The Maybach was driving on the street, raindrops flowing against the car body, and then being thrown away at the end.

The driver, Uncle Li, slammed on the brakes and stopped the car.

He decisively took out his mobile phone and dialed a number: Hello, sir.

Old Li, have you sent Xiaoqiang home? A calm and magnetic middle-aged male voice came on the phone, This child has been spoiled by us, and we have to trouble you to work overtime at night. Thank you for your hard work.

Master, this is my duty. I'm calling you for something important. Uncle Li said.

If it's not particularly important, just take care of it yourself. I still have a bunch of documents to deal with, the man's voice showed deep fatigue. Although I'm mentally prepared, I want to build the company from scratch. A smelting industry chain is still rare and beyond imagination.

Master... Uncle Li hesitated.

Old Li, I know what you want to say. I know my physical condition well. I can survive for a few more years. There will be no way out just mining. I must open up a more advanced industry for the company. If we If we can have our own smelting industry chain, we won’t have to rely solely on buying mines to make money.”

I, Su Jiannan, will not fall until I establish a mature smelting industry chain for the company and clear the obstacles for Xiaoqiang to inherit my position. The man's tone was not serious, but he was firm and firm.

No, sir, what I want to say is about the young lady, Uncle Li said, Didn't Ms. Mei ask for leave? Tonight, the young lady met a boy wearing only underwear on the roadside. She said that he was her classmate. I took him home and said I would take him in for one night...

What!!! The voice on the other side of the phone suddenly became high-pitched.

The lady asked me not to worry about it, but I think I must tell you... Uncle Li said.

You did the right thing, come to the company to pick me up immediately! Su Jiannan said, but he immediately changed his mind, No, go home quickly and keep an eye on the two of them. I'll drive back by myself!

Master, do you have a car parked in the company? Uncle Li asked worriedly.

I...forget it, come pick me up as soon as possible! Su Jiannan said.

There was a faint sound of files and thermos cups falling on the other side of the phone.

At the same time, Su Xiaoqiang’s family.

Stop wiping and just go take a shower.

Su Xiaoqiang said to Lu Mingfei, who was wiping his hair with a tissue.

Thank you. Lu Mingfei's face was filled with gratitude.

Wait a minute, I'm going to get you a change of clothes, Su Xiaoqiang looked at Lu Mingfei and gestured up and down, You should be about the same height as my dad, and you can wear his clothes. I'm going to get a set.

After accidentally awakening his superpower, Lu Mingfei's body changed in addition to gaining more muscles. His height also increased, and he is now almost 1.8 meters tall.

Su Xiaoqiang climbed up the stairs kick, kick, kick, and came down again after a while, holding a white shirt and a pair of slim suit trousers, and threw a plastic box to Lu Mingfei.

This is my dad's clothes when he was young. It's a bit old-fashioned. You can wear it. Su Xiaoqiang said.

This was so true that Lu Mingfei still dared to dislike it, so he immediately took it and touched the plastic box.

What is this? Lu Mingfei was curious.

It's underwear! It's unopened! Su Xiaoqiang said with a dark face.

Oh oh oh... Lu Mingfei saw that the situation was not good and ran into the bathroom.

Come out! Su Xiaoqiang's expression suddenly changed.

She loves cleanliness and that is her private bathroom.

What's wrong? Lu Mingfei stuck his head out.

Su Xiaoqiang wanted to say something, but finally sighed: It's okay.

She always felt that it was quite shameful to say that she let Lu Mingfei enter her private bathroom.

It would be better to just pretend it never happened and let Lu Ming take a bath normally. After he comes out, it would be the same thing if he changes everything inside tomorrow.

Su Xiaoqiang leaned on the sofa and played with her mobile phone for a while, preparing to brush up on English words.

The door was pushed open suddenly, and the loud sound was followed by the sound of dense footsteps.

Su Xiaoqiang turned around with surprise on his face: Dad? Uncle Li?

Two middle-aged men walked in quickly. The first one looked tall and elegant, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. Although his hairline was already very high, his hair was still meticulously combed. He didn't look like a mine boss at all. .

Behind him was Uncle Li.

Where is he? Su Jiannan's eyes under his gold-rimmed glasses flashed a fierce light.

As soon as he saw that wild boy, he immediately asked Lao Li to throw him out. It happened to be raining heavily outside, so he could get soaked in the rain and wake up.

