Lu Mingfei doesn’t want to be a superhero

Chapter 82 Who said that sleeping with each other on the bed counts as being together? !

On the yacht.

Faced with Lu Mingfei's comment about bleeding gums, the old captain said cheerfully, Yes, I've been lacking in vitamin C recently.

Lu Mingfei said to himself that you must be lacking more than just vitamin C.

Can you help me to the side of the ship, facing the shrine of Our Lady of Anguonia? the old captain asked.

Lu Mingfei helped him over and sat on the side of the boat with him.

The old captain looked at the small black dot in the distance. He was old and his eyesight had deteriorated, and he could not even see the small black dot clearly.

This ship is called the Pirate Princess. The old captain suddenly spoke and asked Lu Mingfei, Young man, do you think Our Lady of Anguonia will protect the pirates?

I find it annoying, Lu Mingfei said truthfully, But you are not a real pirate, you just worship your pirate ancestors.

I didn't worship pirates before, and I didn't care what my ancestors were like, until I was diagnosed with lung cancer, the old captain said. I wanted to find a reason to support my survival, and finally found it in my ancestors.

Shouldn't the support of most people be their family? Lu Mingfei complained, Your support is a bit wild.

More than twenty years ago, my son died in a shipwreck. He was a very good sailor. I heard that at the last moment before his death, he pushed a passenger from the sea onto the floating board. The old captain said.

Then... where is your wife? Lu Mingfei asked tentatively.

I got divorced. My son was the child of someone else after my wife had an affair. During the divorce, the court awarded him to my wife, but he came back to me when he became an adult, the old captain said. He said that the relative My father is a rich man, with five sons and three daughters. I said, isn’t this great? If my father is rich, he will not have a bad life, he said, but that old bastard can’t even remember his birthday.”

Having said this, the old captain chuckled.

Lu Mingfei wasn't sure whether he should laugh along, and he felt like complaining in his heart at an inappropriate time - this is ridiculous, talking about shipwrecks during the day and talking about shipwrecks at night, how could I be involved in shipwrecks when I go on a trip and take a boat?

Why don't you give me a rare treat?

When I was first diagnosed with lung cancer, I didn't know what reasons I should use to keep living. Until I found a notebook of my ancestors. That notebook had been kept for I don't know how many years. The paper was already very brittle. I carefully After reading the notebook, it recorded his life as a pirate...

He wrote a sentence at the end. He said that when he was a pirate, the reason why he was fearless was because he believed that he would die sooner or later as a pirate. The old captain opened the rum. Since you will die sooner or later, there is no need to Fear of death.”

What's the point? Lu Mingfei didn't understand. He felt that this sentence was even a little unclear.

You'll know when you're about to die! the old captain laughed.

Bah, bah, bah! I came here to comfort you with good intentions, but you cursed me instead! Lu Mingfei looked unhappy.

The old captain opened the rum, took a swig, and then coughed violently.

Lu Mingfei hurriedly grabbed his bottle: If you keep drinking, I can't say when I will die, but you should be close!

It's okay, I'm ready. The old captain didn't care when Lu Mingfei snatched the bottle away.

You are my last customers. I have saved a lot of money. When this order is over, I will fill the boat with food and water, go to the sea to sing pirate songs, and distribute rum to passing ships. I will Fill the bottom of the boat with explosives, and when I am too sick to sail the boat, they will blow up the boat and sink it with me.

Under the moonlight, the old captain's brows were peaceful, and his dark skin had deep wrinkles. He looked like a weather-beaten old melon farmer in northern Shaanxi, or like a Buddha statue with hazy light, calm and detached.

Isn't this not very environmentally friendly? Lu Mingfei asked.

The old captain was silent.

No! Where did you get the explosives from? Lu Mingfei discovered a bigger blind spot.

I once served in the Portuguese Navy, and several of my friends are now considered successful, the old captain said.

The Portuguese navy is so corrupt! Lu Mingfei felt sad for Su Xiaoqiang and her Portuguese family.

By the way, for the sake of you chatting with me for so long, young man, the old captain said, let me tell you a secret.

What secret? Lu Mingfei was curious.

I brought you here specially because there are almost no big fish here, the old captain's original calmness and calmness disappeared, replaced by a profiteer's face, This is so that you have no choice but to buy my fish.

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, then he rushed over and strangled the old captain's neck: rnm, refund the money!

It was impossible to get a refund, but the old captain said the drinks were free.

So in front of the old captain, Lu Mingfei drank bottle after bottle of free rum.

The old captain was calm at first, but when more and more empty bottles appeared on the ground, his distressed eyebrows began to tremble.

Lu Mingfei drank another bottle of wine and felt dizzy. He thought that he could not drink any more, otherwise he would be tormenting himself instead of getting back his money.

After saying goodbye to the old captain with twitching eyebrows, Lu Mingfei wandered into the cabin and walked towards his bedroom. Brother Chu and I's bedroom, right? Lu Mingfei stood in front of a door, his steps shaking and his head shaking.

He touched his pocket: There is a key!

He took out the key and inserted it into the keyhole in front of the door. He could push it in, but couldn't turn it. Not this one?

He walked to the other door, poked the key in, and unlocked the door.

Lu Mingfei suddenly realized: It turns out to be this one!

The next day, early morning.

The sun shines through the window, and Susie on the ground covers her head and gets up.

