(Khan, suddenly found that the chapter name directly missed the 57 58 chapter. But fortunately, the chapter name is wrong, the content is still continuous, no problem. Because the chapter name can not be changed, so you can only make the mistake is wrong, please forgive me .)

Information about the large number of Chamber of Commerce in the Candela Empire, which involved the various Magic Industry-related Chamber of Commerce in Lanpali Kingdom, was also placed in front of Sewinnie.

However, compared to the information that Baron Haynes sent to Xu Yi, the information in Sewinnie’s hand was several times thicker and much more detailed.

Sewinnie is already reading the information carefully for the third time, but still sees it very slowly, almost reading it in a word.

Because she is very clear, this matter is too important for the Lanpali Kingdom. If it is handled inadvertently, it is very likely that the Lanpali Kingdom will ruin all the advantages that have been difficult to achieve these years.

If she was allowed to choose whatever she wanted, she would really like to use the power of the kingdom to interfere with these transactions, and never let the big Chamber of Commerce of the Candela Empire give the Chamber of Commerce related to the Magic industry in the Lanpali Kingdom. Swallowed in one bite.

Because this will greatly affect the Magic Industry Foundation that Lanpali Kingdom is now in the first place, which will have a serious impact on the entire kingdom.

For example, the big Chamber of Commerce from the Candela Empire has completed the Chamber of Commerce related to the 17 Magic industries in Lanpali Kingdom, which has led to a shortage of many related industrial products in the Lanpali Kingdom.

Yesterday, the women in the palace wanted to purchase a brand new metal washbasin as a supplement, but found that Anweimaer had a phenomenon of out of stock.

This is the first time since the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce invented the Magic Power stamping Lathe machine that can be used to stamp different shapes of metal washbasins.

It can be seen that the acquisition of the 17 Chamber of Commerce has already had an impact on the Lanpali Kingdom.

But Sewinnie can’t take the initiative to use the power of the palace to forcefully block these acquisitions.

As she said to the Marquis of the Candela Empire’s Minister of Commerce, Descartes, the power of the kingdom is mostly used to protect legitimate trade, and should not be used to force interference, which is not good for the normal development of commercial trade.

Second, and the most important reason is that she is not willing to tear the face with the Candela Empire.

Although there has been some discomfort between the Candela Empire and the Candela Empire because of the implicit support of the Rudson Kingdom between Lanpali Kingdom, it is not a big problem since the two sides have not torn their faces.

This time, the Candela Empire sent an influential figure such as the Minister of Commerce to personally lead the mission to the Lanpali Kingdom. In fact, it has already shown that the Candela Empire wants Lanpali Kingdom and good intentions.

Sewinnie can refute Descartes’ proposal for the Marquis to allow Lanpali Kingdom to forcibly transfer all Magic machinery-related technologies to the Candela Empire, because she is well-founded and can lift the Magician Guild as a shield to make the Candela Empire have nothing to say. Can be said.

But the large Chamber of Commerce of the Candela empire brought by the Marquis of Descartes made a wholly-owned acquisition of the Magic Machinery Chamber of Commerce in Lanpali Kingdom, and Sewinnie was hard to stop.

Because this is contrary to what she said about trade freedom before, and it is simply a matter of setting it up against the Candela Empire.

Even if the Candela Empire lost to Rudson Kingdom twice before, it is one of the two great empires of Sainz Continent, a few times stronger than the Lanpali Kingdom, far from the Lanpali Kingdom.

If you tear your face directly, Lanpali Kingdom can be extremely dangerous.

What’s more, the Candela Empire performed quite sincerely. When these big Chamber of Commerce began to acquire, the Descartes Marquis immediately took the initiative to meet Sewinnie and expressed to Sewinnie that the Lanpali Kingdom official would not block these acquisitions.

To this end, the Descartes Marquis represents the official of the Candela Empire and has offered a number of preferential policies to Lanpali Kingdom as compensation.

One of them is to open the domestic market of the Candela Empire to Lanpali Kingdom and actively reduce the tariff on many goods in the Lanpali Kingdom.

This is one of the conditions that was previously proposed by Descartes when the Marquis hoped that Lanpali Kingdom would actively transfer Magic-related technology and was one of Sewinnie’s most motivating conditions.

Now the Descartes Marquis took it out, and with other preferential policies, Sewinnie could not refuse the request of the Descartes Marquis.

So the big Chamber of Commerce from the Candela Empire, against the acquisition of the Magic Machinery of the Chamber of Commerce in Lanpali Kingdom, was not obstructed by the official Lanpali Kingdom from beginning to end.

These acquisitions went very smoothly thanks to the attractive conditions they set out.

Of course, these are still not the main reasons why Sewinnie has promised the Descartes of the Marquis to represent these conditions on behalf of the Candela Empire.

Without backhand preparation, Sewinnie will not allow this to happen that is highly likely to cause turmoil throughout the Lanpali Kingdom.

After putting down this thick piece of information, Sewinnie pondered for a moment and pressed a button on the table.

The personal maid pushed the door and came in.

鈥淎re people all there?鈥?Sewinnie asked.

The maid replied reverently: “All have been waiting in the hall for a while.”

“That’s good, let’s go.”

Sewinnie nodded, got up and walked outside.

# # #

Luf鈥檚 old man looked up and glanced at the gleaming roof on his head, and couldn鈥檛 help but swallow a spit.