Where is he? Su Xiaoqiang was stunned for a moment before reacting, Are you pointing the way to Mingfei?

Lu Mingfei? Su Jiannan was also stunned, The missing boy from your class?

Missing? Su Xiaoqiang blinked.

His parents sent a message to the parent group this morning, saying that a boy named Lu Mingfei in their family was missing. He went out yesterday morning and never came home. They have called the police and asked other parents if they have any clues.

Su Jiannan took out his mobile phone and showed Su Xiaoqiang the messages in the group.

[Lu Gucheng: My nephew Lu Mingfei went out during the day yesterday and has not returned yet. It is very likely that he encountered bad people and disappeared. Our parents have called the police. If any parents in the group have news about my nephew Mingfei, please let us know. And the police, thank you so much! Hold fist/Hold fist/]

Well, this is the message. He sent it many times later, but there was nothing we could do. Su Jiannan frowned slightly, Did Lu Mingfei have a conflict with his family or something? His uncle was so quick to find him. I’m so anxious, but he still hasn’t come home?”

Uh... I probably can't blame him for this. Su Xiaoqiang defended Lu Mingfei.

Su Jiannan's eyes became more fierce.

When I met him, he said he had lost his memory, Su Xiaoqiang said. He may not even know that he has been missing for a day.

Amnesia? Do you believe this nonsense? My daughter, I don't remember you being so easy to deceive... Su Jiannan frowned.

In order to prevent his precious daughter from being deceived, Su Jiannan has instilled various anti-fraud knowledge in her since she was a child.

I definitely wouldn't believe it if others said that, but Lu Mingfei... I think I can believe him. Su Xiaoqiang said.

Why? Su Jiannan asked.

Su Xiaoqiang pondered for a moment - she couldn't explain why, but because of her long-term relationship with Lu Mingfei, she subconsciously made assumptions and chose to believe him.

Where is he now? Su Jiannan asked again.

He's taking a shower... Su Xiaoqiang stopped talking.

Because she suddenly remembered that Lu Mingfei was taking a bath in her private bathroom.

Su Jiannan's forehead veins popped out - was he taking a shower?

So what do you want to do next!

Su Xiaoqiang also realized something was wrong.

Now in his father's eyes, Lu Mingfei seemed to be a high school gangster who ran away from home, told lies, bathed in his daughter's private bathroom, and will be staying here tonight.

Oops! Lu Ming must die!

Su Xiaoqiang quickly wanted to explain to Lu Mingfei, when she heard the sound of the doorknob turning click coming from the direction of her bathroom.

Su Xiaoqiang, Su Jiannan and Uncle Li turned to look over at the same time.

A tall boy came out, wearing slim-fitting suit trousers, a snow-white shirt with one button unbuttoned, the sleeves rolled up to half of his forearm, his hair half-dry, almost all back to the back of his head, only hanging down at the beautiful point in front of his forehead. A wisp of bangs.

The boy's dark eyes swept around. It was obviously just an ordinary action, but Su Jiannan had the illusion of seeing a powerful person in a trance.

No, this is not an illusion.

During this period, in order to establish a smelting industry chain for the company, he looked around for cooperation and even found Japan's largest heavy industry group, Genji Heavy Industries.

Genji Heavy Industries happened to have a new president during this time. The new president is a young man in his early twenties, accompanied by a young, beautiful and capable secretary.

It is hard to imagine that such a young person would become the helmsman of Japan's largest heavy industry group. When Su Jiannan went to Japan to meet him, he only deserved five minutes of meeting time.

This cooperation ultimately ended in failure. The young man whose face had not completely faded away from his immature appearance was like a cold samurai sword at the meeting table. He showed no trace of the usual euphemism and subtlety of the Japanese, and even refused to look him in the eyes.

The samurai sword used three minutes to slice through the cooperation proposed by Su Jiannan, pointing out all the conditions that were unfavorable to Genji Heavy Industries, and then waved the sword to express his refusal to cooperate.

Su Jiannan gave up and left at the fourth minute, but the female secretary suggested that he stay for a cup of tea because the agreed meeting time was five minutes.

Only at this time did Su Jiannan feel that the man and woman in front of him looked like Japanese, adhering to the usual Japanese rigidity.

The moment he saw Lu Mingfei, Su Jiannan just glanced at him, as if he had seen the young man named Yuan Zhisheng again, but he was not so cold and hard, but rather unattainable. Nobility.

