trouble! Don't be sorry for yourself, but the kind who are sorry for others!

The crown prince, who was the prime minister, didn't think so much. His mind was full of one of the two legion equipments that Duke Kavi was going to hand over.

The emperor's three guards, the imperial guards are hiding their identities and are scattered all over the place, so they don't need conspicuous things like cars. The personal guards guard the imperial palace and the imperial city, each has its own station, and it is not necessary to use a car, or it is not in a hurry to equip it. Only the iron guards are used by regular legions, and they are directly under the emperor's power, so it is reasonable to equip them with the latest mobile vehicles.

So the extra set, which legion belongs to the military department, there is something that can be manipulated. There are ten legions in the empire, the first legion is the strongest, but also the most individual. It is rarely used intensively, because each of the ten brigades has its own characteristics. It means that it is not necessarily suitable for equipping the latest motor vehicles such as cars and trucks.

Then the remaining second to tenth armies basically have no ranking of strength and weakness, they are just stationed. They are respectively stationed in nine high-risk areas within the empire, guarding one side.

Incidentally, the Sixth Legion was stationed on the outskirts of the Old One, the wood elf tribe of Uktrasil, the world tree. It is not stationed close to each other, but at a distance, but the intention of guarding against someone is quite obvious.

And if the commanders of these nine legions want to equip SAIC and trucks immediately, according to the emperor's instructions, it means that the prime minister will discuss with the minister of the military department. This means that he has the opportunity to show favor and win over people.

If cars and trucks are really good things, it can be expected that all legions will use them in the future. Then, why don't we simply have a brigade for each legion, and everyone will share it equally, and it can also be used for training and getting familiar with the use of equipment.

In the future, as long as the cars and trucks are fully equipped, there will be ten motorized legions, and the strength of the empire's center will be even greater. Thinking about it this way, the crown prince vaguely grasped some ideas, and fell into deep thought again.

As for the regular legion affiliated to the military department, the forces of various nobles in it are intricate. When the old emperor threw out a piece of bait, no one among the nobles would take the bait.

Everyone said that they are afraid of the three legions equipped with vehicles by Lord Kawei, which is, but they are also greedy. After all, at the beginning of the year, half of the Duke's Guard team ran a month's journey in three days, which really scared many people.

It's just that no matter what kind of emotion it is, everyone can only guess, and there is no real thing to use as a basis for judgment. Now that there is an opportunity, how could everyone not fight for it.

Perhaps the nobles commanded no regular legions. But there are their people inside, even if they can't command, it's better to get some internal information and verify some things than to have nothing and just be greedy by the side.

So for a while, everyone focused on the second set of motorized vehicle equipment for the Legion.

It's not that they are indifferent to the emperor's conspiracy, but that there are priorities. The benefits are right in front of you, and you won't get them if you don't grab them. The emperor's conspiracy hadn't started yet, and he didn't know what he wanted to do, and he couldn't beat him. It's better to wait until things really come to the fore, and then play by ear.

So which one should be done first seems to be an easy choice.

As for the one who sat firmly on the throne, he felt more and more proud when he watched the big scene like a pack of hyenas vying for a piece of carrion.

Just as he was about to laugh, something suddenly occurred to him that made Almin, the emperor, unable to laugh. That is, who made the car?

I didn't talk about this before, but now I want to call that old guy to talk about it, and the chips are different. If this piece of cake is still in the hands of the Kawei family, then the ten manors and the vehicles worth two legions are really nothing.

The demand for automobiles, whether military or civilian, is obvious.

Thinking of this, the old emperor's heart is not beautiful. Look at the human-looking dogs below, none of them are simple.

If there is a wave of arrows to wash the ground, some people will die unlucky, but no one will die innocently.

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