Lu Mingfei doesn’t want to be a superhero

Chapter 98 Tony’s new achievements evolve again

Tony's house.

Well - Tony, your sofa is more comfortable. Lu Mingfei leaned on the sofa and stretched.

I specially found someone to make this by hand. Tony looked proud.

When it comes to enjoyment, Tony Stark has never been weaker than anyone else!

Look for someone to make one, and I'll make one too. Lu Mingfei said while cocooning on the sofa.

I'll ask Jarvis to send it to you later, Tony said. You're just in time. I've just made new progress in my research on the Y gene.

What's the progress? Lu Mingfei looked expectant.

After developing a potion that helped him awaken his power, Tony's research on his genes and blood samples did not stop. When upgrading the Iron Suit and having a party, the research progress is even slower.

Especially during the period when Tony was poisoned by palladium, he first spent his main energy on searching for new elements that could replace the palladium element. After searching to no avail, he simply gave up on himself. It was not until Lu Mingfei provided him with new ideas that he got better.

Now after all this time, Tony finally has something new to achieve.

To be precise, it can't be considered a new achievement. I just made new breakthroughs in the previous research that helped you stimulate your power, and came up with an upgraded version of the previous potion, Tony said. The new potion can be used on the basis of the current one. , activate your power again, this time you will become stronger, but the specific extent of the enhancement is hard to say, I can only guarantee that it is safe and stable.

This is good, this is good! Lu Mingfei's eyes lit up.

Although you can activate your strength by poking yourself, the feeling of dying is too uncomfortable, and you will be knocked back to your original shape after the buff period. It is more practical to use Tony's potion to enhance this permanent strength.

I have already prepared the potion and it is now stored in my laboratory. Tony said.

Is there any other preparation needed? When can we start? Lu Mingfei asked.

No other preparations are needed, Tony smiled mysteriously, You can start now.

In Tony's laboratory.

Lu Mingfei was fixed on the test table, and his whole body was locked with metal buckles. Just like last time, there were electrodes attached to his body to monitor changes in body data in real time.

Although this was not the first time he had experienced this, Lu Mingfei still felt a little guilty in his heart.

Tony, are you sure this is okay? Lu Mingfei swallowed and asked, It won't hurt this time, right?

If my simulation test results are correct, it will definitely not hurt. Tony shook his head.

Lu Mingfei breathed a sigh of relief: Tony, you are so reliable, you actually improved the version that won't hurt.

Uh... this is not an improved version, Tony corrected, This potion will indeed not hurt, but it should be a little itchy.

Itchy? Lu Mingfei shrank his neck, Exactly how itchy will it be?

Hmm...have you ever been bitten by a mosquito between your fingernails? Tony gave a vivid example.

Tony, is it too late for me to say no? Lu Mingfei tried to break away.

Are you going to do the same as last time? Tony rolled his eyes and picked up the syringe, You can try to be stunned like last time... Don't waste your efforts, the bondage strength here is based on Hulk's standard .

Fuck! Lu Mingfei also wanted to force himself to faint, but this move was obviously not controlled by people's subjective thinking.

As Tony injected the medicine into Lu Mingfei's body, Lu Mingfei experienced what despair was.

Numerous numb and itchy feelings were like threads traveling on the surface of his body, as if his body was covered in honey and attracted countless ants.

This feeling was quite bad, and what was even worse was that Lu Mingfei could not be caught because he was tightly restrained on the test bed.

Of course, this was also Tony's original intention. Scratching in this state would not help much, but might affect the body's transformation, so for Lu Mingfei's sake, he decisively locked Lu Mingfei up.

It had nothing to do with Lu Mingfei suddenly traveling into his world and interrupting his good deeds.

He definitely didn't want to take this opportunity to retaliate against Lu Mingfei!

Lu Mingfei twisted hard on the test bench, but because the restraint effect was so good, he could only make slight movements, so he could only continue to crawl.

The only good thing was that the numbness and itching on his body only stayed on the surface of his body and did not extend into his body, otherwise Lu Mingfei would really go crazy.

Amidst the continuous itching sensation, Lu Mingfei felt that his consciousness was gradually blurring.

When he woke up again, the itch on his body had disappeared without a trace, replaced by a clearer vision and a feeling of refreshment.

Lu Mingfei roared excitedly, and tried hard to break free of the metal buckles and straps on his body...hard, hard...Damn it! Can't get away!

Yes, Tony said that the strength of these things is based on Hulk.