The next second, the Chinese version of Yuan Zhisheng in front of him blinked his eyes, and suddenly changed from an unattainable noble boy to an ordinary high school student: Eh? This is it?

This is my dad. Su Xiaoqiang said quickly.

Hello, uncle, I'm Lu Mingfei, nice to meet you. Lu Mingfei stepped forward and wanted to shake hands.

Su Xiaoqiang's heart was in her throat, fearing that her father would turn around and shout to Uncle Li next to him, Tie this kid up and send him to the black coal mine, pick the blackest one.

Lu Mingfei stretched out his hand, Su Xiaoqiang took a breath, and interrupted with a louder voice just waiting for her father to give the order. Uncle Li on the side also frowned a little - the principle of shaking hands is that the respected person or the elder reaches out first, Lu Mingfei does this It's very rude. How come the lady's friend doesn't even know basic manners?

The next second, Su Jiannan smiled and held Lu Mingfei's hand.

Su Xiaoqiang almost lost his temper.

Uncle Li was also confused. He had followed Su Jiannan for many years and was very familiar with his boss's expression. Although Su Jiannan's expression was only superficially happy and could not be said to be very happy, it was by no means an angry smile.

But wasn’t the boss still very angry just now?

This young man shows off his talents. Su Jiannan reached out and patted Lu Mingfei's shoulder hard.

Uncle, you're flattered. Lu Mingfei's face showed a hint of humility at the right time.

Appeared! That’s the expression!

Su Jiannan said in his heart that this expression is familiar to me. Over the years in Zongheng Shopping Mall, he has often come into contact with some heirs of big families and large companies. Every time he praised the other party, they had this expression.

To put it concisely, it probably means I know that I am very powerful and have a bright future. What you said is absolutely correct. There is no award at all, but out of social etiquette, I still have to pretend to be humble to show you.

And does Lu Mingfei really have this mentality?


In another universe, he rarely saw people who dared to praise him for his talent from the standpoint of an elder, and he never saw anyone who dared to pat him on the shoulder when shaking hands.

Dare to pat the shoulder of Stark Group's major shareholder and good brother Tony Stark? Do you still want to hang out on Wall Street?

This is like in his school, a teacher patted the principal's shoulder when shaking hands with the principal and said: Keep up the good work, I'm optimistic about you. This is a typical sign of wanting to be expelled.

In particular, Lu Mingfei stayed with Tony for three months, and knowing what humility was was already a moral concept shaped by nine years of compulsory education.

If it were Tony, Su Jiannan wouldn't be worthy of shaking hands with him. If Tony had the whim, he might even mock Su Jiannan in public, such as, Brother, your hairline matches your hairstyle very well.

But then again, in the United States in another universe, mining businessmen with a similar business scale to Su Jiannan generally have no chance to meet Lu Mingfei.

Therefore, Lu Mingfei subconsciously didn't care much about Su Jiannan's praise - after all, in another universe, what he heard most was not praise, but compliments.

Amid Su Xiaoqiang and Uncle Li's surprise, Su Jiannan enthusiastically pulled Lu Mingfei to sit down on the sofa.

Of course, his enthusiasm is only superficial.

Although as a self-made businessman, Su Jiannan used his vicious eyes to confirm that Lu Mingfei was not the kind of gangster he expected, but the matter of lying to his daughter was still highly suspicious, but it was not easy to just throw Lu Mingfei out. .

No matter what family background Lu Mingfei has behind him, as long as he has an improper and sinister attitude towards his daughter, Su Jiannan will not let him go easily.

Su Jiannan enthusiastically dragged Lu Mingfei to chat about home affairs. Lu Mingfei answered all questions, but the answers were all about his real family situation.

Their parents are archaeologists who travel all year round and stay with their uncle and aunt, who also has a cousin.

Su Xiaoqiang and Uncle Li were stunned, wondering what kind of plane Su Jiannan was making.

In the middle of the conversation, Su Jiannan suddenly slapped his forehead: Oh Mingfei, I forgot, your uncle and aunt sent a message to the parents group before, saying that you have been missing for a day! Why don't you go home quickly and take a look?

What? Missed for a day? Lu Mingfei's eyes widened, Isn't today the 10th?

Today is already the 11th. Su Xiaoqiang said from the side.

Holy crap! I'm dead! Lu Mingfei jumped up from the sofa, If I disappear for a day without any reason, my aunt will kill me!

