The junction of Stantin Duchy and Lanpali Kingdom is approximately 800 kilometers from Anweimaer City, at the speed of the Magic Power airship, just eight hours away.

Xu Yi originally planned to leave early in the morning, so that I could reach Anweimaer City in the afternoon. If there was no accident, I could have dinner with Sewinnie in the evening and talk to Sewinnie about the Lanpali Kingdom’s war against Sakk Kingdom.

However, the first day before the departure, everything went smoothly. By noon, when the Magic Power airship had just flown to Karamay City, more than two hundred kilometers from Anweimaer City, there was some accident.

“Sir President, it seems… there are a few people flying over.” When the pilot of the Magic Power airship reported to Xu Yi, his face was full of surprise.

The Fresh Power Chamber of Commerce’s Magic Power airship has been in development since its inception and has been in the experimental testing phase. It has been close to two years, and it is not known how many places it has been flying. This is the first time that someone has met in high air.

Xu Yi glanced forward through the porthole and saw that there were several black spots in the distance that were approaching quickly.

Obviously, the one who can fly in the sky is of course Magician.

But why do these Magicians, who are supposed to be in the Lanpali Kingdom, suddenly stop in front of the Magic Power airship?

With the reputation of the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce in Lanpali Kingdom, how could they not recognize this as the Magic Power Airship of the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce?

Xu Yi frowned and asked the pilot to stop the Magic Power airship, then opened the hatch and flew over.

“President Xu, long time no see.”

The first Magician is known by Xu Yi. He is the current president of Lanpali Kingdom Magician Guild, and his strength is Level 9 Magician.

Xu Yi had seen him many times before he took part in the Magician Guild qualification assessment and later contacted with Allen.

Even if he is a president of the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, Xu Yi is actually an excellent Magician, and even now he is a powerful Great Magician in his early thirties, so he is in the Magician circle of Lanpali Kingdom. It is also famous.

Although Lacstein is the vice president of Magician Guild, when he saw Xu Yi, he still had to follow the rules of Magician and took the lead in becoming Xu Yi paid respect of Great Magician.

Xu Yi returned to him and looked at several Magicians around him. He found that these Magicians were wearing the Magic Magic of the Magician, which is obviously not weak.

Although they add up, there is no way to threaten Xu Yi, the Great Magician, but it is very rare to send so many powerful Magicians at once.

“Lakstein Vice President, you are this…”

Seeing the doubtful look on Xu Yi’s face, Lackstein quickly said with a smile: “President Xu, we are here to stop… cough, to meet you.”

“Welcome?” Xu Yi frowned, and the heart passed a trace of uneasiness.

First, Lanpali Kingdom inexplicably declared war on Sakk Kingdom, and then Lakstein led several senior Magicians to meet… No, obviously they came to intercept their entire group.

This strange situation reminded Xu Yi of some previous speculation, and she could not help but worry.

Could it be that Sewinnie really had anything to do so that she lost control of the Lanpali Kingdom? Even the situation is so serious that even people will be stopped?

“What happened, need you to come to meet us?” Xu Yi solemnly asked.

“This…” Larkstein looked a little embarrassed, lightly coughed, and flew closer to Xu Yi.

Xu Yi has a vertical eyebrow and wants to avoid some. After thinking about it, she is still in place, letting Lakstein close to her ear, and with the body Magic has been condensed and ready to launch.

“President Xu, the Kingdom Council just passed a “Lanpali Kingdom Airspace Management Regulations” last week, explicitly prohibiting other countries’ Magician and any flying props from flying in the airspace of Lanpali Kingdom. You…and your Magic Power airship, It’s forbidden, so… cough, we should have stopped you at the border, but you are too fast, and we will stop when you get here.”

“Lanpali Kingdom Airspace Management Regulations?” Xu Yi looked at Lakstein with great surprise.

When the Lanpali Kingdom Parliament was so prescient, it began to focus on protecting its airspace!

You know, the word airspace is something that Xu Yi accidentally mentioned when talking to Sewinnie privately. Sevinnie didn’t care much about this because the Magic Power airship was not officially produced. Xu Yi didn’t think about it right now. The Lanpali Kingdom parliament actually passed such a regulation.

However, when this rule was passed, it was taken out during this sensitive period, which made Xu Yi feel more doubtful.

“Is this adopted by the Kingdom Council itself? Did Her Majesty Queen Sewinnie have any comments on this?” Xu Yi asked.