The palace is as invaluable as the legendary, making his country’s bumpink from the small city of Sartan City an eye-opener, and his heart is even more uneasy.

“Hey, Doyle, you said that Her Majesty the Queen summoned what we wanted to do?” Luf, who was squatting around, was also watching the surrounding Doyle, whispering.

Doyle took back his reluctant gaze and licked his lips: “Damn, the palace is so beautiful! When I go back, I must make my private estate so beautiful!”

Luf鈥檚 old man turned his eyes: 鈥淲ell, are you believing or not making the few hundred thousand flowers that you want to sell to Chamber of Commerce?鈥?/p>

Doyle chuckled: “Even if you can’t make it exactly the same, it’s good to make it look close. I want to let the guys who laugh at me in Sartan City take a good look at who is the no-nosed upstart!”

Luf鈥檚 dad can only turn his eyes again: 鈥淚鈥檓 fine, don鈥檛 talk about it鈥檚 useless, or care about it. You said, why should Her Majesty call us all these people?鈥?/p>

Doyle curl one’s lip, indifferent to the earth: “Calling to summon, what are you nervous? The Queen is wise to be kind and wise, can we still eat us?”

“But I always think…this is related to the sale of Chamber of Commerce. Do you say that… Will Her Majesty be dissatisfied with the sale of Chamber of Commerce to the Candela Empire, and ask us for trouble?” The old man still asked with a look of concern.

Doyle immediately gave a sneer: “Hah, Luf, do you think too much? Do you really think that Her Majesty will not know what we have done? Tell you, if the Queen does not want us to sell , then we are sure that one can鈥檛 sell, are you believing or not?鈥?/p>

“Well… this is also…” Luf’s old lady pondered followed said: “But I still don’t understand why Her Majesty will call us. You see, I just asked, these people are just like us. They were all sold in the Chamber of Commerce.”

“That’s even simpler. It’s definitely related to this. But I don’t think it will be a bad thing, or the Queen will send someone directly to catch us.” Doyle still doesn’t care much.

“Also…” The expression on Luf鈥檚 face was relaxed, but after all, he was still worried.

I was about to ask again, but I suddenly saw a female official of the palace walk into the hall where everyone was.

“The Queen is driving down!”

a light shout spit out from the female official’s mouth, and the crowds in the hall suddenly quieted together.

Everyone’s eyes were brushed at the entrance to the hall, with a lot of curiosity and excitement on his face.

These people are all ordinary businessmen from all over Lanpali Kingdom. It can be said that most people have never seen Her Majesty Queen Sewinnie.

Now I have the opportunity to see the Queen of the legendary Queen, and everyone is excited.

A moment later, a young woman dressed in a light golden robes, dressed in a luxurious, feminine but yet amiable gentleman came in.

Because the newspapers in the previous Lanpali Kingdom have published the portraits of Her Majesty Queen Sewinnie, so that everyone knows some of her looks, but the portraits are very different from the real people. Now I saw them, and everyone immediately discovered that this Her Majesty, who is very prestigious in the Lanpali Kingdom, is even more intimate than in legend.

Although the majestic taste of her body is equally strong, this kind of majesty does not cause fear, but because she gives people a kind of respect and love for her heart.

Seeing everyone’s eyes focused on themselves, Sewinnie’s lips rose, showing a smile.

Just such a simple smile, immediately like the spring breeze across the earth, instantly melted the tension in the hearts of everyone, so that everyone feels comfortable like a spring breeze.

“Good afternoon everyone.” Sewinnie smiled and raised her hand to say hello to everyone.

Everyone in the hall was awake as a dream, and they squatted down to Sewinnie saluted.

Waiting for everyone to straighten up again, Sewinnie nodded, no nonsense, straight to the point Authentic: “I think there must be a lot of people guessing the reason why I suddenly summoned you this time. Yes, everyone here is the name of Chamber. Of Commerce The Chamber of Commerce presidents and representatives who sold to the Chamber of Commerce of the Candela Empire, I am calling you today, it is related to this matter.”

When I heard Sewinnie’s words, everyone in the hall was not surprised, but instead sighed in relief.

Since the Queen has left this matter without any disguise, it proves that she should not pursue it.

Doyle also raised his eyebrows at Luf鈥檚 old smile and expressed his foresight.

However, the old man of Luf did not look at him at all, and still focused on Sewinnie.

“First of all, please rest assured that I am not trying to pursue any problems. Secondly, this time I will bring you together, but I also want to discuss something with you.” Sewinnie paused, continued: “You are selling the Chamber of Commerce in your hands.” I have received a lot of money from the big Chamber of Commerce in the Candela Empire. Then I want to ask, are you prepared to spend the rest of your life with these funds? Or are you ready to fight again?”

Everyone in the hall looked at each other in dismay, and Luf鈥檚 old man turned his head and looked at Doyle.

This is the question they discussed before. I didn鈥檛 expect that Her Majesty now came up.

One person in the hall suddenly raised the right hand.

“President Soros, do you have any questions?” Sewinnie nodded to the man.

The president of Soros, who raised his hand, startedled, but did not expect that Her Majesty shouted his name.

“Her Majesty, I want to ask, if we want to fight again?”

Sewinnie slightly smiled: “If you want to, I have a good chance to stand in front of you, just don’t know if I want to accept it?” (To be continued.)

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