Eh... why am I on the ground? Susie got up from the floor with her clothes on, covering her forehead. The elite of the Lion Heart Society was drunk to the point of unconsciousness, and she felt a little too embarrassed.

At an angle that she couldn't see, there was a clear shoe print on her waist, showing how she got down.

And from the angle she can see...

On the bed, a man and a woman were wearing messy clothes, hugging each other tightly, their foreheads touching, their noses touching, their hot breaths intertwined, almost kissing each other.

Susie was dumbfounded, and for a moment she wondered if she was still drunk.

Xiaoqiang? Junior Mingfei? Su Qian tried to call.

Lu Mingfei and Su Xiaoqiang's eyelids trembled almost at the same time, and then they opened their eyes.

Eyes facing each other.

Su Xiaoqiang blinked.

Lu Mingfei also blinked.

The next second, with deafening screams, the two people were ejected apart, like two magnets with like poles that repel each other.

It is worth mentioning that the person who screamed at a louder decibel was Lu Mingfei. After all, he had better physical fitness.

You, you, you... Su Xiaoqiang covered his chest with one hand and pointed at Lu Mingfei with the other hand tremblingly.

You, you, you... Lu Mingfei also pointed at Su Xiaoqiang with a trembling hand.

Susie looked at the positions of the two people at opposite ends of the bed and gave up her plan to point at them. Otherwise, she would look like a zombie if she raised her hands together.

You two are...together? Susie said in questions, but her words were filled with resentment.

You two are together, so why am I sleeping on the floor? Susie was puzzled.



Lu Mingfei and Su Xiaoqiang denied it almost in unison.

But you two just hugged each other and slept together. Susie pointed out the most fatal problem.

Lu Mingfei was wondering if it would be a reasonable explanation if he said that he was also drunk, but Su Xiaoqiang blushed and spoke first.

Who, who, who said that sleeping with each other on the bed counts as being together?!

Susie:? ? ?

At the port of Viana do Castelo, the pirate ship and yacht docked, and Lu Mingfei and his party walked out from the port.

I will never go out to play with you again next time! Su Xiaoqiang glared at Lu Mingfei while grinding his teeth.

Really? Lu Mingfei's eyes lit up, and his voice couldn't help but rise. He thought to himself, this is great, it will make the subsequent tasks much easier for us.

From now on, they will regularly go to the Solomon Temple to check on their progress, so they don't have to worry about being pestered by Su Xiaoqiang to go together.

Su Xiaoqiang misunderstood Lu Mingfei's performance. Seeing his reaction, she hesitated and said, I can think about it after we go out to play, but I will never drink with you!

Lu Mingfei was disappointed.

Su Xiaoqiang was not very happy now, so after saying the previous two sentences, he ignored Lu Mingfei.

Susie...she later discovered the shoe prints on her body, and now she is not very interested in talking to Lu Mingfei.

Fortunately, she has the style of a gentle and intellectual big sister. If one of her red-haired best friends surnamed Chen had been in this situation, she would have poured out at least one magazine of Frigga tranquilizer bombs on Lu Mingfei. .

Not to mention Senior Brother Chu, who has always been a dull man.

No one talked to Lu Mingfei, so Lu Mingfei looked around privately to see if there was anything interesting or new.

Then he saw something very new.

In the corner of the port, an Asian young man is holding a sign with a few words written on it in English, which roughly means If you are lost in a foreign country and your wallet is lost, you can work as an unloading coolie. You must be tall and strong. kind.

The things on the brand were not very novel, but the key was that face, which Lu Mingfei felt was particularly familiar.

Especially the pair of funny eyebrows, I feel that this person must have a much better future as a comic actor than as a coolie here.

After comparing it with his own memory, Lu Mingfei immediately recognized the person in front of him and couldn't help but stop.

Lu Mingfei was a few steps behind. Chu Zihang was the first to react, turned to look at him and asked, What's wrong?

It's nothing. Senior brothers, please go first. I met a friend and went to say hello. Lu Mingfei said.

Ronald Tang lamented that he was really a hero with short breath, and a horse with long hair - these two idioms were taught to him by Lu Mingfei.

It had just been a few days since he started the mission, and he was not a senior hunter in the Hunter Network, and he couldn't even eat.

Losing your wallet is really a terrible thing.

What's even worse is that his identity information is gray and cannot be checked, so he dare not ask the local police or the US Embassy for help, otherwise it will be embarrassing if he is detained.

There is simply a port here. He is not good at anything else, but at least he has some strength. It will definitely not be a problem to make some money by helping to unload cargo.

Solve the urgent need first, then go to the bank to report the loss of your credit card and apply for a new one...

Fortunately, he had the foresight to have copies of his identity information. He also booked a hotel long in advance and put copies of his identity information in the hotel.

Hey, wait a minute, where is the hotel I booked? How should I walk back?

Ronald Tang lowered his head and fell into deep thought.

Until a person stood still in front of him.

Old Tang came to his senses immediately, and his first reaction was There is a boss, here is the job, but when he looked up, he saw a face that was only familiar in 2D.

The other party asked tentatively: Old Tang? Is that you?

Obviously?! Old Tang's eyes widened.

I recommend a friend’s book, an American comic book, The Coming of the Motherland, a American Comic. The link is below. Interested students can take a look~

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