Larkstein seems to have long expected Xu Yi to ask this question, hearing this smile: “It was the Queen’s personal proposal, handed over to the Kingdom Council for discussion, and finally unanimously passed.”

“Oh? ”

This answer is somewhat unexpected to Xu Yi.

He had thought that Sewinnie might have had something to do, which led her to lose control of Lanpali Kingdom, so that Lanpali Kingdom made so many unreasonable moves in the near future.

But now this answer from Lakstein shows that Sewinnie is still sitting on the throne, and it seems that something is not at all.

Of course, it is also possible for Lakstein to lie.

Xu Yi indulged for a moment and asked Larkstein: “So what do you mean, can we not continue to fly in the air now?”

Lackstein smiled apologetically: “At the very least, without the approval of the Royal Parliament or Her Majesty the Queen, President Xu and your Magic Power airship cannot continue to fly in the airspace of our Lanpali Kingdom, otherwise it will violate The relevant provisions of the Kingdom Council, we must take the opportunity to intercept you.”

I heard that Rakstein finally said the word “intercept”, Xu Yi shook the head, sighed, and gestured to Lackstein, then flew back to the Magic Power airship.

“Sir President, what happened?” Akali, who was doing statistics in the airship cabin, rushed up and asked.

“It’s not clear for a while. Akali, you led this Magic Power airship back to the Chamber of Commerce, and I will come back in a few days.”

Akali startled: “Sir President, are you going alone? But you are not saying…”

“No problem, you go back first.” Seeing Akali looking worried, Xu Yi pats her shoulder, said with a smile: “Don’t forget, I am Great Magician.”

Akali hesitated for a while, gently nodded: “That… Sir President, you must be careful.”

Xu Yi waved her hand and flew out of the hatch.

By the time he left a little, the Magic Power airship hovering in the air made a slight move, but turned around and flew southwest.

“President Xu, this…” Larkstein pointed to the Magic Power airship that was quickly moving away, and he hesitated to ask Xu Yi.

“Don’t worry, they will leave Lanpali Kingdom as fast as possible and return to Stantin Duchy.” Xu Yi’s eyes passed over the Magician behind Luckstein, and the Magicians stopped their eagerness and turned their attention back. Go to Xu Yi.

“Oh… well. President Xu, please come with us. When leaving Anweimaer City, the Queen passed the order of His Majesty, saying that let us stop at the Magic Power airship and take you directly to see Her Majesty the Queen.” Lakstein made an invitation to Xu Yi.

“Is it really a command from Sewinnie?” Xu Yi glanced at Lackstein, not at all asking about the problem, but flying with him to Karamay City diagonally below.

Lakstein and the others are obviously ready to stop Xu Yi above Karamay City. After entering the Karamay City, the entire group went directly to the City Lord and found two Magic Power cars prepared by the City Lord in advance. The remaining few Magician got the first one to open the road ahead, and Lakstein and Xu Yi took the next one.

The two Magic Power cars did not stop at the City Lord, and drove straight out in the direction of Anweimaer City.

Xu Yi looked at Karamay City through the window and found that the situation in Karamay City was different from that of the previous time. It was still as prosperous as usual, people walking down the street. The look on the face is normal, and I can’t see what the outside world is affected by.

Of course, the information in this world is not developed now. Even if it happens hundreds of kilometers away, people in Karamay City may not know how to expect these ordinary civilians to react to what happened on the upper level of Lanpali Kingdom. Too overestimating them.

However, at least from the current situation, it can be seen that the situation in Lanpali Kingdom is not stable, and it has not reached the point of reaching the lower class.

This makes Xu Yi feel a lot.

At the very least, through what Mr. Luckstein had just said, I learned that Sewinnie himself was not at all.

So if you can see Sewinnie, even if Sewinnie encounters any difficulties, Xu Yi has enough confidence to help her customer service.

When Eric was still on the throne, Sewinnie could be said to be facing the most dangerous situation. At that time, Xu Yi could give Sewinnie support with the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, let him overthrow the rule of Eric, Lanpali Kingdom is included in your own control.

In the past few years, both the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and Sewinnie have become more powerful than before, and there are still things that can’t be done.

Thinking of this, Xu Yi was a little relieved, took back the look of the street and turned to look forward to Lakstein. He asked: “The war between the vice president of Lakstein and Sakk Kingdom, what is the situation now?” to be continued.)

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