Fortunately, Tony was always there and helped Lu Mingfei loosen the straps and metal buckles.

Very good, the experiment went well, Tony nodded with satisfaction, You should feel stronger now, right?

There is this feeling, Lu Mingfei stood on the ground with his upper body naked, but there is another feeling that is even stronger.

What does it feel like? Tony was curious.

It feels like there is something hidden under my skin, and it feels like it can come up with just a little force. Lu Mingfei said hesitantly.

He closed his eyes, concentrated, and gave control of his body to instinct.

The next second, countless dark scales stretched out from under his skin, stood up, and immediately interlocked with each other, making a loud sound, like armor scraping together.

Lu Mingfei opened his eyes.

After his body was covered with armor, his face shape also changed slightly. The originally delicate face became aggressive and majestic, as if he had put on a suit of armor and had an awe-inspiring mask on his face. mask.

Wow! Tony was a little surprised, Such a change can actually happen!

Tony was not too surprised because he had seen Lu Mingfei transform into a tall and fierce man covered in scales when he was near death.

If we really want to talk about it, although Lu Mingfei is now covered in scales, his body shape still remains the same. Compared with the previous state when he was near death, his height and size increased dramatically, and even his wings grew. He is now The change in appearance is already very small.

I feel like these scales can be released and recycled at any time, Lu Mingfei said, I just don't know how effective the defense is.

Let's go and test your new ability. Tony took Lu Mingfei away with excitement.

While Lu Mingfei was following Tony, he was thinking about another thing - the Dwarf King said that his bones and blood are needed to refine weapons that can blend with the body.

Blood is easy to say, just draw some, but bones are very dangerous. If he wants to restore the missing bones, he must enter a state of near death.

And now after his second awakening, he is covered in scales. Are those scales considered bones? I don’t know if he can use it after taking the anesthesia and removing the two scales.

After some testing, Lu Mingfei and Tony got the results.

His current physical fitness has indeed improved a lot compared to before. His muscle density, explosive power and bone density have all been significantly improved, and his endurance has been enhanced even more significantly than the first three items.

It can be said that even without showing his scales, Lu Mingfei can now challenge a group of polar bears with his bare hands.

The defense effect ratio of the scales is quite impressive. Ordinary firearms can only cause slight damage at close range, but cannot even leave traces at a distance. Moreover, the scales bite each other and join together, which seems to have some kind of effect. The function of force sharing can disperse part of the force borne by the struck part.

Ordinary chopping with a knife and an ax was no problem. He stood there and let Tony chop with the knife, and he didn't feel anything.

Finally, Tony was so angry that he took out a chainsaw, and Lu Mingfei ran away.

Although he felt that it wouldn't be a problem for him to carry a chainsaw twice with his scale armor, but the chainsaw was brought out by Tony from his own laboratory. Who knows how powerful it is?

Tony's house.

Lu Mingfei and Tony collapsed on the sofa after being tired for a long time.

Yes, the potion this time was also very successful, Tony looked at Lu Mingfei, I am more confident in the new potion.

Will the potion that can make me awaken for the third time be ready soon? Lu Mingfei's eyes lit up.

No, Tony shook his head, I still have no clue about the third version of the awakening potion, but the success of the first two times proves that my research is in the right direction. As for when the third version of the potion will be ready... it depends on luck.

Even you find it difficult? Lu Mingfei was a little surprised.

This is the gene of the race that once ruled the world in another world, Tony rolled his eyes, and I can't find any information related to this race in this world. The only sample is you. All the information, research and I have to start from scratch with technology, but I’m already very fast now!”

When I enter Kassel College, I will find a way to join their scientific research department, and then write down their research materials. When I come to this world, I will reproduce them for you and use their results for free. How about that? Lu Mingfei suggested.

Not bad! Tony nodded with satisfaction, You've become smarter.

Are you complimenting me? Lu Mingfei complained.

By the way, you said that there is an artificial intelligence in Cassel College, right? Tony said, I have warned you to be careful about that artificial intelligence before. After all, you have also seen the terror of Jarvis. If you are not careful, your secret will be discovered by her, but I recently had a new idea...

What new idea? Lu Mingfei immediately became energetic and sat upright and asked.

That artificial intelligence... seems to be called Norma, right? Tony raised an index finger and suggested, Would you like to try and make her yours?

Lu Mingfei:? ? ?

PS: Sacrifice a book of seedlings, the link is below~

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