Quick, Lao Li, send this classmate Lu home! Su Jiannan waved his hand.

He would never allow Lu Mingfei to really stay at his house for one night.

Not to mention the possibility of him deceiving Xiaoqiang, even if they were in love, it was still too early.

Mr. Lu, please come with me. Uncle Li bowed slightly.

Thank you Uncle Su, thank you Uncle Li, Lu Mingfei quickly ran to Uncle Li's side, Sorry to trouble you, Uncle Li.

Su Jiannan watched Uncle Li hold up an umbrella and lead Lu Mingfei out.

Su Xiaoqiang thought about what he was doing tonight - picking up a naked male classmate on the roadside, taking him home and letting him take a bath in his private bathroom.

After swallowing quietly, Su Xiaoqiang silently walked back toward the stairs.

Come here. Su Jiannan said calmly.

Su Xiaoqiang lowered his head, walked to the sofa and sat down, only half of his buttocks were fully seated, his knees were tightly together, and his hands were folded on his knees.

She was rarely so well-behaved.

She was ready to accept her father's thunderous wrath, and was now rapidly writing lines of coquettish begging for mercy in her mind.

Xiaoqiang... Su Jiannan's voice was calm.

Dad... Su Xiaoqiang responded timidly.

What do you think of this Lu Mingfei? Su Jiannan asked.

Dad, I was wrong...ah? What do you think of Lu Mingfei? Su Xiaoqiang was stunned - shouldn't you scold me severely? Then I hugged your arm with tears in my eyes and said coquettishly that I knew I was wrong. , do you have no choice but to forgive me?

Is this script wrong?

Since this Lu Mingfei is your classmate, you should be very familiar with him, right? Su Jiannan asked again.

Su Xiaoqiang thought in his heart that he was still here, and finally he saw her.

So what do you think of him? Su Jiannan asked again.

Su Xiaoqiang:......

Dad, have you worked too much overtime and messed up your brain? Su Xiaoqiang really wanted to ask this question.

He, he is just a mean-mouthed bad guy. Su Xiaoqiang gave the most honest evaluation.

The mean-mouthed bad boy? Su Jiannan was stunned, Is bad boy some new term for praising people?

What a compliment, dad, do you have a fever? Su Xiaoqiang stretched out his hand and put the back of his hand against Su Jiannan's forehead, It's not hot either.

Su Jiannan put down Su Xiaoqiang's hand and said seriously: Xiaoqiang, I suspect that your classmate is very extraordinary.

Huh? Su Xiaoqiang tilted his head, unable to understand the meaning of these words in his father's mouth.

I was trying to tell you about his family situation just now. He made up a background of an ordinary intellectual family and stayed at a relative's house, but he was able to answer questions fluently. This background must have been carefully fabricated... Su Jiannan whispered.

Is it possible? Su Xiaoqiang raised a hand, I mean it's possible, what he said is all the truth.

Impossible! Su Jiannan immediately objected, The temperament of that young man is not what a child from an ordinary intellectual family should have.

What kind of temperament does he have? He's almost neurotic! Su Xiaoqiang reached out to touch his father's head again, Dad, let me touch it again. Maybe I didn't measure it correctly just now.

Su Jiannan frowned tightly.

His intuition has always been very accurate. He was able to build such a large industry from scratch, and his keen intuition was indispensable.

He felt that Lu Mingfei was not simple, and Lu Mingfei must not be simple.

But a boy who made up an ordinary family identity and disguised himself as a bad boy in school... What was his reason for doing this?

A clear fragment suddenly emerged from the chaotic thoughts.

Su Jiannan suddenly remembered that a friend of his had mysteriously told him a story while drunk.

In this land of China, there is a group of descendants of the dragon. They have a unique bloodline and excellent genes passed down from generation to generation. Therefore, these people are far better than all other living beings, and the most mediocre among them are also ordinary people. Super genius.

And they do not appear in front of others in a high-profile manner, but carefully hide their identities and blend in with the public, remaining invisible.

These people had many names, one of which he learned was Dragonborn.

Su Jiannan only listened to this as a story at first, even though his friend swore that it was not a story at the time, but after he sobered up, he never mentioned it, as if he had already forgotten it.

But at this moment, Su Jiannan suddenly came up with a bold idea - his friend's story couldn't be true, could it?

And this Lu Mingfei, could he be the Dragonborn his friends call him?

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